Chapter Eleven.

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Your POV

I calmly got out of my truck and walked into my families cafe. Inside, was Adrien, sitting patiently at a table. He smiled once he saw me and eagerly waved. "Hi (M/n)!" He said excitedly. I forced a smile, "Hi, Adrien. It's nice to see you," I said, pulling out a chair and sitting at the table. "Adrien, I have something to ask-" I got cut off as my mom walked over, "Hello boys~! Can I get you anything??" I sighed a bit, "Just some coffee, mom." Adrien smiled, "I'll have some coffee too." She smiled, gave me a thumbs up and hurried away.

I sighed again, " I was trying to say before-" I grunted, feeling my stead get kicked. I quickly turned around> "I-I'm sorry sir, you have to forgive my son..he's only four." I forced another smile. "That's alright, I understand." I turned back around and went to speak again before a high pitched wail was heard behind me.

My eyebrow twitched. I was getting pissed off. "Adrien- Why the hell did y--" It screamed louder. I glared at the child and immediately it shut up. "Now that that's settled...Why did you l-" "(M/n)!" I slammed my hands on the table. "WHAT!?" I looked towards the voice, seeing Nathanael frozen by the door. I quickly calmed down. "A-Ah...Nathanael I'm sorry. What did you need?" He regained his composure and walked over to me.

"I wanted to show you something important." He said, getting out his phone. Adrien paled. "Is something wrong, Adrien?" I said. He shook his head, "N-No...Lets get out of here (M/n)" I turned my attention to Adrien. "Why? Regardless of what he did, I should hear him out. It's important." Nathanael looked puzzled, "What I did?" I raised my eyebrow, "Yes, but...we can talk about that after," I said, glancing at a panicking Adrien, "What do you need to show me."

He fumbled a bit, his cheeks slightly red. He then held out his phone. I took it, reading through the messages. I frowned, before backing out of the messages, seeing what my name was. Is it...possible that Adrien changed it? He did have his phone before I took it...and he told me to look at it..! My grin stretched from ear to ear. "Nathanael...why don't you sit with us?" He seemed confused. "T-The messages--" I put up my hand, signaling for him to stop. "Sit, please."

He hesitated before nervously sitting down. I folded my hands, taking a deep breath. "Adrien..Those messages are quite interesting." He looked around nervously, no doubt trying to think of what to say. "T-Those could be f-from anybody!" I hummed, "Well...I might have been a bit skeptical, seeing those messages, maybe. I mean, it's not hard to fake that kind of thing." Adrien calmed for a second, before stiffening, " you believe the messages??" I nodded. "W-Why???"

"Lets just say...while I was in the park, I had a little run in with this very nice young lady, around your age, actually!" He seemed confused. "She allowed me to rant about my problems, and even gave me a bit of advice. She was most helpful, though, when I mentioned that the names of the two boys. Her name was, hm, what was it.....Ah~ Marinette?" Adrien paled once more, at a loss for words.

"You know her, I see?" Adrien looked at Nathanael, then me, not knowing what to say. It's good that Nathanael came here, actually. Why didn't I think to invite him in the first place?? Adrien can't lie to me about Marinette or Nathanael while he is here. Oh this is too good. He stuttered as nonsense started to come out of his mouth. "I-I'm..." I smiled, thinking he was going to apologize. Maybe we could put this behind us and be friends. "I-I'm so much better than him!" He said.

Whoops- guess not. Bitch wants to die. "Excuse me?" I said. "H-He's just the quiet boy in the back of the class! He constantly gets in trouble with the teacher for drawing! He doesn't have any friends and- and he's never even dated anyone before! I-I'm a model! I'm rich- You like to doodle too, right?? I can rent out a gallery for your drawings! I can give you everything he can't!" I started to frown, "Adrien...if you know what's best for you-" He cut me off, further frustrating me. "I-I'm attractive and he isn't! I'm fit, too! He isn't! He's weak! I can offer you so much more than this wanna be cartoonist-" I slammed a fist on the table.

Seme Male Reader x NathanaelWhere stories live. Discover now