Chapter 43: Hashtag "Lovely Suicide Children"

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With the situations I was facing, I felt utterly helpless. The entire thing with the death of Megan, her friends, and her boyfriend was way too much on me. Maybe Dad was right. Perhaps my mother and I were cursed or something. At this point, I felt myself slowly giving up on everything.

My thoughts were right because the next morning at school I didn't see Rose. At my locker, I thought about killing Sunny somehow. I didn't know how to do it, but she needed to go. I didn't care about The Lovely Suicide Children and who was after me. I just wanted Sunny out the way. As I plotted and planned on how I'd search the internet for help, someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around to find a small group of students holding their books and cruelly looking at me.

"Uh, yes?" I said, closing my locker.

"Heard they're saying you're the killer," this girl smacking loud gum said. She stood in front of everyone else. "They let murderers stay in the school now?"

"What? I-I didn't kill anyone," I said. "I'm not even capable of taking on one person not alone Megan and her friends."

"She's crazy, Jane. I bet she killed them," some guy behind her said as he glared at me. "Ghost girl."

"Yeah," Jane said. "I remember, 'That tree is their home. It seems it's in our world, but it leads to the rest of The Lovely Suicide Children' Isn't that what you said over the speaker? Weirdo."

After saying that, all of them left. When they were gone, I saw everyone else staring at me. I quickly ran down the hallway and went inside of the classroom. My teacher was there but didn't say anything to me when I got inside. I placed my stuff on the desk, breathing heavily from disbelief.

"Seems you're the talk of the school, Miss Carson," Ms. Sylvia walked by my desk.

"But I didn't do anything," I looked at her. "How does everyone even know about this?"

"Words get around, believe it or not. Pretty fast too," she lowered her voice as students piled in.

I sat in my seat, ready for the day to be over. As soon as lunch time came, I felt like everyone following me. People darted their eyes at me, pointed to me, and even had the nerve to tell me I was a murderer. If I could, I would have left the school, but that would make me look more guilty.

"Hashtag, lovely suicide children," a boy snickered while walking past me. "I'm a Lovely Suicide Child. We're all Lovely Suicide Children."

Annoyed, I looked at him with my eyebrows arched down. "Leave me alone," I said nervously.

"Or what? Your little ghost will get me?" He said.

"Nah," another kid twirling a basketball on his finger smiled. "She'll murder you like she murdered Megan."

That was enough. I got up and walked towards the school door. However, someone tripped me before I could get to the door. It was so unexpected that my face slammed against the pavement and I felt a sharp pain on my lips. There were a lot of 'ooos' in the background.  I saw feet moving away. Getting up, I didn't even look around to see who it was. I ran inside, went to the bathroom, then locked myself in the stalls. I wasted no time in crying. Blood dripped off my lip onto my shirt as I stood against the door. 

While I was crying, I felt something slightly moving against my ankle. When I looked down, my eyes met six dark-skinned hands reaching underneath the stall. I backed and watched the hands recoil when I moved.

"Olivia," a harsh solid voice called my name. No character and no emotion whatsoever in this voice.

An emotionless laughter, followed by banging on the stall door started. I stood against the wall, holding onto the edge of the stall in case I needed to jump over. "What do you want!" I yelled out, something I wouldn't usually do, but I figured it was either Sunny or something related to her.

"Come out here," a voice said. "We just want to talk. We know you're innocent. We know you didn't kill us, Olivia."

"Megan?" I asked.

There was a long silence. 


I looked around because the voice echoed through me like a powerful bass. The lock on the door turned by itself, and the door slowly opened. There I saw Megan and the two girls standing with their heads impossibly bent to the side. Their skin was dark and rotted. White eyes with no pupils, full of hatred stared at me. I felt like fainting. Actually, I was beginning to. That's when Megan's crooked body walked to me like a broken toy. She held me in a way that her face was right underneath my chin.

"You thought facing me was bad," Megan slurred, her breath full of death's smell. "Facing them will be. So. Much. Worst." She breathed each word like she was losing breath. From there, all three of them limped away into the nothingness. 

I fell to the ground, too terrified to actually shake. I felt frozen. This time, I didn't let the fear keep me there. I got up and walked out of the bathroom. The bell rung as I made my way to the entrance of the door at school. I walked right out. Out of the school and into the outside. No one stopped me. Taking out my phone, I called Shayla, told her I had felt sick, and the nurse was sending me home.

I noticed Vlad had called me nine times. I called him back as I waited for Shayla. 

"Dude!" He yelled into my ear.

"What's up?" I whispered because I could barely talk.

"You're kind of...trending on Twitter. Did you see the picture of you?" He asked.

My knees almost buckled. "Oh my God." It was just getting out of hand.

"Hashtag Lovely Suicide Children?" He said. "Why are people tagging themselves lovely suicide children and why are their pictures of you on the internet! What the fuck is happening, Liv?"

I bit my lip hard. "I'm going to explode, Vlad," I began to cry again. "Everything's going wrong, and I don't know what to do. I feel like disappearing. I want to die right now, Vlad." I actually felt my body shut down. Like, part of me didn't want to go on.

"Okay, Liv. Relax okay? Where are you?"

"Waiting for Shayla to pick me up."

"Alright. When you get home, I want you to call me right away. Don't go to the bathroom. Don't cry on your bed. Call me, okay? We'll fix whatever it is. Just don't do anything, okay? Take deep breaths with me right now, Liv?"

Vlad began breathing and kept telling me to do it until I did. I took deep breaths with him. 

"Good, Liv. We'll fix this. You're amazing. I don't care what's going on. I love you, dude!"

I squeezed my phone, holding off tears. I wanted to hug him so badly. I wanted him next to me, comforting me. He was so far away. Any sort of comfort was far away from me. Robert was gone, and I missed him terribly. And even at that moment, the moment where I should have been calming down, those painful memories flashed through my mind like lightning. My mom, the gun, Sunny, my father, Robert. It was a lot...


Hey! You know how some author's call their fans stuff? Like for now, my readers go as Horrendous Squad. I like it. Some readers go as "Seekers" 

Me personally, I'd love to be considered a lovely suicide child or children. I think people would take it the wrong way though. That's just my take on it XD What do you guys think would be a good fandom name for the fans here?

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