Chapter 12

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A/N I'm going to start this chapter off with a paragraph from the last chapter so that it makes sense, if your reading this after reading chapter 11 and you didn’t take a break from the story than just start reading after the asterisk line. Enjoy!

 Zero’s body went limp and Kaname buried his head in the boys shoulder, sobbing his name over and over. “Zero? Zero please come back! Don’t leave me! Zero!” he shook the boys shoulders, hoping to get a reaction, but Zero just lay there, cold and still.


Kaname lay sprawled on the couch, one hand across his chest the other draped across his eyes, shielding them from the sun that was leaking between the curtains. Two years he thought with a frown it’s been two years since that happened and I still can’t get Zero to wake up. Ever since the night in the dungeon where Zero was shot he had lived in a coma-like state. Kaname had tried everything to wake him up, from feeding him blood to kissing him and saying his name over and over again, but nothing seemed to work.

He stretched and then got up with a frown, throwing on a light jacket as he slouched out of the room, his mood greatly decreased with all the thoughts of Zero. A few people that he passed in the hallway gave him a smile or a slight bow but he dismissed them all focused on the task at hand. He turned the corner and dismissed the guard that was standing outside the room. Here we go again he thought with a sigh before pushing open the door, which closed with a soft click behind him.

The room he was in was sparsely decorated, there were no bookshelves or dressers, just a giant bed with a chair to the side, and a couple of beeping monitors. Kaname walked to the chair and flopped down, looking towards the bed with a frown. “Alright Zero, today’s the day that you’re going to get up” he said with forced confidence. The boy on the bed didn’t even move, the monitors to the right beeping at a steady pace.

Kaname’s heart dropped as Zero lay on the bed, still, his chest rising and falling with every breath that he took. Kaname frowned and reached out his hand to grab Zero’s, “Zero please, please, wake up, come back to me, I need you.” He took a deep shaking breath when Zero didn’t reply, “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you, I promised that it was going to be okay. And now, now it’s been two years and you still haven’t come back to me. I'm so sorry Zero this is all my fault, please come back to me, I love you.”

His words were met with silence and Kaname lowered his face to his hands, his chest shuddering with his shaking gasps and his shoulders heaving with his choked sobs. He passed in and out of a fitful sleep, awakening to the sound of the sheets rustling to his side.

“Kaname…?” the voice asked, low and scratchy.

“Zero!?” Kaname said his head snapping up to stare at the boy lying in front of him, but the boy was still and his eyes were closed. Kaname swallowed his hope and went to leave when the voice spoke again.

“Kaname… don't…. help me…. Kaname.” Kaname turned in time to see the boys lips moving but he was still.

“Zero” he whispered taking the boys hand “it’s okay, I’m here, come back to me Zero, please come back.” The boys head shook side to side and he furrowed his brow as if in pain, before slowly opening his eyes to slits.

“Kaname…” his voice was scratchy and Kaname couldn’t help the tears of relief that escaped and burned little tracks down his cheeks. Zero swallowed and then licked his lips “Kaname what's wrong?” his voice was stronger now and Kaname gave a weak smile.

“You’ve been gone a long time Zero, two years. I’ve missed you, I’ve missed you so much.” Zero smiled at this and tugged on Kaname’s shirt to bring him down for a light kiss. Kaname grinned as Zero’s heart monitors beeped in rapid succession and he resisted the temptation to do anything further, Zero was a recently awakened coma patient after all.

Zero frowned slightly as Kaname moved away but grinned in relief when Kaname unhooked him and then gathered him in his arms heading for the door. “Kaname” he said in a whisper. Kaname looked down at him a concerned look on his face.

“What? What is it? what's wrong?” Kaname said an anxious, scared expression darting across his face.

As if in response Zero’s stomach growled and Kaname resisted the urge to laugh in relief. He bent his neck down and kissed Zero on the cheek. “When we get to my room you can eat Anything you want.” Zero blushed at the implied subject and the way Kaname said Anything, but he kept that to himself.

so heres the chappy, hope you enjoyed it, I'm not sure if its very good I wish I had spent more time on it but I knew that some of you really wanted a chapter so I hope it meets the expectations, as always love you all with lots of sprinkles and if you dont comment fave or vote Hell will freeze over, your food will rot in the fridge, rabbid bunnies will invade your homes, and no one will EVER talk to you at parties :) Love you

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