Chapter 4

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-The Next Day-

I woke up and I couldn't remember anything that happened the night before. I was on someone's lawn. I had a huge headache. I tried to get up, but before I could someone was screaming my name.

"JACK! What the hell are you doing lying on my lawn?" Ariel screamed at me.

"I don't remember."

"How in the flipping world do you not remember how you got here?" Ariel asked.

"I don't know." I said while shrugging my shoulders. Ariel looked at me confused, but she eventually helped me back up on my feet.

"Just so you know Bunny isn't here, so you won't get yelled at again." Ariel said.

"Thanks. I'm sorry about your lawn." I said while walking away. Ariel said something but it was very faint so I couldn't hear her.

"Why can't I remember what happened last night? How did I get on Ariel's lawn?" I asked to myself. Someone came up to me, and tapped me on the shoulder.

"Ohhh Jack! Don't you remember what you did last night?" Pitch said while teleporting around my cave.

"What happened last night?" I asked.

"Damn that hurts." Pitch said while putting his hand where his heart should be.

"I'm sorry I guess." I said very confused.

"Well I have to say you did a pretty damn good job! I mean you weren't a total bitch." Pitch said while disappearing.

"Wait! What did I do a pretty damn good job on?" I asked while trying to remember what happened. I didn't know what I did last night, or who I did it to. I only remember going to Ariel's that afternoon and the rest is a blurr.

Ariel's P.O.V.

Why was Jack here? Why can't he remember what happened? I am so confused.

"Ariel! Can you to the kitchen please?" Bunny asked.

"Sure." I said while walking into the kitchen. Bunny was making breakfast while watching the news on the little tv.

"Do you know about this?" Bunny said while pointing at the tv. The news channel was reporting someone breaking and entering in someone's house. I didn't notice who it was at first, but then when it turned around I saw Jack Frost.

"No, why was Jack breaking into someone's house? That just doesn't sound like the Jack I heard from all the stories my grandma told me." I said.

"Well he has definitely changed, but not for the better." Bunny said.

"Wait whose house did he break into?" I asked.

"Isn't that Cupcakes house? Jamie's old friend?" Bunny asked very interested.

"Shit I think that is!" I said in my head. "Bunny I think I am going to go upstairs and get ready for school."

"Okay. I will call you down when breakfast is ready." Bunny said. I rushed upstairs, and changed my clothes very fast. Then I sped downstairs, and waited for Bunny to finish breakfast.

"I think I am going to go to school early. I will see you later." I said out of breath. I took a bagel and rushed out of there before he can say anything. I needed to know why Jack would do that to Cupcake. Before I knew it I was at his cave, but before I knew it I ran right into Jack. I heard a lot crash before I blacked out.

Jack's P.O.V.

I went outside to get some fresh air, and all of a sudden I saw something coming right at me. The person was very blurry so I didn't know who it was until they ran into me. I hit my head pretty hard on the ground to black out. I got up, and I saw Ariel on the ground unconscious I helped her up when she woke up. On the ground I saw the only picture I had with Jamie cracked.

"I am so sorry Jack. I didn't mean to. I can run and get you a new picture frame." Ariel said with a crack in her voice.

"No it's okay." I said, and all of a sudden a bunch of emotions came out of me. I bursted out crying and fell onto the ground.

"Jack what's wrong?" Ariel asked concerned.

"I miss him." I said softly, but loud enough for her to hear me.

"Look I know you miss him, but breaking into one of his best friends house isn't the answer."

"Wait what? Whose house did I break into?"

"Cupcakes... Why don't you remember this? I think that is why you were on my lawn this morning." Ariel said very confused.

"I.... I don't remember doing that. All I remember is going to your house yesterday and then waking up on your lawn." I said still wiping off the tears on my cheek.

"Jack.. Do you think there is a chance of someone trying to manipulate you?" Ariel asked.

"Damn I guess you could be right, but who?"

"That is for us to find out."

"Wait a second. What do you mean us?" I said while getting up.

"You can't do this alone. Look Jack you have been a total bitch to me since we met but I want to help you. For once I can see the good in you. I know that is the guy my grandma remembers, and who Jamie loved." Ariel said.

"Thanks. I guess we are a team now."

"Yep, now I need to get to school before I miss it all together. Oh don't tell anyone about this. I don't want Bunny to find out."

"Okay I won't."

"Seriously do not tell anyone!"

"I promise I won't tell anyone."

"Good. Talk to you later." 

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