Chapter 7

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~Ariel's P.O.V.~

I just got home from a long day at school, and plus I was helping Jack. I ran back to my house, and when I opened the door Bunny was sitting on the couch waiting for me.

"Where the hell have you been Ariel? I've been worried sick about you." Bunny said angrily.

"I was working on a project at school." I said.

"What damn project? You need to tell me if you need staying after school." Bunny said while crossing his arms.

"Science Fair, and sorry it was last minute." I said. Shit I actually do have to start my science fair project.

"Fine just don't do it again."

"I won't." I said. Damn it! Now what's going to be my excuse for tomorrow?

~Jack's P.O.V.~

I walked back into my cave when suddenly I started to have this weird feeling.

"Why do I feel so damn weird all of a sudden?" I said. Pitch was standing at the other side of my cave waiting for me.

"I don't know Jack. I can see it in your eyes you're starting to get very tired Pitch said. Before I could say anything he threw some of his dark magic at me .I started to feel very tired. I fell to the ground, and I heard Pitch spawn something to come pick me up. He then put a blindfold onto my mouth. Damn it! Why is Pitch doing this to me, and what does he want? I think Pitch was carrying me which was very creepy. Where was he taking me, and why do I feel wind in my face? What will he do to me now? The walking has stopped and Pitch put me on the ground and started kicking me until I woke up. I looked up, and saw a tall man in front of me. Of course it was Pitch. He kneels down and takes the blindfold off my mouth.


"Well if I say so myself you are a very easy trap for your little friends." Pitch said while thinking for a moment. "I mean friend..."

" Bitch you better not do anything to Ariel! I said. I saw Pitch start smiling at me."I mean it Pitch don't do it!"

"It's not my damn fault if she falls in my trap. She is very easy to trick."

"She won't fall for your damn trap! She is smarter than you think!"

"Really? You want to make a damn bet on that?" Pitch said while walking away from me.

"Don't fall for it Ariel. Don't come looking for me. I don't want you to get hurt." I said in my head.

~Ariel's P.O.V.~

I decided to go see how Jack was doing after the whole trying to hurt me thing. I walked up to the door and knocked a couple of times, but no one answered. I decided to call his name but no one answered. I saw that the door was cracked opened, so I walked in but yet again no one is here. Where did he go? He never unlocks his door. Did Jack get kidnapped? I walked around the cave when I noticed a paper on the floor. I picked it up and started to read it.

"Come alone or Jack gets hurt" I said outloud. "Who the hell wrote this?"

On the corner of the page it was signed with a big P. There is only one person who would do this..

"PITCH!" I screamed. I saw at the bottom of the page where he had him. I decided to go after dinner. I ran home, so that Bunny didn't get suspicious. I went in my house, and when I got there all of the guardians were there.

"Um what the hell is going on guys?" I said while putting my backpack on the floor.

"Watch your language little missy." North said.

"I can say whatever the hell I want!" I said. Bunny stared at me.

"Ariel can you go upstairs please?" Bunny asked.

"Why?" I asked.
"Because we are discussing something very important," Bunny said.

"Jack?" I asked. My heart was pounding.

"In matter of the fact, yes it is," North said. He came closer to me. "Would you happen to know where he is Ariel?"

"No," I said. "Where do you think he went?"

"Probably out causing havoc in the world," Bunny said.

"So are you guys going out to look for him?" I asked.

"Nope," Tooth Fairy said while looking at everyone.

"Why he is a part of the guardians!" I said trying not to get to angry.

"Well no he isn't anymore." North said.

"WHAT THE HELL GUYS!" I screamed letting all of my anger out. "The man in the moon picked him, and once he is picked there is no going back. You never stop talking about it North so why don't you stick with it?"

"Ariel sweetie," Bunny started while putting his paw on my shoulder.

I pulled his paw off my shoulder.

"No don't sweetie me. Jack could be hurt for all you guys care!" I said while running out the door.

"ARIEL GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" I heard Bunny scream.

"Well she took it better than I thought," North said. Bunny gives him an evil stare.

"How in your twisted mind is that a good reaction?" Bunny asked.

"I don't know. I thought it will lighten the mood a little bit."

"LIGHTEN THE MOOD! It just makes me want to smack you!" Bunny screamed.

"Bunny calm down, and go look for Ariel." Tooth Fairy said.

"Okay." Bunny said while walking out the door. "There is one place I would think she is." 

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