Chapter 1

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The sound of running footsteps reverberated off the stone walls and came crashing back into the ears of the terrified woman. She sped across the corner and her heart jumped into her throat as she discovered the dead end that awaited her. Quickly she spun around only to crash into the warm flesh that stood behind her. She backed away hoping to put as much distance between them as possible only to come crashing down, her ankle bent in an odd direction beneath her.

“Please spare me” she cried looking into the conflicted eyes of the silver haired teen before her. He stared at her a moment, a silent war raging in his amethyst eyes, then he knelt to the ground before her. He grabbed her hands with one hand and held them tightly to his chest, with his other hand he grabbed the hair on the back of her head and pulled her head back, baring her neck.

“I'm sorry” he whispered huskily before lowering his face and biting into her flesh. The woman gave a silent scream then fell still, her life’s blood flowing from her veins into the greedy mouth of the teen. A hand grabbed him by the shoulder and ripped him away from the victim; the teen spun and prepared to lash out only to be met with a pair of flaming chocolate eyes.

“Zero” he said looking at the teen “stop. You have to fight this, for Yuki’s sake.” Zero stared at the brunette for a moment, then returned his attention to the woman, who had fallen to the ground unconscious, preparing to return to his meal. The smell of blood captured his attention and he spun his head around to see that the brunette had cut open his palm, offering the sweet smelling blood to him.

“Take it” he whispered “just leave the woman alone.” Zero looked at the woman and then focused on the brunette teen in front of him. He walked towards him hesitantly and glanced at the hand that was offered, with one last cautious look he slowly grabbed the hand and swept his tongue across the cut flesh. His eyes flared with the first taste of the blood and he slammed the other teen into the wall, his teeth immediately clamping down on the exposed flesh of his neck.

His eyes grew hotter with passion as the brunettes blood flowed into his mouth and he pulled him closer, their bodies practically merging into one another. His hands slowly slipped down his shoulders onto his chest, hastily trying to undo the buttons that kept him from marking all over the pale brunette’s chest. He succeeded in doing so and was trailing his lips down to the teen’s abdomen, preparing to bite, when a firm hand placed itself under his chin and hauled him up.

“No Zero” he whispered huskily, swooning a little on his feet from the severe loss of blood.

Zeros eyes began to clear slowly as the pureblood pushed itself throughout his body, and his face distorted into a look of repulsion. “Kaname” he whispered “I didn’t mean to I….” The teen looked at him a rather annoyed expression on his face.

“Don't look like that” he replied “you do that almost every time. If you’re going to act so repulsed by it then maybe you should stop sneaking out and refusing me when I offer you blood before you lose control.” He looked at Zero a moment longer making sure his words sank in before wobbling down the alleyway. Zero hurried after him catching him under the arm a moment before he hit the ground.

“You know for someone who hates us ‘monsters’ you seem to be taking quite a liking to me.” Kaname said mockingly.

Zero tensed up his eyes growing cold and hard, then they cleared and were filled with a sort of sorrow and regret. “I’m sorry that you had to come after me… again, are you alright? I took a lot more from you tonight then I usually do.”

Kaname looked at him a moment and then turned his head back to the path before him, a movement that made him lose his balance. Zeros hand caught him gracefully on his arm, which he threw across his shoulder, his other hand placing itself on the curve between his stomach and his hips, brushing lightly across the pale skin that was peeping out slightly underneath his white button down shirt. Both teens blushed slightly at the contact, trusting in the shadow of the night to hide their reactions, the shadow that they slowly melted into.

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