Chapter 38: Sunny's Return

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The sight of the bones held us still. I believed that Rose would cry if the bones didn't paralyze her as it did for me. It took us a while to snap out our trance and back to reality. The skull of a head, ribs, arms, and legs all separated from where it once was connected. There had been a soul in those bones once. A soul possibly afraid to die, but had been more afraid to live. Tears streamed down my eyes when Robert's smile flashed into my mind.

"He deserved better," I whispered. 

It was the wrong thing to say. Rose crumpled down on the ground, turning away from the bones. She held her face so that I couldn't see her eyes and began crying. I felt her pain. It was those type of cries that hurt. where you choked on air and wanted to disappear. I never thought of myself as the strong person, but I figured that I had to be now. I crouched down beside her, placing an arm over her shoulder. We both shared a good cry before talking again.

"I saw the bullet wound in his skull," she said.

I had seen it too and wished I could put it in the bag before she had seen it. We couldn't stay for long, so I lifted her up. "We have to get out of here," I told her.

She looked at me and crossed her arms. "I feel like throwing up."

"Shine the flashlight and look away," I said. "I'll collect the bones."

It felt so weird stepping into a grave. The moment you have to, it feels like disrespect. You can feel the disturbance and the once warm body that had been placed there. It wasn't a good feeling.  There was a popping sound as I pick up delicate parts that fall off. The stillness of the air began closing around me, and I felt like passing out or puking as Rose said. I was finally able to pick up the last bits of bones and place it in the bag. I thought that was it, that the work was almost done, until I heard Rose scream out my name.

I looked up to see Megan and her crew running towards Rose. The three of them tackled her to ground, quickly pinning her legs and arms down.  The flashlight dropped, landing its light on me. I was going to help, however,  was pushed to the ground by something. A few bones scattered out of the bag. I quickly shunned the light at what was behind me. It was Megan's boyfriend, and he flashed a blade in front of his chest, pointing it right at me.

"Do you recognize this?" He then laughed while taking a step into the grave. "Emo arms."

I tried to get up, but Megan jumped on my back. I swung her around then backed out of the hole. Two of Megan's friends had rose pinned down. Shit. We were definitely screwed. Megan's boyfriend waved his blade around freely while walking towards me. 

"What do you want me to do first, babe?" He asked Megan.

The two of them strolled, taunting me. They looked like those drunk teenagers off horror movies who bullied other kids after school.

"Break her arm," Megan showed me her cast. "Cut it from the wrist up to her shoulder blade. Ruin her. Ruin her like she ruined me."

"Coming up," he ran at me. 

I quickly dodged him and ran past Megan back to the bones. Why? No idea. I'm scared to admit that I thought Robert would appear out of nowhere and save me. That didn't happen though. Rose kicked one of the girls away, rolled over and twisted the other girl's hand towards her back. "I'll break it if you touch me again," Rose said before getting off of her. She launched at Megan, and the two of them fell down.

Her boyfriend had his eyes on me though. I looked at the bones, hoping something would happen. I picked up the shovel, gripping it tight in my hands as he got closer. 

"You see," he smiled. "I never break my promises. I'm going to kill you and bury you deep inside that fucking hole you're standing in."

I kept the shovel close, looking from him to Rose. Rose was losing. She got a few good blows and kicks in, but it wasn't enough. The odds were against her. The boyfriend stood at the edge of the hole with his blade. In a situation like that, you think that you have to survive. You just have to. I swung, stepping a bit closer towards him. A warning swing. He laughed, intimidating me. It was working. He was more confident than I was.

"No more games, Emo Arms," he jumped into the hole. 

There was no time for me to swing. He grabbed the shovel and snatched it out of my hands. I'm sure I had gotten a splinter from that. It was obvious no one told Megan's boyfriend about hitting a woman, but he had no problem slamming his fist across my face. One punch and I was down and dizzy. It was almost enough to knock my lights out, but I couldn't go down like that. The lights from the flashlight blinded me a little. I raised my hands to fight and defend myself, but he let his blade slide across the palm of my hand. I let out a cry from the pain.

"Come on, Emo Arms," he breathed out. "Nothing you're not used to."

I didn't have time to tell him that there was a difference between cutting yourself and getting cut by something else. He was too stupid to understand that. He raised the blade in the air, and I heard Rose shout out and beg him not to. He faked as if he would stab me in the head. Instead, he let the blade linger by my face. He let it slide across the small stub of my chin. The blade was sharp, clean, silver, and high quality. I saw the blood drops fall. Groaning from pain, I tried to push it away, but he grabbed it.

"Time for lights out," he said.

"Do it, babe! Hurry up!" Megan shouted.

Was this it for me? Was it going to end like this? The answer would wait because right in the nick of time, the flashlights went off.  Both. The few leaves above us rattled as if someone was up there jumping around and making them fall. I felt twigs and sticks fall off my head and hit my hands.

"What the-," Megan's boyfriend let go of my hand before he could finish his sentence. I wasn't quite sure, but I heard him choking. That's what it sounded like.

The lights came back on, and when they did, I was breathless. Amber stood on a branch above Megan's boyfriend. He stood, mouth open with a thick branch emerged in his throat and sticking out of his mouth while ripping and tearing his insides. Amber's body floated down but didn't touch the ground. She hovered over to the other girls. Megan's boyfriend's bulging eyes looked at me; horror on his face as the light from his eyes faded and blood spurred out of his mouth. I quickly picked up the bones and placed them in the bag.

Grabbing the flashlight, I shone it at Rose and the others. I dropped it on the ground. I was at a lost for words when I saw what Amber had done to them. Not Amber, I should say Sunny...

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