Chapter 1- The Meeting

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The warm morning sunlight falls on my face causing my eyes to flicker open. The sun is out and this beautiful city already seems to be in a hustle. The sky seems clear and the wind blows lightly across my window pane.

The cold floor of my apartment greets me like everyday reminding me that I am the only one here . I practice my usual morning routine which consists of making coffee , talking to myself and spending more than 30 minutes on deciding what to wear .
I wrap a sandwich for myself and make my way to office .
I work as a full time model  for the magazine every girl dreams to be in - Cosmo.
Work never seems to stress me up but I wouldn't call myself a workaholic
As I reached the office, I felt a sense of excitement in the room. Everything was in a hustle bustle. My boss Mrs. Clarie came into my room full of excitement in the blood .
She exclaimed : " Kate ! today we have our biggest assignment of all times "
"oh really. what is it ?"
"today you have a photoshoot with Zayn Malik from one direction "
"That sounds interesting "
It seems I've heard this name a few times before. I knew this band had a huge fan base but never ever could I imagine being on the same cover as a superstar but I guess good things do happen . Well let's see how this goes..
I could hear hundreds of girls screaming amidst the boring typing noise . I was busy with my work until I was called by Clarie. As I got down I could see a person who had really nice eyes and his hair was really hot. And he was none other than
Mrs. clarie - " Zayn meet our cover girl - Kate "
Zayn put his hand forward , I shook my hands with him.
"Hey Zayn, I am Kate . It's really nice to meet you  "
"Hey. Heard a lot about you . I must say you're  fantastic on the cover"
I high five myself in my brain. Finally a guy who admires me .
"Well thanks . Heard a lot about you or as well . Hope this shoot goes nice !" I reply smiling.
"So that you guys have met , you should go and change as the shoots gonna begin anytime soon " Mrs Claire states
"sure . after the lady " Zayn replies 
I had to admit Zayn did make my heart fluctuate . His light brown eyes and his incredible jawline seems irresistible .
Wow, Im smitten.
Look at me, a girl who can't even get her shot straight thinking about cute boys.
I ignore my thoughts and get back to changing . I wore a Pink floral dress with my favourite heels.
As I was getting ready I heard a soft knock at my door, it was Zayn
"hey ! I am sorry to disturb you, I needed some hairspray , if you have some "
"yeah sure ! there you go" I said after handing it to him
"Thanks . Wow you look great ."He says with twinkling eyes
" well thanks , you too " I reply with a genuine smile
After getting ready I came back to the spot where the shooting was taking place only to find the most handsome person standing in front of me .
Mrs. clarie finally calls us and the photoshoot begins .
The theme was somewhat like " fashion on the go - with the biggest boy band in the world ". Me and Zayn were supposed to do like couple photoshoots and they went really great ! when my individual turn came I couldn't help but notice Zayn. I wonder why he kept staring at me like that ?


When the individual photoshoot came , I couldn't help but stare at Kate . Goodness ! she looked so beautiful. I felt a sharp beat in my chest and my stomach had a 1000 butterflies . How could one be so beautiful and gorgeous at the same time ? I had to admit it I had started to like her , she was definitely the most beautiful girl I have ever met . I loved it when she laughed with a jerk and her flicks just came on her head and then with her beautiful hands she tucked them behind her hair .
Her hair was beautiful like Ariana Grande's. She looked wonderful in the pink dress she wore .Yes ! she took my heart away .
There was something that I needed to know about her. I immediately called Steve , my manager and told him to get every information that he could about Kate. I really wanted to know who she was ! Suddenly my phone rang I picked it up to see Louis

"Hey Zayn ! "

"Hey LOu ! Vas Happenin ? "

"Mate where is that photoshoot taking place we can't find the address?? "

oh god ! I forgot my whole band had to come there too but that meant I couldn't see Kate for long .
But why was I so desperate ? I felt like I was on my man period. I immediately told Louis the address .
"ohk ! thanks we'll be there soon, don't miss us too much ! "
"I'll try to Lou . Bye"
I was interrupted by Steve .
"Zayn ! mate I have gathered all the info & photoshoots of Kate, they are at your home"
"oh thanks !"
"so, what's up mate ! you like this girl or what ?"
"no ! " I lied " it was just that i had to see - um- s-e-e that- uh - like how to do good photoshoots from her-ya-i had to learn certain things"
"I don't know but that fumbling sounds like love ;) ! "
"yeah ! good joke Steve ! now let me concentrate " honestly let me concentrate on Kate ! Steve left me peacefully
Gosh the way posed in front of the camera was incredible !

KATE'S POV *_____

Why was Zayn staring at me continuously ? but god I have to admit his chocolate brown eyes took my breathe away .
He looked really handsome . His adorable smirk made my heart beat a million times faster .
Within a few minutes I could hear loud tapping sounds . 4 boys entered and in a minute I realised that they were Harry, Louis, Liam and Niall from one direction. They came in and the room filled with energy. I shook hands with 3 of them but Louis insisted on a hug !

I had to admit all of them were really awesome but I seemed to have a soft corner for Zayn . I could really understand why girls would go crazy for them . I chatted with them for some time and Zayn and my eyes clashed two times . Oh God ! that was pure magic. But hold on could this be love ?

well whatever the photoshoot went really well !

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