Chapter 8

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I was running through the forest trying to figure out where the location of Jack is. All of a sudden I saw a blast of ice going right past me. I followed where the ice went. I saw Jack sitting there all tied up.

"Oh my gosh! Are you okay?" I said while running over to Jack.

~Jack's P.O.V.~

I saw Ariel running towards me, and I was only thinking what will happen to her.

"Oh my gosh! Are you okay?" She said while running over to me.

"I'm fine, but I think you should leave." I said.

"Nope I am not leaving here without you." She said while untying me to the chair.

"You do know who did this right?" I asked. She nodded her head while trying to untie me.

"Do you know where Pitch the Bitch went?" Ariel asked all concerned.

"No, but before he left he had this creepy evil grin on his face," I said. I saw Ariel kneel down to try and untie my feet and my hands. "Why are you doing this?"

"Because you're my friend," Ariel said. I saw her struggle to say the word friend. Ariel tossed the rope onto the floor, so I slowly started to stand up.

"Are you okay?" Ariel asked while trying to help me.

"I'm fine. Let's go back to my cave," I said.

~Bunny's P.O.V.~

I started running/ hopping like I have never had before. I need to find Ariel, I need to know if she is okay. I finally got to Jack's cave, but when I got there the one person I never wanted to see was standing right infront of me.

"Where is Ariel?" I screamed.

"Relax I have a feeling she will be here in three, two, one," Pitch said. I looked around thinking he was even crazier than he already was, but when I saw Ariel helping Jack my heart broke in a million pieces.

"And there she is," Pitch said while gesturing for Jack and Ariel to come closer.

~Jack's P.O.V.~

Ariel helped me all the way back to my cave, but when we got there we saw Bunny and Pitch glaring at each other. When turned to see Ariel he stared at her. I turned my head to face her and all I got see in her eyes was terror. I slowly let go of her arm to get closer, but she was holding on tightly to me. As we got closer Bunny got a little bit angrier which usually makes me a little happy, but it didn't this time.

"Jack! Ariel! It is so nice for you to join us!" Pitch said.

"Hi Bunny," Ariel said. She sounded scared. I looked down to see she was still holding onto my hand, but tighter this time. Bunny didn't even stare at Ariel he just looked at me. It was quiet for a while, but Pitch broke the silence.

"Well look at the time. It looks like I have to go," Pitch said while teleporting out. It stayed quiet for a little bit longer.

"Come on Ariel and Jack," Bunny said while pulling us. We stayed quiet until we got to Ariel's house. Bunny opened the door and the rest of the guardians were all still sitting on the couch. "Stay here." Bunny went inside the house.

"Well isn't this awkward," Ariel said.

"This isn't how I wanted to tell them about you helping me," I said.

"Me too," She said while smiling back at me. I felt this weird tingling feeling when she smiled at me. I smiled back at her. The door started to open again Bunny gestured them to come in.

"Well, well, well look what the snow blew in," North said while laughing at his own joke. Everybody stared at him and shook their head. "Come on don't you people have a sense of humor?"

"So what's going on?" Toothfairy asked. Sandy had a question mark over his head. "Oh and Sandy wants to know too."

"I can tell you one thing Pitch is involved with whatever the hell is happening." Bunny said while everyone was looking at him concerned.

"What about Jack?" North asked while staring right at me.

"You do realize that I am standing right here?" I asked.

"Hush!" Bunny said.

"Can I say one goddamn thing?" I asked. "I mean everything bad is happening to me."

"No everything is happening because of you." Bunny said.

"GUYS SHUT THE HELL UP! Don't you see someone is doing this to Jack, and we need to find out who is doing it." Ariel said while smiling at me.

"Ariel go upstairs!" Bunny screamed.

"Are you serious? Ariel is 16 she doesn't need you to tell her what the hell she can and can't be involved in." I said.

"I need you to go Jack. NOW!" Bunny screamed. I ran out of the house, and Bunny slammed the door behind me.

~Ariel's P.O.V.~

I ran upstairs after Bunny yelled at Jack. I can't believe he did that! Jack was only speaking up for me, what is wrong with that? I heard knocking on my doo.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Bunny," Bunny said.

"Leave me the hell alone," I said.

"Please can we just talk?" Bunny asked.


Bunny opened the door, and sat on my bed.

"Look sweetie you can't trust Jack. I don't want you to help him anymore okay?" Bunny said.

"Don't sweetie me! Jack is right I am old enough! I can make my own damn decisions, and I think you're wrong about him. Something happened to him and I am going to find out what with or without your help," I said.

"I don't approve of this," Bunny said.

"Well I wasn't asking your damn approval," I said. I saw his face go from happy to concerned in a second.

"I forbid you from helping Jack," Bunny said.

"You can't tell me what to do!" I screamed while running out of the house again.

~Bunny's P.O.V.~

"Are you kidding me! Not again!" Bunny said. He went downstairs where the rest of the guardians were still on the couch.

"So things didn't go well?" North said.

"Shut the hell up." Bunny said. 

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