Chapter Three.

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Quick Flash Back

You jogged out of the park and kept going until you arrived at your new cafe. Your mother smiled at you as you walked over to her. She kept looking between you and the door.

"Hey, mom, what did you call me here for?" you asked. She looked up at you as you came to a stop, "Well, we had finished working on the cafe and unpacking everything from the boxes; Well, to be honest, your father did most of the work, but I digress," You looked at her in confusion.

"You could have told me that over the phone ma," you laughed. She slapped your arm slightly, "Shut up I'm getting to the point," Your mother laughed along with you. "So, I think it would be nice if you got familiar with the place and, you know, work the counter." You couldn't help but laugh a little again, "Really mom?"

She smiled innocently and nodded rapidly, "I swear, you're just like a little kid," you argued, "and you're like an old man!" she fired back. "Hey! Just 'cause I like to read the newspaper doesn't make me old!" you laughed, "Okay, I'll go work the counter." She smiled at you and pushed you inside where you saw a few people standing in line.

You quickly rushed behind the counter, "Hi, hello, sorry for the long wait. Can I take your order?"

Flashback End

Your POV

...The next morning...

My alarm clock blared throughout the room. I shot up in bed, confused. "But, I didn't set the alarm last night, did I?" I spoke quietly to myself, my voice a little deeper from just waking up. "No, but I did!" My mother said, flinging the door to my room wide open, "You're working the counter again, let's go! Up, up, up!" She yelled, motioning for me to hurry.

I groaned and rolled out of bed lazily, putting on a gray shirt, a red and black striped hoodie, and some sweatpants. I dashed downstairs, trying to wake up as I walked towards the cafe doors. I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the cafe window. Turning towards it, I ran my fingers through my hair and laughed at myself. "Even when I don't try, I'm still hot." I smiled, shaking my head at my stupidity and walked into the door, switching the sign to open.

*     *     *

As I was taking an order from a customer my phone went off, alerting me that I had a text message. I tore the paper off the notepad, gave it to my father who worked in the kitchen; My mother works the tables. I picked up my phone and turned it on, seeing an unknown number: 033-823-5433. I unlocked my phone and looked at the message, already knowing who it's from. I put his contact in my phone and texted back.

Nathanael: Hi

Me: Hey, what's up?

Nathanael: Nothing really, I'm just sketching.

Me: Oh, what are you sketching?

Nathanael: Nothing! Nothing at all! Just um, mindless doodles.

Me: Hmm, that response is a little...Sketchy.

Nathanael: Oh my god.

Nathanael: Anyway, want to hang out?

Me: Ah, I'm working the counter at my family's new place. But if you want to come wait until my shift ends in a half an hour, I won't stop you.

Nathanael: Oh, okay! You're that new shop down the road from the park, right?

Me: Yes.

Nathanael: Be there soon!

I turned off my phone and continued to take orders as I waited for him to arrive. Shortly after, he opened the cafe door looking shy as usual.

"Hey, Nathanael!" I shouted, purposely putting all of the attention onto him. He blushed in embarrassment and let his bangs cover his eyes as he rushed over to me. "D-Don't do that!" He whispered. I chuckled and pat his head, "Alright, I'm sorry." The red never left his face. "Just give me a moment and I'll be able to hang out," I said and he smiled.

*     *     *

We walked side by side and talked mindlessly over the smallest things. He was really nice to hang out with. Despite his shy appearance, he is a really cool guy. I guess I wouldn't really know how that feels since I usually just jump into a conversation with random people like it's nothing. 

"So, when do you start school?" I asked. He sighed and glared at the school we passed by, "We were supposed to start today but I woke up late and ended up not going." I looked at him in surprise, "You skipped? You don't look like the type to do that." He defensively shook his head, "No, no. I just, I don't know. I could have gone but I woke up late and figured I could just hang out with you since you don't go to college for another few days." 

I smiled as his reaction and my heart warmed a little. "Aw, you wanted to hang out with me? How cute!" I fawned. The red color returned to his face. "I'm just teasing. Hanging out with you is nice!" He nodded and pointed towards the zoo. "Want to go check out the animals?" I nodded, "Sure, I've never been to a zoo."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me along. Not like he could if I didn't let him though. I bought our tickets for entry and we walked around, staring at all of the animals. Personally, my favorites were the lions. Shortly after we explored about half of the park, we bought something to eat and drink then sat down.

He sipped on his soda and I smiled at him. "Kinda feels like a date, doesn't it?" I joked. He coughed up his drink and looked at me as red as I've ever seen him. "Haha! I'm just kidding! Don't be so serious man!" I stretched and stood up. "Well, I should get going. Want me to walk you home?" I offered. He shook his head, "No, that's alright. I can manage." I nodded and walked off, not seeing the love struck smile he had as he watched me leave.

*     *     *

Adrien's POV

I sat in class distracted all day. For some reason, a certain boy wouldn't leave my mind, no matter how many times I tried. Ah, this is foolish. I shouldn't like a boy! I like girls and only girls, right? Oh, whatever!

The bell rung as I picked up my bag and walked out of class. Girls practically surrounded me as I walked. I turned my head to look out the window, hoping to find something interesting. I stopped in my tracks, a feeling of jealousy hitting me like a brick. I saw Nathanael and that boy, laughing and walking together. Why was this bothering me? It's not like I care anyway!

Oh! This is ridiculous! I calmed myself down a bit, though I still had a sick feeling in my stomach. To rid of it, I took out my phone and looked at ladybug. But, I frowned. Why don't I feel anything? Where are the butterflies? The warm, fuzzy feeling in my chest?

Why is this so hard? This is one of the weird things about meeting people for reasons other than business, you feel things. I don't like it! Agh, I better just think this over. 

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