Chapter 24: I Will Always be Right Here

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I squinted my eyes, doing my best to make out any type of word coming from outside. The Angelic tone that I had heard, deepened. I can't accurately describe the sound of it except by saying it sounded like a woman deepening her voice with every word. The hums now sounded muffled as if someone had their hand over the mouth of the person that was singing. With every word, somehow the voices got impossibly deeper and sounded unnatural.

I was beginning to feel a little spooked out, so I left the window and returned to my bed. Hoping that the sounds would stop, I placed my earbuds in my ears. Because I was feeling scared, I listened to a song called Pumped Up Kicks. The tone was happy and exciting, and I was hoping that it would calm my nerves down. However, it didn't because I could still hear the hums. No matter how loud I turned up my headphones, the humming got louder, it's dark voices sending chills down my spine. My imagination could only feel my mind with the worse as I listened to these alien voices.

I got up again and walked towards the window, surprised when I saw a dark silhouette standing next to a tree. The best I could describe this figure is to have compared to a shadow man of the sort. It's long skinny arms beside its long and slender body. I felt myself lose breath, panicking. Knowing that it wouldn't make anything better, I rubbed my eyes then looked out the window again. To my horrific discovery,  more figures stood in front of the trees. 6, 7, 10, 12 Max. All of these dark and shadowy figures stood still in front of the mansion.

"The Lovely Suicide children," I whispered. I thought I was going crazy when I heard laughing coming from below my window. The figures started to wave at me, fluttering their hands towards them self as if telling me to go with them. More laughter interrupted and for some strange reason, it was so beautiful. I myself ended up laughing along with The Lovely Suicide Children. I couldn't help it. I was scared, shook to the very core. Almost paralyzed from what I was seeing but somehow their laughter enlighten me, and I laughed along with them.

The shadowy figures made their way back towards the trees, and the laughing disappeared along with them. I put my hand on the window as I felt this overwhelming emotion of sadness. As if someone important walked away from me. I wanted to hear their laughter. Aside from the deep voices I had heard, I wanted to hear them sing to me again. I hesitated as I tried to open the window. I shook my head, telling myself not to.

Walking towards my bed, I drifted off to sleep again. I had dreams of a place filled with castles, rivers and lakes, and children that were always smiling. Eventually, that dream drifted off into a horrible nightmare. A nightmare full of eyeless kids, barren trees, and droughts. Droughts that had once held blood instead of water.


Shayla came home sometime on a Sunday. Amber and I had looked out of the window and saw her being helped in by my father. She had patches on her stomach, and when she came inside, we could all see the boils and burn marks that were on her legs, stomach, and forearms. Dad didn't even bother to ground me because my punishment was worse than not being able to go out places or anything like that.

My father took away my cell phone. But before doing so, he decided to erase my music, my contacts, and my photos. For some reason, he knew that those three things meant, not everything, but a lot to me. I got the pleasure to sit and watch him go through my phone as he sat on his couch. Each and every second that had passed, I felt a wrath inside of me. A raging storm in my head. And guess who is sitting next to him while all of this was happening? Shayla. I watched them sit and laugh together, and couldn't help think that I was living with two Devils.

I had become like Amber, sitting by the stairs while the world passed me by. This desire to let go, this desire to disappear from this world, the desire to end my life had never so needed. I had cut over the past few days, even in new places. I was becoming a piece of art, marked by sadness and anger. Uninterpreted by all around me. Through all of this, I only had one person by my side. Sunny. Even though she hadn't talked to me, she watched me. Using Amber's body, Sunny would bring me food then leave. She left notes on my bed saying that everything was going to be okay and that she was ready when I was. Of course, I knew what she meant by that, but I just wasn't sure. If there was a time to implement evil, it wasn't now. Because if it was now while I was feeling this way, Shayla and my father would be dead.

I walked up to my bedroom door, hearing Shayla and my father laugh about matters. Oh, how have fake their relationship was, and he didn't even know it. If only there were some way I could break his heart and shatter her life. If only.

"If only, if only."

I looked around and saw sunny sitting on my bed again. The same light-green faced girl with tattered clothes and stringy hair. I sat next to her and stared into her eyes. "Why does it have to be this way?" I asked.

"Because," she stared back at me. "Life loves games and test. You are always being tested no matter what you do. Life is wondering what choices you will make. If it will be a bad choice or a good choice."

"That's the hard part,"  I replied. "I don't think we really know what good and bad choices are. Right now I would love to destroy Shayla's life, and that sounds like a good choice to me."

Sunny stood up then winked at me. "If you ever need me I will always be right here. Just tell me what you want."

I had never been so afraid of myself in that very moment she had asked that question. I wasn't sure of what I wanted. I wanted to be happy, but that wasn't going to come easy. However, I had a choice for something else to come easy. With Sunny, those who were treating me wrong could easily taste their own medicine. 

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