Chapter 35: The Woman With the Blades

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Without wasting a moment, I took the book from her and showed her the cover. "What does this book mean to you?"

Rose stared at the book as if there were a devil on it. I saw the concern in her eyes. "Why do you have that?" She whispered. "Did Robert give it to you?"

She knew something. I took her hand to sit her down then opened the book. "Robert gave me a message from my mom," I said. She immediately went from shock to 'that's not possible. I spoke quicker, telling her about what had happened with Robert and the note.

As soon as I was done, Rose softly took the poetry book out of my hand. "Look at each sentence going down."

I did. The poem started off simple.

You can run away with me. If you want to. I know a perfect place. The moon. Forget this place and fly with me. If you want to...

Then the next page had another short poem.

Are you the love of my life? Or are you the nightmare I hoped to avoid...

Then the next.

In a sea of dreams, one is bound to find his way....

Then the next.

Danger. We love it. She loves the thrill more than I do...

The poems were long, but Rose only had me read the first few sentences of four verses. She then turned to the first page. "Robert showed me this once, and I'm going to show you. Look at the first word of each sentence and write it down. There's a message."

I didn't need to write it. I read the first word in each sentence myself.

You. Are. In. Danger. You Are. In. Trouble. Run. Away.

I closed the book after the words no longer formed complete sentences. Rose nodded her head. "Robert said the author's message was that in a world of magic and dreams, you will always find trouble. So, one day he confronted me at the library," she closed her eyes for a few seconds, stopping tears that I could already see sneaking their way through. "He showed me that, and I asked him what it meant. He told me it's a message about the people I hung out with. It was weird. He walked away right after it."

"Oh my God," the words slipped out of my mouth. "He's warning me then?"

"I don't know," Rose said. "But if anything, he could be warning you to stay away from the house. Or that Sunny girl."

"I haven't seen Sunny around," I told her. " that I think about it, she was warning me too."

Rose was quiet for a moment then looked up at me. "What are you going to do?"

I shrugged. I really didn't know. I couldn't get answers from Robert, and Sunny was nowhere to be seen. No longer in the mood to practice, I picked up my books and stacked them on top of each other. "I think I'll get going," I said.

"I'll give you another bag," Rose said. "Be right back!"

I watched as Rose walked out of the door, leaving it to slowly close behind her. As soon as I was alone, I felt this eerie feeling around me, like something was bound to happen. In my case...something was going to happen.

"Olivia?" Rose walked inside in time to stop anything bad from happening. She had a purple book bag that looked like it was from a five-year-old. "Are you okay?"

I watched as she trotted down the stairs, holding out the bag. I took it. "I'm okay, and thanks for the bag," I said.

"Um, Olivia?" Rose closed the door.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, nervous on what she had to say.

She held onto the doorknob. "There's someone outside."

See? Something terrible bound to happen. "Someone like who? My dad?" I asked.

"Put your bag away," she said. "Follow me, but don't make any noise."

I followed Rose up the stairs and into the living room. She dragged me down in front of one of the windows that had been covered by curtains. "Look by the tree," she whispered.

My heart should've been pounding, but honestly, I wasn't that afraid. After seeing the things I saw, I was no longer shocked. Scared yes, but I now expected things to happen. I slowly pulled back the curtain and looked by the tree. There was no one by the tree, but there was something by the window to the left. I saw it out the corner of my eye. My heart sped up a little.

I looked to the left, peering behind the glass at what seemed like a standing woman who's back faced us. "It's a woman," I whispered, still looking at her. I closed the curtain and looked at Rose. "Who's that woman?"

"Let me check," Rose said and moved me out of her way. She swung back the curtain and looked to the left, however, the woman's face was pressed up against the window.

The two of us let out a scream when we saw the face of a pale woman with crazy sprawled orange hair. Her grey eyes resembled small marbles, sunken inside of her skull. The woman looked starved. Because she had no pupils, I couldn't tell if she was looking at Rose or me. She slowly began opening her mouth where something fell. I couldn't see what if was at first, but she started bleeding. Then everything stopped.

Rose and I starred as if we were in a trance. The strange woman looked at us, mouth open while dripping blood. Seconds later we heard a sound come from deep inside of her throat. The skin on her neck began bulging, and ripping slowly as we looked. Suddenly, a razor appeared on her tongue.

"Take it, Olivia," she moaned.

My heart stopped, and soon after, hundreds of razors began spilling from her mouth. Rose closed the curtain, but the woman punched through the glass and squeezed through the small break. Her body stretched through the broken glass like she was nothing but putty. Her arms and legs extended and dangled as she made her way through.

"Run!" Rose said as we ran through her house to the back. There was a back door that she pushed me through that lead to the outside. She closed it behind her.


I whipped around, screaming and clutching onto Rose when I had heard my name. My father and Amber raised an eyebrow at me.

"Hey, it's time to go," he said.

My legs felt weak, and I could barely stand or talk. Rose saw me losing balance and held my arms from behind while smiling at my dad. "She left her bag inside. We'll be back."

Dad and Amber walked back to the car while Rose brought me to the front of the house. The window wasn't broken, and there were no razors on the ground. I felt like passing out, but Rose held me up and made sure I didn't faint. Leaving me in front of the house while my dad sat in the car, she ran into the house and back out with both bags. She handed them to me.

"Tomorrow at school," she whispered into my ear. "we'll talk to Robert. We need to figure out what is happening. Just hang on, okay?"

"Oh-okay," I said, shaking like crazy.

As if my father wasn't around, Rose back away from my ear and kissed me on the cheek. "Just hang on," she said.

As soon as I got in the car, I sat back in my seat fighting my anxiety. I didn't know how I would sleep tonight, but I would probably need to sleep with one eye open.


Point out mistakes! Also, I've collabed with alyssawade25 to make a horror story. The story is called: Skuggor Check it out if you want! It's my first serious collab lol.

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