[Chapter Five]

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Thorin, Gloin and Gimli had begun the long journey from Erebor to the Shire. Before leaving he told his sister he would send word to her once they arrived in Rivendell if the mountain should prepare for something worse to come. Thorin mostly kept to himself on the days journey, he had too many thoughts running through his mind to have any real conversation with the other two dwarf's. All he could think about was what was he going to say when he saw her? He wondered if anything had changed about her or the worse thing that had come to mind, besides if she had already passed on. He wondered if she had managed to move on from him? It had been sixty years. Did she have a family? Was she happy? The king could hardly blame her if she had. The last thing he ever wanted for her was to spent the rest of her life in misery over his death. If she had found someone else, he would let her go. As long as she was safe, that would be enough for him.

It was going to take them at least 21 days to reach the Shire, traveling by pony. When Thorin did get talking, Gloin told him everything that had happened since he had been gone. Bard had become lord of Dale until he passed and the throne went to his son, Bain. The Dwarf King was glad to hear that things had been going good between Dale and Erebor since the battle of the five armies. Their alliance was strong and they were going to need that now more then ever, if darkness was about to once again try and cover all the lands of a second darkness.

The three dwarves set up camp when it was too dark to continue traveling. Gloin made hot stew for super and puff on their pipes before getting some rest. Thorin closed his eyes that night, seeing in his dream the first time he met Freya in Bilbo's home, then in Rivendell, when they first had a real conversation, though he remember how awkward it had been to the time he finally had the courage to kiss her for the first time. Then his dream started to get dark, he saw his arch enemy holding the hobbit in his clutches. Azog's bladed arm trailing across the woman's skin, to taunt him. But something changed. The pale orc removed his sharp arm away from her throat, to her back. The Dwarf approached the orc, anger in his eyes. Thorin was barely 5 steps away from them when the blade pierced through Freya's chest, and she let out an agonizing scream of pain. Thorin yelled and he woke up with sweat dripping down his face and breathing heavily.

He looked around. Gloin and Gimli were still snoring away and the king wiped the sweat off his face with the back of his hand. Thorin had to remind himself that it was just a dream. That wasn't how it happened, but he couldn't believe how real it felt and now all he wanted was for her to be back safely in his arms.

It had been over two weeks now that they've been on the road. They were about a day from Bree and the three of them were actually looking forward to be able to have a meal that wasn't stew, but to Thorin it meant he was that much closer to being reunited with the one he loved.

They arrived in Bree, late in the evening. The three of them were exhausted as they tied their ponies to the stables and wandered into the Prancing Pony to enjoy a hot meal and a mug of ale. Thorin remembered the last time he had been here, which was when Gandalf had approached him with the idea of taking back the mountain. Things hadn't changed much around here. It was still the usual crowd. Men, the odd Hobbit and women that had a little to much to drink.

Thorin decided to turn in for the night. He hadn't been sleeping well since he left the mountain. These dreams he had of the woman being killed by Azog, tormented him so much, that every night it seemed to him more and more real.

Gimli, Gloin and Thorin were up at dawn. Thorin wanted to cover as much ground as they could today so they wouldn't have far of a distances from the Shire tomorrow. They set up camp one last time, Thorin was lying down on his cloak, staring into the starry night sky, before finally let himself succumb to his exhaustion.

It was mid afternoon when the three dwarves arrived in the Shire. It didn't go unnoticed that they had eyes on them as they made their way through the tiny folks village. Hobbit's found it odd to see Dwarves wandering through in these parts. The last time they had that happen was nearly 60 years ago.

"What are they staring at?" Gimli muttered, getting flustered with all their passing eyes looking at them.

"They are harmless." Thorin replied. "Their just curious when it comes to strangers in their valley."

Hobbit's were not opposed to seeing visitors in their lands. Everyone was welcomed, but it didn't stop them being a little hesitant at first. Most of these creatures had never seen evil in these lands, let alone warriors passing through.

Thorin continued to lead the way. He knew Freya lived one house down from Bilbo's. Though he was sure he wouldn't lose his way twice, like had the first time he came through this land. The Dwarf King climbed off his pony and could feel his heart already racing. He was prepared that she would have a lot of questions like: How was he alive? He was still wondering that himself but none of that mattered to him right now.

The dwarf walked up to the fence and looked at the yard, it looked as it hadn't been maintained in awhile. Flowers were dead, and weeds everywhere. He knew all hobbit's had a love of growing things. Gloin and Gimli were right behind him as he climbed up the steps and took a deep breath and knocked three times on the hard wood. Thorin looked around awkwardly when no one answered the door. Sighing lowly he knocked two more times.

"Freya its me." Thorin called.

"She's not home lad." A voice came from the path. Thorin turned around to see it was a hobbit that had spoke.

"W-where is she?" Thorin asked.

"We don't know. She disappeared with her family a month ago. Come to think of it. It was a couple of weeks after Bilbo left suddenly and that wizard came here." The Dwarf King let this sink in. Where could she have possibly gone to? And what did the hobbit mean by family? Thorin nodded to the hobbit and turned to face his men.

"What are we to do now?" Gloin asked.

"Were going to Rivendell." Thorin declared as he climbed onto the back of his mount and led the way out of the Shire.

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