66: Finding Sunny the Crow

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Raising my hands defensively, I waved them while backing away from her. "I have to die to get my wings?" I asked.

Mother turned normal again, this time her smile disappeared. "Of course!" She said. "A leader must have her wings but first you must be apart of our world."

I nodded, trying my best to keep a straight face and say the right things. "Of course, and I'm aware of what I have to do to become leader. But the crows, mom. Your...features. Why a crow? Do we have to take that feature?"

She smirked. "No, actually," mother walked over to her bed, clasping her hands together. She looked at the floor then to me. "The crows aren't crows. They're those who rebelled against me. If they cannot listen to my orders on Earth where I simply ask to bring me children, then they will do it here. Forever."

I thought about what she said, trying my best to hold my smile. It was possible Sunny was a crow! Either that or...apart of the parts that lived on my mother. There was no telling which one.  As my mother sat down and fumbled with her hand, I couldn't help but see as normal in that moment. However, my mother was dead and my mother was evil. One could never imagine having to deal with their crazy mom on Earth and off Earth.

Just then, Ava walked in. She looked at me first then to my mother. Her glance was cold and unsure. "One of the guards wishes to talk to you. Something urgent has occurred."

In no time she walked up to Ava to thank her then vanished before us, leaving me alone with her most trusted friend in this world. "What do they want to talk to her about?" I faced her.

"Are you insane?" Ava asked swiftly walking up to me. "Those guards may be scared of her but they are loyal to your mother. You can't just come here and think you can get information out of anyone. The trees have ears you know."

I swallowed, blinking nervously. "Okay-" I choked on my worlds wondering if I had just ruined the plot. She stood in front of me, dragging me down with this intense stare. "Are they going to tell her?"

She shook her head. "No. I kept him quiet. For now."

I raised an eyebrow. "Thank you...but you're her friend. Why didn't you tell her?"

"Because your idiocy can cost me and those guards."

"Cost you what?" I asked. "Don't you see things are out of order now?"

She let out a fake laugh then crossed her arms and turned around, her back now facing me. "If she's angry again, more will be out of order. I've never seen someone so...mad at the world. But that's why she's in charge now. Those before her had that hatred, only this time she could figure out how to allow these children to physically harm those on Earth. More than what it's already used to."

I walked up to her and placed my hand over her shoulder. "I'm trying to stop her-"

"I tried to stop the last person in charge-" Ava hissed, pointing her finger at me. "And it cost me my family. Now they're here. Don't make the same mistake I did. Just go. Your heart is still beating. Leave us while you can."

"Trust me," I said calmly. "I don't have anything to lose."

"You have that girl who tried to save you," she said. "Rose. Who's on Earth telling you to fight because she doesn't want to lose you. You could lose a lot more if you mess us, Olivia."

"Then help me!" I grabbed her hand.

The door opened and my mother swiftly walked in. Ava dropped her hands off of mine causing my mom to stop in her tracks. Ava quickly smiled and looked at me. "Just think about how much better it would be."

With that said, Ava left, leaving me and probably my mother confused. I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Ava made those wings sound pretty cool."

"Oh." My mother said. "Well, I have business to attend to. See you soon."


"The crows!" I said to Robert. "I have to get to those crows." 

"You truly think Sunny is a crow who's gathering pieces of other suicide victims?" He asked. Emmitt stood behind him, listening to us.

"It would make sense," Emmitt said. "but have you considered how much benefit Sunny could be to us if we even think about saving her? Remember, we're risking ourselves and probably for nothing."

I looked Emmitt straight in the eyes, knowing I needed Sunny. "She considered me...and possibly how much of benefit I was to her and this wicked place."

Robert nodded his head, smiling. "Then it's your word. One of us will go with you."

"No," Emmitt shook his head at Robert. "Julia will go with you. I got word from one of my pals. Morphan needs to return to Earth tonight. Olivia, what you said about the crows and those pieces, I'm starting to think that it's not meant for merely tracking. What if your mother and maybe this world needs that power so she can stay how she is? It may not be true, but I feel like without the crows and us, she's nothing at all."

"Why can't I go with her?" Robert asked.

"Do you know what it took to save your butt, dude?"

Robert let out a laugh.

"Julia is perfect for the job. Smart, fast, and quick to think. You'll come with me," Emmitt said.

Robert flashed me a thumbs up. "You got this. Perhaps Morphan is powerless."

"Well," I looked at him. "I'll ask Sunny. Tonight. If we find her."

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