Chapter 23: Sleeping With Sirens

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Chapter 23: Sleeping With Sirens

Andy's POV

"We're here Riles" I whispered brushing her hair back. She had fallen asleep her sketch pad still lay open on her lap.

"Where are we?" she asked sleepily.

"Oklahoma. We finally caught up with everyone." She gave a sleepy half smile sitting up and closing her sketch book.

"What time is it?" CC called from the bunks and Ash called back that it was 5 pm. I had a whole list of people Riley needed to meet. I had practically memorized her favorite bands from her shirts and I knew some of the ones she loved (Sleeping With Sirens Escape the Fate Pierce the Veil and Falling in Reverse) were here.

*Riley's POV*

I closed up my sketchbook and pushed it back into my bag as Andy got his phone out and dialed a number. A minute later he got up moving across the bus as he started talking.

"Hey Kellin it's Andy... Hey I was wondering if you wanted to grab dinner with us we just pulled in...yeah 6 sounds great...All the guys... Of course and Copeland I haven't seen her in ages... Okay sounds great... Yeah we'll meet you there... Okay see you later.

*Andy's POV *

I turned back to Riley as I pushed my phone back into my pocket and watched her light up.

"Andy did you just invite Sleeping With Sirens to go to dinner with us?" she beamed.

"Yes I did you can thank me later" she smiled jumping up and throwing herself at me. I smiled stumbling backwards and wrapping my arms around her body.

She let go of me and practically skipped back to the bunks returning with her make up bag and crossing to the bathroom.

Riley's POV

I quickly fixed my makeup and hair (which were a mess from being asleep for I don't know how long sense I don't remember falling asleep.)

"Where are we meeting everyone?" I called back to Andy.

"At the Sleeping With Sirens bus" I heard him go on to the guys and laughed to myself. "Come on all of you get your lazy asses up we're going for dinner soon."

"Just get something brought here" Jake responded.

"He made plans already" I chipped in coming into the main area.

"Damn it Andy" Jinxx muttered making me laugh Andy glared at me.

"Don't give me that look you know you love me" I teased with a smile making him smiled back.

Authors POV

15 to 6 two people emerged from the BVB tour bus hand in hand and a girls voice floated through the warm night air.

"Andy you're amazing" she beamed giving a slight skip and her two toned black over blond hair bounced with her step, she flicked her bangs back just for them to fall back over her eye. A deep throated musical laugh echoed through the parked buses as he looked down at her.

"Anything for you baby girl" he smiled bring his lips quickly to hers.

Another couple came out into the night hand in hand.

"Ash come on please can we stay here my head hurts" the girl whined leaning into her boyfriend.

"Lets just go for a little while okay baby we'll just walk them over and then come back okay?" Ashley replied.


"Andy" he called and Andy's tall silhouetted figure turned back. " Alice doesn't feel well we're gonna walk you all over so she can meet everyone but we're gonna pass on dinner"

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