Chapter 39: The madness won't end until you're dead

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I ran over to Amber with the flashlight and grabbed her arm to stop her. Rose tumbled away at the sight of what Amber had done. Amber had somehow bent Megan and her friend's necks to the right, but they were still alive and impossibly not broken. Megan and the three of them ran like disfigured demons on Halloween through the darkness.  

Amber began walking back towards Robert's grave with the other flashlight. I slowly followed behind her as she looked into the hole. "He was thrown in here like he was nothing. No casket or anything."

Rose slowly walked behind us. "He wasn't supposed to be buried here," she said. "It was a quick discussion and wasn't made from the school. His family members dropped him off and left because they couldn't afford a casket. Not many people know about this. To them, he wasn't much."

That stuff didn't matter at the moment. There was a lifeless body rotting on a large branch. "We have to go," I said while tugging on Amber. 

Somewhere in the distance, we heard sirens. It had to be Megan and her copycats who called the police. "We are going to be in so much trouble," Rose huddled next to me.

"Just get the stuff and let's go," I told her. We took everything. The shovels, the bag, the bones-no evidence should have been left behind. After taking everything, Amber joined in the back seat of Rose's car. Rose ended up driving a different route to my house, not wanting to run into the law.

The car stayed quiet until we pulled up to the house. "They're asleep," Amber said as soon as we got out of the car.

"How do you know?" Rose looked upstairs at the lights which were on.

"Medicine," Amber said. "I'm not dumb," she then snatched the bag of bones out of my hand. "Come on, let's get him into my room."

"You mean Amber's room, Sunny," I corrected her. "It's you. Why have you come back now?"

All of us hurried up the stairs. "If it weren't for me, Megan and her crew would've sliced you up. I saved your life, Olivia."

She was right. Rose took my hand before we got to Amber's room. She pointed at Amber's legs. "They're bruised, and look at the way she's walking funny," Rose pointed out.

Sure enough, Amber's legs were almost dark blue. I tried my best to remember if they had ever turned blue whenever Sunny took over her. I shrugged it off and continued to follow Amber. Suddenly, everything happened spontaneously. Amber slammed the door shut on Rose and I. We heard the lock turn.

"Sunny!" I pulled at the doorknob. "Open this door!"

Rose and I jumped when we heard something banging against the floor. Rose launched at the doorknob. "What is she doing to the bones?" she asked.

Rose seemed to realize before I could. I stopped in my tracks for a moment, taking deep breaths. "No!" I grabbed the doorknob once again. 

The banging continued. Bang! Bang! Bang! Finally, we heard something fall to the floor. We stopped trying to open the door and took a few steps back. Rose and I were silent, waiting for someone to open the door. Standing there felt like forever, but the doorknob finally turned, and the door opened. Amber stood in the doorway holding a jar that was half full. Her eyelids hung low as if she were falling asleep. The blue in her legs was fading, but some dark spots stayed. Behind Amber was Sunny, standing behind the bed and peering at Rose and me.

"Do you know what you've just done!" I called out to Sunny.

"You've just ruined our chances to stop this madness," Rose added.

Sunny shook her head. "I'm protecting my friend. And don't you get it, Oliva?" Sunny started. "The madness won't end until you're dead."

Sunny then disappeared, leaving us with a weary Amber. Amber opened her mouth to speak, but I couldn't hear her. "What?" Rose asked.

"The madness won't end until you're dead," Amber repeated after Sunny. Her words only got louder, until she was screaming the sentence. "The madness won't end until you're dead. The madness won't end until you're dead.  The madness won't end until you're dead-"

Rose ran away, down the stairs, and to her car. I chased after her and stood outside of the car, waiting for her to roll her window down. When she finally did, she looked at me with dry tears on her face. "I'm sorry," she sighed out. "I don't think there's anything else we could do now."

I hated to admit it, but Rose was right. I was out of plans, out of ideas, and felt like I was out of my mind. When I couldn't give her a response, she drove away. I peered into the darkness and frowned. Balling up my fist while striving to not cry, I looked at the trees.

"What do you want from me!" I yelled. "If you want to kill me, do it now!"

I could only be brave for so long. After two minutes, I ran inside of the house and upstairs to my room. Amber was in her room, but she left me something. The jar of Robert's crushed bones. I grabbed it and began to cry. Putting the jar down, I quickly put on my headphones and listened to Melanie Martinez. Her song, "Cry Baby," wasn't the best song to play at that moment, but it gave me the strength to sprinkle some of Robert's bones around my bed. If I was going to be protected, let it be by Robert himself. 


I woke up in the middle of the night. A continuous scratching noise had interrupted my sleep. It sounded like someone was using chalk to draw on the pavement downstairs. However, the noise came from inside my bedroom. I grabbed my phone for light, but it died because I had left the music on. I got up to turn on the light, feeling a presence as the noise continued.With my arms out, I searched for the light switch. I had the urge to go back to my bed. Someone's in the room. Stay within the bones. I thought. 

I finally felt something solid against my hands. Was it the light switch? No. Whatever was against my hands had a pulse...and it was breathing. Fear flooded throughout my body. Whatever was there moved faster than I could react then suddenly, the lights came on.

No one was in the room, but there was a message written on my wall in pencil. Beside the light switch and stretching passed the door was a message from Robert.

This is my last message to you. Very short. Have to make fast. She's coming for me. If you've trusted me this far, then please do so now. Your mother is evil. 

As soon as I was done reading, the words disappeared. "Olivia," I heard a faint voice call my name. It was a voice I recognized and couldn't believe that I was hearing.

I looked in the direction of where it came from. Robert's ghostly face stared at me while he was hanging out of the window, trying to hold on. I ran towards him to help, but when I looked below, I saw shadows. Hundreds of them. To be specific, I saw the arms but couldn't see the faces. I froze from fright, unable to move. I was fighting against my own will, but I knew it was them holding me back somehow.

"Rob-" I started to say, but I heard singing. The soft, angelic melody calmed me. So calm that it overpowered my mind and body and I fell to the floor. I laid there, relaxed, listening to them sing. Slowly falling asleep, lastly remembering a dark laughter after their song had ended...

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