Chapter Twelve.

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Your POV

I sat at the park with Nathanael a few days later. We went on a date to the park, sketching random things that we see. Though, most of the time, he was doing most of the sketching. I couldn't bring myself to look away from him. He was so cute the way he stuck his tongue out a little in concentration, and how he often brushed his bangs out of his face when they got in the way. He always blushes when he catches me staring at him.

I have yet to grow the balls to ask him out, though. I'm trying! It's so hard! Every time I try, something always seems to get in the way. I'm definitely going to ask him out at the end of this date, though. We continued sketching some trees for a bit longer before I heard him sigh. "Is something wrong?" I asked.

He smiled a little and shook his head. "I just...I think Adrien took my other sketchbook." I raised my eyebrow. "When did this happen??" He looked a way a bit, "Ah...some time ago.." I frowned. "Are you positive he has it?" I asked him. He nodded, "Yeah, no one else would've had a reason to take it." I thought for a second. "Ah, hey, Nathanael, you should be getting home soon!" He looked at me, confused before looking at the time.

"Oh, ah crap. I wish I could've hung out with you longer, (M/n)" He frowned. "Yeah...I wish we could have spent more time together too, but you really should get home. You still have homework, yeah?" He nodded. "Yeah" I smiled reassuringly and rested my hand on top of his, "Don't worry, we will definitely hang out later." His expression brightened immediately, "Yeah! Okay, that makes me feel better." He smiled.

We walked over and got in my truck. We put on our seat belts before I started it up and drove off to his house. I reached over sometime into the drive and gently grabbed his hand, rubbing my thumb over his knuckles. He blushed a little and smiled at me. I smiled back. After a little while of sitting in a comfortable silence, we arrived.

"Thanks for driving me home, (M/n), I appreciate it." I shook my head, "It's no problem, I'm happy to do it." He unbuckled and opened the car door, ready to hop out as I turned my attention back to the road, ready to drive off. Suddenly, I felt something warm and soft pressed against my cheek. I blushed and turned my head in the direction of Nathanael once the sensation passed, seeing him with a dark blush dusting his cheeks as he pulled away from me.

He stuttered, "G-Goodnight." Nathanael shut the door and ran inside quickly. I smiled to myself, mumbling a goodnight as well before driving off into the dark.

I drove for another little while before pulling next to a mansion. Ah, Adrien's place. Nathanael would be so happy if I got his sketchbook back~ I can just imagine how cute he will look when he gets excited. I started climbing up the side of the mansion, mumbling to myself. "He'll be all like...Oh, (M/n)~! My sketchbook?? This is so unexpected and sweet~ You got it back?? For me~?? Oh I love youuu~ Mwah mwah mwah~" I laughed quietly at my idiotic ideas. It will probably be like that though.

I shimmied across the ledges, peeking into the windows, looking for something similar looking to a teenagers room. Oh, I found it. It's got a ton of videogames. This MUST be Adriens room. I pulled at the window. The fuck? I pulled harder. It wont open??? I got frustrated and yanked at it once. Oh! I got it open! Well, sort of.

I managed to open the window just enough for me to slip through, I think. I don't know, I'll have to try. I pushed my arms through the open part of the window. So far so good. Then, I slipped my head and neck through. Good enough. Oh god I wonder how this looks to bystanders, my ass is sticking out. I attempted to wiggle my way through the window, getting my chest and hips stuck a couple of times, but I did it. With one last pull, I fell through the window and fell onto the floor, groaning.

"" I grunted, standing up and cracking my back. "Ow" I looked around, attempting to find a sketchbook of some sort. Adrien doesn't seem like the artistic type, in the sense that he likes to sketch. I rummaged through his desk for a few minutes, getting frustrated when I found nothing. "Ugh..where is it.." I grumbled, standing up. "Oh..." It's on the desk, right in front of me. "Whoops-"

I picked it up, smiling. "Victory!!!-" I started to shout before realizing I technically broke in, "Uh...victory~" I quietly cheered. "Ah, I should probably make sure this is the right one.." I hummed softly, opening the book, seeing Nathanaels' little cute signature in the corner of every page. Feeling a bit snoopy, I flipped through the pages of the book, towards the most recent drawings.

I looked through them in awe, "These are fantastic-..." I trailed off, seeing a drawing of me. "Wow...I'm hot." I flipped the next page, seeing a little cute scene. I cooed, "Awww~" Smiling to myself, eager to see the next page, I flipped it. "Ah what do we have here. Ah! Me gripping....oh...oh he really that flexible...???" I blushed heavily, staring at the picture for a little longer.

"(M/n)...?" I squealed, dropping the book in surprise. I looked over towards the voice, a blush still on my cheeks. Adrien was standing in the doorway of what seemed to be a bathroom. He was wearing a pair of basketball shorts and an over sized T-Shirt with a towel draped along his shoulders. "W-What...what are you doing...?" I panicked. "I-I..." It's okay (M/n)! Don't panic....just...imagine him in his underwear-- Oh no he'S HOT!

I blushed again, trying to get rid of the image of a half naked Adrien and the positions in the picture Nathanael drew. Oh boy...too many hot guys. To top it all off, there are quite a few mirrors around here, and my sexy ass sure ain't helping my condition, here. Adrien's confused expression soon turned into a cocky one.

"Oh...I see." He said. "Y-You do?" I stuttered. He nodded, walking closer to me, a blush creeping up on his cheeks as his eyes became clouded with lust. I backed up, "O-Oh!! N-no A-Adrien, not like that-" I bumped into the window. Fuck. I heard it slam shut. No. Nonononononononononononononono. I turned around, freaking out. I climbed up on the windowsill, pulling at the window with both hands. What the fuck!? I yanked at it, but it wouldn't budge. One more pull! I pulled at it, but my fingers slipped. I yelped as I fell backwards, rolling onto the floor. I groaned in pain, sitting up.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Adrien begin to straddle me. "Ah- no- Adrien! stop!" I stood up quickly, my knee slightly grinding against him as I did. He moaned softly as he fell back onto the floor. He sat up. "Ah~ It's okay, I like it rough~" He stood up, walking towards me. I slipped past him, trying to avoid him touching me. 

"C'mon, baby, stop playing hard to get~" He said, licking his lips. This bitch thirsty as fuck- "A-Adrien, I'm serious, stop it. Let me leave. Don't touch me!" He walked towards me again, causing me to back up. I bumped into the side of the bed and fell back. "Oh for gods sake-" He crawled over me, groping my dick.

"Relax~" I blushed, biting my lip. I shook my head and put my hands on his shoulders, pushing him to the side. He fell onto the bed as I got up, picking the sketchbook up off the floor. When I turned around, I felt a pair of lips touch the corner of my lips, just barely missing.

"Oops~ I missed~" He grabbed my face, cupping my cheeks as he leaned in slowly. My thoughts raced as I tried to figure out how to get out of this. I already broke in, If he calls the cops or something, I don't want to add assault to it. Running out of ideas, I just did the first thing that came to mind.

"YEET--" I grabbed a cup off of his desk and threw it. He turned around, hearing it whack against the wall. I quickly turned towards the window and just went for it. I jumped, smashing through the glass and plummeting towards the ground. I rolled, and believe me, it was less than graceful, and it hurt, but it could have been worse. Somehow. I groaned in pain, rolling my shoulder. Why the fuck did I do that???

"(M/n)! My love! Are you okay???" I paled, oh yeah, that's why. Bitch is crazy. "Fuck off!" I yelled back. I heard him gasp. "Well, get back up here! I can nurse you back to health~" He grinned, "I've always wanted to roleplay~" I furred my brows, "Bitch I hope the fuck you do! You'll be a dead son of a bitch, I'll tell you that!" I got up and started running. "I'll be waiting for you, naked, if you change your mind!!"

I shook my head, getting in my truck and driving away. The shit I go through to make this boy happy....what the fuck.


So...dunno if people are gonna like it, but, I think its honestly just suppose to be kind of funny. I'm tired to my comedy isn't on point rn, but still. I hope you turds enjoy it. Don't think too much about the story like just enjoy it. Til next time................YEET---!

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