Chapter 76: Fly High Vlad

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Fourteen days later, I was told by Rose Sunny had got into the mind of everyone who had been on the scene of the fire. The story is, I got caught out in the fire looking for my dad. Nothing more. On my 14th day in the hospital, I was finally released to Rose and her father. Today, we went to the fields and I wore the same tragedy clothes I was in the last time I was in the field.

"There's the tree!" I said as Rose held onto my hand that was still covered in bandages. Majority of my body was covered. My neck and down would be treated since the wounds were still fresh yet I was still strong enough to walk. The fire also burned a lot of my hair so I had decided to start from scratch. I wore a hat to the field, holding flowers and a small shovel and pebble stone with something carved into it. "Right here," I told Rose when we got to the tree.

The tree didn't have one burnt leaf, untouched by the fire somehow. "Why this one?" I asked Rose. "All the other trees are gone and burned. Not this one."

Rose shrugged, touching the trunk of the tree. "Your mom had memories here," she said. "Maybe she wanted you to as well."

"Memories, here?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, I don't know," she carefully swung my hand then let it go. "Maybe you'll bring a date here. You know, picnics? Talking about memories. Romantic things."

We let out a laugh. "Yeah, who's going to date this old mummy."

She shrugged. "I have a thing for girls wrapped up in bandages."

Blushing, I quickly turned my head to face the tree. "Well, good to know," I said while taking out my mother's few bones and strands of hair. I created a small hole to burrow everything in. Once I covered it with sand, I placed the stone on top.

"What does that say?"

Kneeling down, with tears in my eyes, I rubbed the stone. "In the end, we always win. Here with The Lovely Suicide Children."

"Do you think..." Rose kneeled down. "Sunny and the rest of them are okay."

Wiping my eyes, I shrugged. "I don't know."

Rose's phone began to ring. "Hello-oh hey! You-right now? Right now right now? Okay-o."

Rose pointed into the sky. "Okay, look around. I got a surprise for you."

"A what-"

Before I could say more, I saw someone with a parachute about to land onto the field. "What the-" was all that could escape from my mouth. The airplane that flew over us blocked out the noise coming from the person but after it passed, I realized who it was. "Vlad!"

"Surprise!" he waved.

"You idiot! Fly high, Vlad!

He landed a few feet ahead of us. When he took off the material, I ran right into his arms. I didn't even care about the pain. "I missed you so much, Vlad!" We hugged for the longest time, I didn't even care for the agonizing pain.

"I paid an arm and a leg to be dramatic," he said.

"You love drama," I laughed.

"Apparently, you do too!" he turned to Rose. "Thanks for contacting me by the way. Vlad."

"Nice to meet you."

"As I was saying," he went on. "You love drama. Hospital! Burns! Crazy runaway dad. Did they find him?"

Rose and I shrugged. "We have no idea where he is or what really happened. I just, kind of want to forget him right now. I mean, he wasn't there when I lost mother this time too."

"You know I still don't believe that story, right?" He looked at Rose.

"You told him?"

Rose nodded. "You did too. You don't remember?"

"Nope," I said.

"You were probably on hospital drugs," he said.

"Look," I said, taking him over the tree. We all looked at the stone, but I was the one who noticed something different. The stone no longer said, "In the end, we always win. Here with The Lovely Suicide Children."


All three of us bent down. The stone said, "Thank you-TLSC" I picked it up, almost immediately feeling the texture on the other side of it. I turned it around. There was another carving. "Love you-Mom."

I covered my mouth, trying to hold the urge to burst into tears. "They're okay," I said, looking at Rose.

Rose took Vlad's hand and the two of them left me with privacy. I put the stone back, smiling at the tree. "I hope to see you all again. Emmitt...Robert...Sunny."

Almost a minute passed. I was about to get back up but a crow flew out of nowhere and landed on a tree branch above me. I stood up immediately, smiling like crazy. The crow spoke. "You forgot about Amber!"

The crow shaped into Amber, swinging from the tree. She showered in light and brightness, wearing white and baby blue garments. "You forgot about me!" She laughed. It was the first time I had seen her happy.

Speechless, I hugged her tightly. "Amber, you're here? You're-" I felt her face. "The others, are they-"

Robert and the Horrendous Squad told me to thank you," she said. "I want to thank you too. We all want to thank you."

"Is my mom..."

Amber shook her head. "She's not with us. We really don't know where she is."

"Oh," I said, hoping she'd be somewhere.

"But-" Amber placed her hand on my shoulder. "Whatever world's she's in, I'm sure she's proud of you."

"Thank you, Amber," I told her.

"Well, I have to get back to Sunny," she said. "Her and I have a huge nerf game against Robert and The Horrendous Squad."

"Hey, without me!"

She laughed then pointed to Vlad and Rose who were too busy talking with one another to notice us. "You have a new team. Take care of them," she said.

I hugged her once more. "Will I ever see you guys again. I really miss you all. Especially Robert."

I felt nothing. I was no longer hugging anything. Amber was gone, but I suddenly heard singing. "You'll see me again," I heard Robert's voice then I heard singing. Soft singing that made me feel calm. I rubbed the stone one more time before getting up. "I visit you all. Especially you, mom. I love you."

I walked away, feeling the grief starting to kick in. However, Vlad and Rose came right on time. The two of them hugged me tight as I shook a little, trying to get myself together. Rose looked into my eyes. "Hey, it won't be easy. But, you have a home with us as long as you want. No problem at all."

I wiped my red eyes. "Thank you, Rose."

Vlad high fived me. "Olivia, you know I'm always with you. Even though I'm so far away because you left me all alone-"

"Vlad!" I chuckled.

"I'm always here for you, friend." Vlad smile.

"Me too," I told him.

The three of us hugged, knowing life wasn't going to be easy after what we witnessed. After what we went through. However, at least we had a team. Our team. From the people we couldn't see, to the ones far away, to the dead ones watching us, from the crows...someone out there loved us after all.


RIP my former best friend Vlad. I made this story because I constantly thought about you and wanted to honor you as much as I could. I put you in a story, so your name could live on. And if it meant millions of Wattpad readers would see it, then it certainly means the world to me. RIP to all the lovely suicide children <3

The End ._.

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