Chapter 24

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~Bunny's POV~

"PITCH!" I shouted, throwing a boomerang at him.

Pitch ducked as the boomerang went soaring past his head.

"Back for more?!" he called to us as North landed the sleigh. "I didn't expect such a quick return after what happened to your precious Ariel. Speaking of which, how's the girl doing? Last I saw her, she was looking a bit... unwell."

I growled, my ear flattening against my head, and I lunged at him.

"If you mention her one more time and I'm gonna rip you apart, you bitch!"

Pitch just laughed and blocked my blows. As I fought him, my attacks got sloppier, anger flowing through me. Pitch would return my blows easily, knocking me back a few feet, but I would always jump back to try and attack him again. Jack finally arrived and tried to help me with fighting Pitch.

I looked at the other Guardians and saw them surrounded by Nightmares. I looked back at Pitch only to be hit with black sand. My boomerangs were knocked out of my hands and I flew back. My back hit a tree so hard that the tree fell over. I tried to get back up but black sand kept me pinned down.

"Hang on, Bunny!" Jack said.

He ran towards me but Pitch' sand wrapped around him, keeping him from moving. Jack and I struggled to get up and keep fighting.

"I'm honestly surprised you got here so quickly, Jack!" Pitch commented while walking towards him. "Did you leave your girlfriend to die alone?"

"Guess again, bitch."

Suddenly, ice landed in front of Pitch, blocking him from getting to Jack. Another blast of ice flew at Pitch, causing him to raise his arms. He managed to block most of the blast but some of the ice got onto his arm. He looked up in confusion but then looked shocked and horrified.

"It can't be!" he said.

A figure wearing white and light blue suddenly landed in front of me, shielding me from Pitch.

"This isn't possible!" Pitch screamed. "You're supposed to be dead! I killed you myself!"

"I guess Manny had other plans then. Now, because you messed with my friends and family, you're going to have to deal with me! Now if I were you I would shut up before I bitch slap you again."

The figure shot a blast of ice at Pitch, which he dodged. The figure turned to me, causing me to gasp.

"Ariel?" I said.

"Hey Bunny," she replied with a smile.

"But how?"

"Beat the hell out of Pitch first, questions after."

She suddenly shot ice at the sand covering me. I broke free and stood up.

"Go help the others," Ariel told me.

I nodded and went to help the other Guardians.

~Ariel's POV~

Sending another ice blast at Pitch, I ran over to Jack, who was staring at me. I sent him a smile and froze the base of the black sand that was trapping him. He quickly busted free.

"What happened to you?" he asked, taking in my new look.

"I died." He stared at me in shock. "Now are you going to help me finish off this bitch or do I have to do it myself?"

Jack nodded and we shot ice blast after ice blast at Pitch. He quickly tried to dodge the blasts with his black sand.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" Pitch shouted as Jack and I got closer and closer to him.

Jack shot ice at Pitch's feet, causing him to jump out of the way. I sped behind him and punched him in the face. Pitch fell to the ground, gasping in shock.

"This can't be happening!" he gasped, trying to move back away from Jack and I. "You're dead! I killed you myself! There's no way you could have survived!"

"Like I said before, bitch. Manny had other plans. Guess he thought your time of darkness was over."

Looking behind me, I saw the Guardians were done with the Nightmares and were walking towards us.

"Looks like you are out of nightmares bitch." Bunny said.

"NO! Not again!" Pitch screamed.

"It looks like you are done for good Pitch!" Ariel said.

"No! No! No!" Pitch said.

"We are going to finish you once and for all." Jack said. Everyone started to walk towards Pitch slowly. I started to warm up my ice to throw at him. We all lunged at Pitch, and then all of his nightmares started eating him up.

"Not again!" Pitch screamed as his nightmares took him back down in a hole.

"Wait." I said. "I want to finish him."

I walked towards him and shot ice at him. He slowly started to freeze. I waited for him to totally freeze then I punched him. He shattered into a million pieces.

"That felt really good." I said. Everyone bursted out laughing. 

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