[Chapter Eight]

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Sun shined into Freya's room from the balcony. The hobbit woman sat up and stretched her arms and tossed the blanket off of her and she got up. Freya walked over to the balcony and stared down at the valley below, and she wondered if her daughters were up yet.

Gandalf had shared the news yesterday that Frodo had finally woken up since Lord Elrond healed him from nearly being turned into a wraith. Freya went back inside her room and got changed into a clean dress and went to go see what Thora and Thea were doing. With her luck she was sure, Thora would be out with her cousin, Merry and Pippin, causing mayhem in the Elven village. Thea was more like Freya and preferred a good book to read. Freya knocked on their door and received no answer and slowly opened the door to find their room empty.

The woman then decided she would venture to Lord Elrond's library. Looking for a good book to read, she was sure she would see her daughters when it came time to eat. She also decided later on she would go visit her cousin, Bilbo. She hated to admit that she had been feeling guilty for not seeing him sooner since her and the others had arrived. Freya guessed it was because she was still kinda angry that her cousin had kept it secret from her for so long that he had the Ring, which not only put Frodo in danger but her daughters as well.

Freya greeted the elves in the library and found a book to read on hidden valleys. Freya has always had a fascination with lands of Middle-Earth.

Thorin was up at the sounds of birds, whistling their melodies. He got dressed in some of his more finer clothing he had packed for his long journey. The Dwarf King left his room immediately to go find Freya. He didn't know where to start but decided he would search all the usual spots he would find her when they passed through here the first time.

The dwarf had found himself in a courtyard near the gardens he was about to leave when he spotted someone with the familiar long light brown curly hair, sitting in a chair reading. Thorin took a deep breath, not really sure what he planned on saying. Or how she would react seeing him alive.

"Freya?" Thorin spoke, placing a hand on the woman's shoulder. Her head slowly turned around and Thorin's expression fell into a frown when he realized it wasn't her. "Sorry...thought you were someone else." He awkwardly said, trying to figure out why she resembled Freya so much and then he noticed the young girl couldn't be related to her. This girl wore boots. Thea nodded in confusing, wondering how this Dwarf knew of her mother. Thorin quickly left and the girl went back to her reading, still curious as to why he thought she was her mother. She got up and went to find her sister and the others.

It was already the afternoon. Freya was nearly halfway through her book when she overheard some of the elves speaking, that some dwarves had decided after all to attend the meeting to discuss the Ring. The woman put her book down, and wondered if it was any of her friends that had come and she left to go find out.

The woman found herself outside and spotted a gathering of elves and men and when she got closer she saw one familiar looking Dwarf. " Gloin? Is that you?" Freya asked. The older Dwarf turned around to see the hobbit woman standing before him.

"Lass! It's so good to see you again!" Gloin chimed, pulling Freya into a tight hug, which she returned. " What are you doin' here lass? We've been searching everywhere for you!" The older Dwarf informed.

"We?" she repeated, glancing over at the younger looking Dwarf. She had never seen him before, but he appeared to have similar features as Gloin. Thorin was hiding in the shadows. His heart hadn't quite pounding since she had come into view, speaking with Gloin. She still looked the same as she did when he last saw her, though her hair looked way longer then before. He thought maybe if she heard from someone she trusted that he had somehow come back from the dead, it wouldn't be so startling to her as it would be if he was to approach her right now.

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