Chapter 14: Snatched

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Speechless, I staggered over to a kitchen chair and sat down in front of the counter. At that moment, my anxiety was so bad that I could no longer feel my heart beating. For a moment I was scared that it wasn't beating at all, so I placed my hand on my chest. I couldn't feel it, but I was still alive and breathing. What I had seen already ruined everything and I was afraid.

Things only got ten times worse when Shayla walked inside of the kitchen, giggling to herself. When I turned around, I realize that someone who wasn't my father stood behind her. The guy looked much older than my dad and wore a black and white suit, groomed and dressed like he was going to church or something. 

Shayla looked at me as if she was surprised that I was there. I immediately got up to leave, not wanting to get mixed up in Shayla's matters. I didn't know who that man was, besides, he could have been a friend of hers. By the way she walked in giggling and smiling, it was hard to tell if he was just a 'friend.'

"What are you doing in the kitchen?" Shayla asked. She gave me a look as if she was disgusted with me. I looked at the floor and tried to walk past them again, but she cut me off.

"I only came for some water," I replied. "Now I'm about to go up to my room."

Without words, the man helped himself to the same seat where I had been sitting. Like a total scumbag, he kicked his feet up on the table and leaned back in his chair then smirked at me. "She's mad daddy left her with a lunatic?" He chuckled.

"Oh, behave yourself, Gabe," Shayla waved her hand in his direction. "She lost her mother."

I stood in front of Shayla, wanting to knock her teeth in for smiling at her statement. "Excuse me," I pushed passed her, only for her to grabbed my forearm and pushed me onto the kitchen floor.

"You're not going to tell daddy what you saw today, right?" She looked down at me. Gabe walked around the counter to look at me. Both of them, giving me a serious stare. 

Scared, very scared, I shook my head. "I won't tell," I responded, giving into a threat she had not even mentioned. I hated to give in so fast, but there was two against one. As soon as I attempted to get up, Gabe pushed me back down. Hard. So hard that my head bounced a little after it had hit the floor once. Looking into both their eyes, I realized how dangerous and serious they were. Shayla too. I never feared my life as much than I did now. 

"I'm serious," Gabe slowly shook his head. "The less your father knows, the longer he could live." He said, then took one giant step over me. He and Shayla walked out of the kitchen laughing as if what they did was so hilarious. 

I was about to get up but froze when I saw Sunny glide over the floor out of nowhere, then walk into the living room behind Shayla and Gabe. On my knees, I crawled and peered from behind the kitchen wall. Amber had been sitting on the last step and watched Shayla as she and the guy were about to leave. However, before they could go, Sunny took a small statue of a silver horse, stood where Amber sat, and threw it at the back of Shayla's head. What came next terrified me. Sunny sat down next to Amber and their bodies linked into one. I wish I could say the moment of it was swift, but I saw how Amber's flesh and skin opened up for Sunny to slide inside of her.

Shayla slowly turned around, but Gabe beat her to the stairs. He pointed his finger at Amber, giving her a look so hard that I could see the bone in his chin bulged. "You threw that?" He said, breathing heavily.

"No," she smiled. "It was the ghost."

With no warning, Gabe smacked Amber's face so hard that the sound echoed throughout the living room. He then walked over to Shayla and put his arm around her. "Damn kids, I can't wait until you leave that motherfucker," he complained and cursed us until his words were no longer possible for us to hear.

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