[Chapter Three]

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 It was quite the thundering storm outside Erebor this evening. The lit torches flickered along the wall as a small breeze blew through the silent halls. Erebor had been rebuilt and the dwarves of Ered Luin made the great journey to come back to their homeland; including Thorin's sister. When Dis arrived, she had received the worst possible news. Her brother and both her sons had been killed in battle. Dis had only gone down to the burial tombs once, to pay her respects. The sight of their corpses was too much and for years her grief consumed her, she lost everything.

Dis was making her way down the hall, carrying a torch. Its been over sixty years since she stepped foot in the tombs of those who had passed. She began the descend down the steps. The only sounds that was to be heard the entire time down, was the older woman's own breathing and the continuous roar of the storm. Dis stepped down from the last step and took a deep breath before entering the room.

The older woman glanced at the three stone tables, where her family laid. She often wondered what her sons would have been like, if they had survived. Dis was in deep thought, when the thunder cracked against the mountain and startled her and that was when she noticed the strangest thing. She had to look more then once to make sure it wasn't her mind playing tricks on her, that her brother's body was missing. The only items on the stone table was Orcrist, and the Arkenstone. The dwarf did a quick glance around the area, wondering if this was some sick joke. Suddenly she felt a hand grab her shoulder and she let out a shriek and whirled around. Her eyes widen in shock to see who was standing before her. Dis, at this point thought she shouldn't have had that much wine, as she did at dinner time. This wasn't real? It couldn't be. Her brother was dead. He was killed by the pale orc.

"Dis it's me." The deep voice spoke as he continued to hide in the darkness.

" No...it can't be." She whispered, shaking her head. The figure came out of the shadows and stepped into the light of the burning torches and looked at his little sister. Her hair was nearly all grey now, only the odd strands were still black and he could help but give a slight smile to see her, standing in front of him. Dis moved toward's her brother and hugged him and he returned the embrace. "How is this even possible?" She finally spoke, after the longest time.

"I don't know..." Thorin replied, as many questions entered his mind, wondering what? And why? He had been brought back from the dead. Thorin released her and then turned to the stone tables under the statues of two dwarves that arched over them. He let out a sigh, seeing the decaying bodies of his nephews. The king still remembered how Fili had been killed, but he never knew Kili's final fate, before he passed.

Knowing what was clearly on her brother's mind she joined beside him and inhaled a breath before speaking. "Balin, said Kili had been killed, protecting a she-elf from the spawn of Azog."

"I'm sorry Dis. I'm sorry I couldn't protect them and keep them safe. This is all my fault."

"Thorin. I never blamed you for their deaths. As painful as it was for me when I came down here the first time and saw all three of you lying here. I am glad they passed on together." She sighed.

"Where is Balin? Where are the others?" Thorin finally asked, thinking his old friend might be able to shed some light onto how he had mysteriously come back.

"Thorin...Balin left with Oin, Bifur, Nori, Dori and Ori back to Moria. Since the enemy had been destroyed they thought it was time to retake the kingdom."

"And Freya?..."

"Who's Freya?" Dis asked, in confusion. Not saying another word, Thorin dashed up the long stairway, leaving his sister in the darkness of who this person was, her brother had asked for. Thorin knew, once he perished that the throne would automatically go to his cousin Dain. He would know , what would have become of the woman after his passing. The king was striding down the hall, not really sure where to start to find his cousin when he came face to face with Dwalin. His friend was giving him a similar look his sister had given him when seeing him much alive and Thorin took note of the axe, Dwalin held at his side. Catching him by surprise, the warrior dwarf swung his weapon at Thorin, thinking this was some dirty trick being played by the enemy.

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