[Chapter Six]

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It's only been 4 days since Freya, Thora, Thea, Frodo and Sam had left the Shire. They were to meet the Wizard in the small village of Bree. There, they would determine if the Ring would be safe enough there. The 5 of them trekked along the countryside, making their way across streams, over hills and through meadows.

Freya and her daughters were up ahead, entering a cornfield, when the older woman looked behind her to see Sam had stopped just at the scarecrow. She almost forgot most of her kin had never ventured this far ever. Even though they were still well in the Shire, most Hobbit's did not dare leave Hobbiton. What ever Frodo had said to him worked, because Sam finally stepped forward into the cornfield.

They set up camp once the sun went down. Thora got a fire going, while Sam cooked all their meals, which consist of bacon, tomatoes and sausages. Later on, the 5 of them prepare for sleep. Freya laid her head down on her satchel and covered herself in her cloak.

"Everywhere I lie there's a dirty great root sticking into my back." Sam complained as he tossed and turned trying to get comfortable.

"Just shut your eyes, and imagine you're back in your own bed, with a soft mattress and a lovely feather pillow." Freya told him, not moving from her position, as she looked beside her to see her daughters sound asleep. Sam gave the older woman a skeptical look, and settles back in his spot. After a moment he sighs, and gives up, frustrated.

"It's not working Miss Freya. I'm never going to be able to sleep out here." He muttered.

" Me neither, Sam." Frodo said, smirking from his sleeping spot.

It was the next morning. They were up at dawn to continue on their way. They still had at least a 2 day's journey before they reached Bree. Their path had led them into the middle of the field into rows of tall vegetables. It was a maze walking down the path. Sam as always fell behind.

" Mister Frodo? Frodo! Frodo!" Sam shouted. Frodo and the others appear around the bend in the path, looking puzzled.

"I thought I'd lost you."

"What are you talking about?" Frodo asked.

"It's just something Gandalf said." Sam replied.

" What did he say?"

"'Don't you lose him, Samwise Gamgee!' And I don't mean to."

"We're still in the Shire, Sam." Thora stated. " What could possibly happen?"

Suddenly, Pippin bursts from the cornfield and knocks over Frodo, followed by Merry, who knocks Sam over. Both carrying an armful of vegetables.

Pippin looks down at the person he just knocked over. " Frodo? Merry! It's Frodo Baggins."

"Hello Frodo!" Merry chirped

"Get off him!" Sam bellowed, hauling the hobbit off of Frodo. "Frodo? Are you all right?"

" Merry! Pippin! What's the meaning of this?" Freya questioned, looking at her nephew.

"Aunt Freya..." Merry stuttered.

"Here hold this." Pippin insisted, shoving the vegetables into Sam's arms.

"You've been into Farmer Maggot's crop!" Sam yelled. Suddenly all 7 of their heads snap in the direction of a dog barking angrily, and yelling voices.

"Run." Freya told them all. Pippin shoves Frodo into the cornfield. Merry, Thora and Thea follow after them. Freya had started following the others when Sam still stood there and she yanked him by his satchel that he carried on his back, causing the hobbit to drop all the produce in his hands as he runs to catch up with the others.

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