Chapter 3

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 "I saw North, Bunny, and even the tooth fairy running towards me. They didn't seem pleased to see me!" I said in my mind.

"JACK!!! What the hell are you doing?? It isn't winter time so you don't have to make snow storms!" Bunny screamed with this very serious look on his face. I started bursting out laughing it seemed like everyone was staring at me like I am ridiculous!

"Why are you guys staring at me like I am a burglar?" I asked still laughing.

"You think this is funny?" North asked all serious for once.

"I am not laughing at what Bunny said! I am laughing because of the face he made when he said it!"

"So my anger makes you laugh?"

"Yes pretty much!"

"Man what has gotten into you? This isn't the guardian we met 5 years ago!" Santa asked.

"Well maybe because I changed! You know what I feel so much better than I did before!" I screamed.

"Well since this attitude you have is hurting children not helping them then.... you are no longer a guardian." Bunny said while everyone else nodded.

"What you can't decide that! Ugh!!" I said while walking away even angrier than I was before. "Oh I'll show them!"

-The Next Day-

The next day I went back over to see Ariel because apparently that annoying bitchy creature is all I have. I started chucking snowballs at her window again and after I threw a lot of snowballs she finally opened her window.

"What do you want this time?" Ariel said while crossing her arms.

"Look I am not a guardian anymore for the time being, so I need someone to talk to."

"Where is the person you want to talk to?"

"It's you Ariel! I have no one! You are the only other person I can think of that can help."

"I'm not going to help you Jack! First of all Bunny is going to kill me, and second I don't want to hang out with a bad influence."

"Ariel please! Can you do it for Jamie..." I asked.

"I have to go but I guess it was fun talking to you" Ariel said. "DON'T FREEZE MY DAMN LAWN!"

"No promises." I said while walking away from the house.

"Wow!" Ariel screamed to me.

-Ariel's P.O.V-

Jack ran away from my house and didn't freeze my lawn! Thank the lord! I swear if that happened again Bunny's head would have exploded! Then I felt someone tapping me on my shoulder I turned around and it was Bunny.

"Ariel why are you yelling?" Bunny asked.

"Oh I was just yelling at a stink bug! You know how much I hate those things!" I said. I hated lying to Bunny, but he hates Jack so I can't tell him what just happened.

"Okay well next time you face a bug don't scream. I thought you were in danger."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you!" I said. Well how could I not when Jack is being an ass!

"It's okay! How about you get your clothes on and get ready for school." Bunny said while walking away.

"Okay be down in a second."

-Jack's P.O.V-

I ran away from Ariel's house because first of all I am not in the mood to get yelled at by Bunny, and second I didn't want to be in the middle of Bunny and Ariel's fight.

"I can't believe Ariel won't help me! I mean I was very subtle about it."

I walked to a little cave that I call home, and I looked at the picture of me and Jamie that was next to my bed, and chucked it on the ground. The anger rushed through me again. Then I see a shadow in the distance I walked closer, and it was Pitch.

"Hello Jack.. I need you to do something for me tonight." Pitch said while going closer to me.

"Anything for you bitch." I said and I saw Pitch get angry. I really quickly changed my choice of words. "I mean boss!" Pitch angry look turned into a fake smile.


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