Chapter 1

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Hey guys! I wanted to say that I hope you like this story! If you have any suggestions then please comment I would love to read them! <3  P.S I am very sorry about my grammar! 


It's been 5 years since Jamie Bennett died, and nothing has been the same since then...

-5 years earlier-

Jack Frost - the newest edition to the guardians - was sitting in the passenger seat next to Jamie, who was in the driver's seat. They were on their way to a restaurant because it was Jamie's 17th birthday. Jamie slowed down the car because it was about to be a red light, and all of the sudden there was a light coming towards them, and it was getting faster and faster. The vehicle drove right into them, and Jamie was killed instantly.

"JAMIE!!!" Jack screamed.

A policeman came over to the other car, and he saw in the person's eyes that he was drunk. Jack ran out of the car, and ever since that night he was never been the same. He went to Jamie's funeral, but he can't get over what he has saw. Sophie (Jamie's little sister) went up to Jack after the funeral.

"Hey, Jack. Are you okay?" Sophie asked.

"I will never be okay!" Jack said while walking away from Sophie.

"Jack, don't do anything you will damn regret! Just go back home. Maybe being home will help you," Sophie said while running after Jack.

"Fine! I will try that!" Jack said while walking away.

"Thank you," Sophie said to herself.

-Later that night-

Jack tossed and turned in his bed, and suddenly he fell right to sleep. Pitch was in his room waiting for him to fall asleep. Jack woke up when Pitch was walking toward him.


He came up to Jack, and put some of his bad energy into him.

"Now, Jack Frost, you will be in my control!" Pitch said. "Come on, Jack. Follow me. I have things for you to do."

Jack slowly woke up, and followed Pitch.



"Bunny, you know I have speed. Relax!" Ariel said while walking down the stairs.

"You can't use your powers like that," Bunny said.

"Well that is how I wanna use them."

"Fine. Just don't expose them."

"I won't." Ariel walked in front of the tv and saw a huge snow storm towards where Jamie, her great-grandmother's brother, used to live. "Why is there only a snowstorm there?"

"Oh, that must be Jack Frost. He hasn't been the same since Jamie's funeral."

"Wait, who is Jack Frost?" Ariel asked.

"Oh right. He was Jamie's best friend, and Jamie was the first person to believe in him."

"Oh wow. Well what is he doing having snow storms where Jamie used to live?"

"I don't know, but you need to get off to school. See you later."

"Bye see you later."

Ariel ran off to school, and she couldn't stop thinking about Jack Frost throughout school. After the school day Ariel ran straight home, and she saw someone talking to Bunny.

-Jack's Point of View-

The door started to open I had a feeling that is was someone annoying because everyone in this goddamn world is annoying! But instead a girl walked in she looked familiar in some weird way. Bunny saw me looking at her, and said.

"Oh hi, Ariel!" Bunny said. She stared at me for a while until Bunny noticed she was staring. "Oh right you haven't met yet, Ariel this is Jack Frost, the person I told you about."

"Oh right. How can I ever forget the person who started the snowstorms by Jamie's house." Ariel said.

"Oh I see that you have a little bit of a bitchy attitude. Who exactly are you?" I asked.

"Well if you didn't hear Bunny say my name I am Ariel." Ariel started. She saw Bunny give her a glare. "You may know my grandmother Sofie. She is Jamie's sister."

"Oh." I said. There was a slight moment of silence. "Where are your parents?"

"Um." Ariel started. I saw she had some tears in her eyes.

"You don't have to tell me." I said seeing her struggle to get her words out.

"I'm okay." She said while continuing. "They died in a car crash a couple of years ago. We were on our way home from a party, and I guess they were drinking. I felt like something was wrong."

"How old were you?" I asked.

"I think I was around 5. I was in the backseat, and I remember the bright light racing to our car. There was blood everywhere. I unbuckled and tried to wake my parents up, but nothing worked, a police car came by and tried to ask me questions, but all I was doing was crying. The policeman tried to get me into the car, but Bunny picked me up when he wasn't looking. Bunny took me in and if it wasn't for him I probably would be in Foster care until I was 18." Ariel said.

"I am sorry for your lost. That was a good decision you made Bunny." I said I felt this anger going throughout my body, and I could feel I had a weird feeling of making some snow storms. "It was very nice talking to you, but I have to go. I'll see you later Bunny, and it was nice to meet you Ariel" I said while storming out of there.

When I left Bunny turned to Ariel and put his paw on her shoulder.

"Ariel I want you to stay away from Jack. I don't want you to get hurt." Bunny said.

"I won't you don't have to worry about that" Ariel said.

"Go up and do your homework. I'll call you when dinner's ready." Bunny said. Ariel nodded her head, and went upstairs to her room. 

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