Chapter 11

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Zero grimaced as he was forced onto the stone table, the shackles that bound his hands and feet to the object biting at his skin. The blindfold had been forced upon him again and now he could do nothing but wait for whatever torture this sinful man could think up. After hearing that Eco and his son would be in danger, no matter what he told Michaelis, he refused to give him any information regarding Kaname. Well that had angered him, this was the result of his anger and Zero could do nothing but wait for whatever was to come.

“This is the end for you my pet” Michaelis hissed in his ear, “if you refuse to tell me about Kaname than you are of no use to me. The question is how to go about killing you. Obviously just doing it fast would be too much of a gift for you….” He trailed off and Zero heard his footsteps pacing the room. He heard a sound like rushing water and then a splash as something was dropped in. The footsteps returned and something cold and wet was draped over his face. “A drowning perhaps” he heard Michaelis whisper, pondering his own method. Then all was quiet and he began to wonder if maybe his captor had left.

A moment later he was answered when a torrent of water splashed onto the object draped across his face and he choked as the water entered his nose. Finally the downfall of water stopped and he retched, attempting to get the water out of his lungs. He heard his captor laugh as he wheezed, unable to get enough air, and he thrashed about as another blast of water splashed down on him.

“Now, now my pet, you must be still, it will make all of this so much easier.” Again and again the water splashed down on him, and again and again he retched and wheezed, never able to get enough air into his lungs. Black dots were swimming in front of his eyes, his lungs shuddered and he twisted his head to the side, water gushing from his mouth onto the stone table before splashing to the floor.

The sound of a gun going off unsettled Michaelis and he gave a soft curse before returning to his method of “drowning.” Zero stopped fighting, his body convulsing against his iron restraints as his body ran out of oxygen. A door slammed open and the water stopped unexpectedly, crashing against the wall on the other side of the room. He heard a growl and he tried, unsuccessfully to call out to whoever had entered the room. He coughed uncontrollably, his lungs heaving with the effort, and water gushed past his lips.

He heard footsteps hurrying to the table and tried in vain to speak to the person who was attempting to get the object off his face. At last with a final yank the object came free and he coughed, his lungs still full of water. A hand brushed across his wrist as it yanked off his restraints and in the distance he heard a scream of defiance. Someone grabbed him by the elbow and attempted to help him stand but his legs were too weak and he fell to his knees, his hands balling into fists on the floor as he coughed up more water.

He fell to his side, convulsing, as his body reacted to the lack of oxygen. He heard somebody curse and then felt someone hammering his chest, he gagged and the rest of the water came out in a gush. He sucked in a shaking breath and then slowly stood, reaching his hands up to pull off his blindfold. A hand gently touched his and he flinched, fearing that Michaelis had thwarted whoever had burst in earlier.

“It’s okay Zero it’s me” the voice shook and sounded on the verge of tears.

“Kaname?” Zero whispered, not daring to believe that after all this time he was going to be free. He felt hand’s touch the back of his head and undo the blindfold and he looked up into wide brown orbs. “Kaname?” he asked again, gently touching his cheek as if worried that he would vanish if he held on to tightly.

“It’s me” Kaname replied pulling the boy into him. “My god what have they done to you?” Kaname whispered taking in the boys bloody ragged appearance and the amount of water on the floor, not to mention the many chains and torture devices that were scattered across the room. Zero held onto him tightly, his body still twitching from the effect of his “almost” drowning. He heard someone snicker in the background and his head snapped up to see Michaelis with a gun pointed at Kaname’s exposed back.

“No!” Zero shouted, throwing himself between the two. There was a sickening thud and Zero felt himself being thrown back from the force before he smashed to the ground, rolling a few feet before he fell still. He saw Kaname run to his side and felt himself being gently lifted onto his lap. A scream caught his attention and he turned to see Akatsuki and Hanabusa viciously tearing at Michaelis, he turned his head and forced back a gag.

He covered his mouth, to hide his cough, and when he removed his hand it was red with blood. “Hmph, I survived all the torture and now that I’ve finally been freed I'm going to die.” Zero whispered absentmindedly to himself. A hand tightened on his own and he looked up into Kaname's grief stricken face. He gave a weak smile hoping to cheer him up but that did nothing other than cause both of them pain.

“It’s all my fault” Kaname cried kissing Zero’s hand, “if only I’d gotten here sooner.” Zero shook his head  and slowly reached up, tenderly stroking his loves cheek.

“I love you Kaname.” Zero said and Kaname let out a choked sob.

“It took you that long to say it?” Kaname bent over and claimed the boys lips, not caring that they were covered in blood and becoming deathly cold. Zero’s body went limp and Kaname buried his head in the boys shoulder, sobbing his name over and over. “Zero? Zero please come back! Don’t leave me! Zero!” he shook the boys shoulders, hoping to get a reaction, but Zero just lay there, cold and still.

A/N I know, cliff hanger, I'm such a terrible human right? Lolz well than how about you leave me a comment telling me how horrible I am XD or better yet tell me how amazing you think this chapter is J hahahaha actually I had a really hard time writing this chapter Zero’s my favorite character and my personal Kaname told me that if I killed Zero I would pay for it so now I'm scared for my life TT.TT please comment, fave, vote, so that my death will be worth something XD love all of you!!!

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