Chapter Four.

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Nathanael's POV

After my date with (M/n), yes, that's what I'm calling it, I quickly rushed home. I slammed the door shut and ran into the living room where my father and mother were, she was reading and he was watching TV. "Mom, Dad!" I yelled. My father paused the television and looked up with a smile, while my mother seemed to ignore my presence.

"Yes?" He asked.

"I met a boy!" I replied, feeling my heart soar. My father froze in shock and my mother continued to sip her tea, paying little attention to my news, but I didn't care.

My mother frowned. My father on the other hand, stood up and grabbed my hands excitedly. "You met a boy? Really? Is he nice? How old is he, where does he go to school? Is he hot?" He questioned, barely giving me any time to process his questions. My mother stiffened before picking up her book and cup and leaving the room.

You see, my mother and father are in the middle of getting a divorce. My father is gay, but has previously never really said anything to anyone in fear of being a disappointment. The only reason he married my mother was because his mother had suggested her as a bride. Of course, when his mother suggest things, it is in your best interest to go along with it no matter what. So, he did indeed marry her.

For nearly four years, my father has been in love with his childhood best friend. As far as we know, they have secretly been together for around three years. As you can guess, when my mother found out, she was not happy. There was a lot of fighting going on downstairs when she found out, which was almost four months ago. My dad and Liam are actually planning on getting married as soon as the divorce is completed, which shouldn't be long from now.

I can't say I'm sad to see my mother go, she never really liked the idea of having children anyway, I was an accident. I can't say the same for my father though, he was so happy he was having a kid. So you can imagine that my mother doesn't like me much. Recently her hatred has gotten worse upon finding out that both my father and myself are gay. I'm sad to say that she is homophobic.

I laughed at my father's giddiness as his curly, red hair bounced with him. "Well, he is very kind, and his name is (M/n)" I said with a dreamy look on my face, or so I assume. "He is, I think, eighteen, I'm not sure where he goes to school, and yes to your last question, very." My dad had a mini fanboy moment before composing himself.

"Oh, Nathanael, I have to meet this boy!" He said. I shook my head, eyes wide. "NO! I can't introduce him to you! We just became friends dad, I don't want to scare him away." I pleaded. He frowned like a child and folded his arms, "If he was even worth your time, something as small as meeting your own father wouldn't scare the boy away." I laughed and smiled at my dad, "Maybe." He immediately perked up, getting all excited as he walked out of the room, mumbling something about a wedding cake? I walked upstairs and sat on my desk, sketching (M/n) all night.

Adrien's POV

I hopped out of the limo, spotting at Nino, Mari, and Alya. "Hey guys," I greeted them with a my signature smile and wave. Nino and Alya waved back while Marinette froze with a blush across her cheeks. We all walked inside, talking about random things. I saw Nathanael walk into the classroom and turned to my friends, "Hey, um, I'm gonna go ahead." I said, rushing into the classroom after him. I dashed up to the seat next to his and sat down, greeting him with a smile. "Hey there," I said.

He looked up at me in surprised and mumbled a shy hello. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a familiar face in his sketchbook. "What are you drawing?" I asked, seeming curious, though I knew exactly what it was. Believe me, I was not thrilled. He blushed and put his sketchbook in his bag, "I'm not drawing anything in particular!" He laughed, "Just doodles." I nodded, before getting up and walking away. "I have to get that book," I thought.

I returned to my seat as the teacher entered the classroom and started taking attendance. Nathanael is crushing on that boy, I know he is! But why the hell does that bother me? Oh, whatever, all I know is that I don't like it.

After class, I went about my normal day until lunch came around. I turned the corner to get to the cafeteria and bumped into a shorter person. We both fell back, landing on the ground as the other person's stuff scattered all over the floor. "I am so sorry!" I heard a timid voice speak, "I wasn't watching where I was going!" I smiled and helped him pick up his stuff. "It's no problem, really." He nodded and walked off. I stood up and grinned to myself, "Got it." I mumbled, putting a certain book into my bag.


Now, now. You could kill me for updating late, but, BUT, just hear me out here. You can kill me and never get an update again, OR, you can let me live and keep reading! *Get's hit with a vase* Fair enough.

Sorry for the late update, really, I don't really have a good excuse. My brother had the computer for the majority of the time and I couldn't update. Now you may be wondering, "Why the hell didn't you just write on your phone?" And my answer to that is........"Fuck you." No no I'm sorry. Shall I say "Screw you?" Nah.......I'm just tired so I'm a bit more rude than usual(mmmhm). For real though, I prefer typing on a computer.

Adrien's point of view was slightly rushed and I will not be fixing it, I'm tired and I have to get up early so I can drive with my ma two frickin states over to meet a family friend, JUST to drive two hours extra so we can go see fricken huge trucks race eachother(I love monstertrucks). So excuse my terrible writing at that point in the story.

Another thing you may be thinking! "Why the hell are you making a relationship between us and Nathanael? Isn't this an ADRIEN x Seme Male Reader?"'ll see. You're going to hate me, but you will see.

Now I gotta update one more chapter on a different story because I haven't done shit on it, and then I'm going to sleep. Bye.

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