Chapter 57: Dad's Despair

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I stepped into the palace, welcomed by my mother's friend, Ava. She had her hands folded together on her stomach then released them freely into the air. "Welcome back! I hope you're enjoying everything so far."

I smiled at her. "Everything's great."

She nodded, but her smile faded at the same time as she did. She turned around and began walking down the hall. The guards or whatever they were did not look at me. Again, they seemed nervous. I smiled at the last guard, hoping he'd look at me. He didn't. I didn't want them to feel nervous around me. If anything, I wanted to know why they seemed so down. Perhaps I could earn their trust, and they could tell me something more about the place.

Mother floated down the stairs until her feet landed on the floor. She reached out her hand towards me, smiling like this majestic angel. "I hope you got around okay," she said. "Have you made any friends?"

I wasn't sure if I wanted to answer 'yes' to that. However, I didn't want to lie either. What if she knew I made friends. What if she turned into a giant crow and had been flying around watching me? I wasn't sure. I started overthinking. "I did," I said, but realized I didn't want to give names again. "So, what are we eating?" 

Mother smirked at me, then flashed a wide smile. "Dinner's ready. We also have a special guest joining us tonight."

Before I could ask who it was, she took my hand, and we floated to her room. Before going through the door, I looked up at her. "Why can't I fly?" I asked.

"Well, you're not dead on Earth. Your heart is too heavy for this world here, and with it, you'll never fly." She replied. "Come on, I'm sure you've figured that out."

I chuckled. She stopped before we went through the door and looked at me. I stared back up at her. "I did figure that out, of course," I told her, a bit proud of that small accomplishment.

However, mother simply glared at me. Her eyes lost its light for a split second and shimmered as if a reflection of light slid past her face. The way she looked at me was sneaky and nerve wrecking. "What else did you figure out?" Her voice lowered.

My heart kind of skipped a beat. "Should I have found anything else?"

There was a pause of silence then she smiled, returning back to that bubbly look. "Just all the fun stuff you've been missing out on."

She grabbed my hand, and we slid through the door. I felt a little thrown off as if I had almost given myself away. I would have dwelled on that feeling for a second, but the large table and TV screen on the wall threw me off. On the table was foods of all sorts. Seafood, crabs, sushi, lobster. Chilli, soft fresh baked soft rolls.  Cakes and Icecreams of all flavors scooped into one bowl. My mouth watered at first glance, making me forget all of my problems. As if my legs were hungry, they walked me over to the table where I took my seat in front of an opened cooked lobster.

"I know," mother grabbed my shoulders from behind and leaned her head down on her hands. "we could never have this one Earth, now it's all ours."

I couldn't talk. I dove right in. Mother walked over to the screen and tapped it with her hand, and I watched her as she did. First, a cloud of white came out of the screen. I realized it was no regular TV. She pointed into the middle of the smoke. "Our special guest," she said.

The fork dropped out of my hand when I saw him. Mother looked at me. The sound and everything around me seemed to vanish, and everything was quiet. Intense silence. Intense silent as I watched my dad sit on the stairwell, shaking his head with a cigarette between his two fingers. His hair was messy, and he nervously ran his fingers through it then scratched his neck every other second. Stress devoured his face and body, making it seem like he aged.

Mother walked over to me, her smile fading. "What's wrong?"

I shook my head, trying to bring in some sense. "What's wrong with dad? Why does he look that way?" I asked, my voice sounding off guard and shaky. More than I meant it to be.

Mother smiled and placed her hands on my shoulders again. She looked up the image of my father. "Pathetic, isn't he? He's upset that you're gone, and Shayla is nowhere to be found. His precious job has gone to ground after he was accused of your accident," she said. I heard the happiness and proudness in her voice "Some are even saying he's the one who killed that kid that bullied you. Megan's boyfriend. It's perfect, isn't it?"

Her eyes looked into mine, striking immediate fear into my heart. Something inside me told me to agree with her. I couldn't put my finger on it, but she was beginning to scare me, and I didn't know why. I forced a smile, but it wasn't fooling her because she only lowered her eyebrows.

"How could you be sad after everything he's done to you, Olivia?" She said. "After everything's, he had done to us."

"I-I don't-"

"He's not upset because you're in the hospital," she continued. "He's upset because he's finally getting the karma he deserved!" She yelled.

I stood up and took a step back away from her. "Look, mom," I tried to sound brave as possible, even though I was shaking inside. Shaking because I didn't want to see what Emmit saw. The crow with the wings made of children's hands. "I was just thrown off guard. He deserves this. All of it."

"Does he, Olivia?"

"Yes," I replied quickly. Mother was looking intense, so I took her by the hand and sat her down beside me. I grabbed a cup and held it in the air. "to revenge?" I hesitated while looking at her.

Mother couldn't hold it in. She smiled at me and grabbed a glass full of light red liquid. "To karma," she said then clinked our glasses.

*I'll be updating Mondays, Wednesdays, and Weekends. Sorry I take so long. College, the kid, the homework, work, my hands XD I swear I'm not NOT updating for so long.*

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