Chapter Six.

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Nathanael's POV

I rushed around my room rather quickly, making it as neat as I possibly could. After all, (M/n) is coming over. Part of me is scared, while the other is excited! I can't wait until he gets here!

"Nathanael, you're cleaning your room?" My father asked, standing in the door way. I nervously laughed, looking over at him. "Well, I thought that it was kind of dirty and I figured that I would clean."

He raise an eyebrow at me. "Okay fine! (M/n) is coming over!" I said excitedly. My dad's face lit up as he jumped up and down. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my goooodddd!!!" He squealed. I joined in on what he was doing. "He is? Oh my! I must meet him!" He said.

I grabbed his hands, "Oh please don't scare him off dad!" He smiled gently and nodded, "I won't scare him off, I promise." I hugged him, hearing the light footsteps of my mother making her way to my room.

"What is with all this noise?" She asked, mainly talking to my father. He composed himself as much as he could before replying, "Nathanael is going to have a friend over, isn't that nice?" My mother raised an eyebrow, "Who is this, "Friend" of yours?" She asked. "His name is (M/n), (M/n) (L/n). He works at the new café." She froze for a moment before going into her room down the hall.

My dad and I looked at each other before shrugging and laughing. We both started picking up my room to make it look more neat for when (M/n) arrives. My dad picked up my clothes and I cleaned up all my art supplies and did my best to make it look neat.

"Okay dad, I'm going to go down and wait for him!" I said, about to leave. "Wait, you're forgetting something!" He shouted. "What?" "Well you aren't going to hang out with this hot guy dressed like, that, are you?" He said, motioning to my current attire. I looked down, confused, until I saw that I was still in my sleep wear. I blushed.

He threw some clothes at me, "Change boy, change!" He said, rushing off to make himself look a little presentable. I threw on the clothes and looked in the mirror, and, I have to say, I look really good. I had a nice pair of black jeans that fit, very, well, and a slightly oversized brown sweater.

(Imagine that, eh?)

My Dad rushed back in and looked at me, "Oh, if he wasn't attracted to you before, he DEFINATELY will be now!" I smile and hugged him. "Thanks dad!" I said. "Any time. Okay now let me do something about that bead head of yours!" He said. He started combing through my hair, making it look presentable, when suddenly, the door bell rung. "Agh! Hurry up he's here!" I shouted. "Ah I'm trying!!" He panicked.

"Oh is he here!?" We heard my mother yell from the other room. She ran out, patting her hair down and pushing up her chest. "Son...he is gay, right?" He asked. I froze, "I-I think so..I don't remember I, I can't think!" He quickly finished my hair and I bolted out the door, and down the stairs. On the couch was my mother, happily talking to a man on the couch. I gulped, my palms started sweating and butterflies fluttered about in my stomach, trying to get away from the massive storm of anxiety.

"(M-M/n)?" I said, my voice slightly cracking. He turned around, smiling brightly, "Hey, Nathanael!" He got up and my face turned red, "Your mother is an, um, interesting woman." He chuckled, sporting a half smile. He got up and walked over to me, giving me a quick side hug. My mother quickly ran up to him and hugged his arm, bringing him to the kitchen, going on and on about...something. I don't know.

He gently pulled her hands off his arm and gave her a forced smile, "Sorry, Ms. Kurtzburg, but I am here to hang out with Nathanael, so if you don't mind, I will be on my way." She rolled her eyes when he looked back and smiled at me, but cheerfully said "Okay!"

Seme Male Reader x NathanaelWhere stories live. Discover now