Chapter 8

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The sound of worried voices awoke him and he saw the clearing swimming into view. Zero he thought bolting upright, an action that he immediately regretted. “Please Lord Kaname, be still a while longer, we haven’t finished dressing your wounds yet.” The tiny blond spoke quietly his fingers nervously drumming the ground next to him.

“Hanabusa?” Kaname asked swinging his focus to the tiny blond. Hanabusa looked over at him, prepared for any order that Kaname might give.

“Yes my lord?”

“Zero, where is he?” Kaname watched the blond as he spoke and noticed a twitch at the corner of his eye when he said Zero’s name.

“He’s missing, my lord. Taken by the hunters that shot you I suppose, unless he did this to you himself of course.”  Kaname frowned at this and reached his hand up, smacking the blond across the cheek. The blond fell backwards, catching himself on his right hand, as tears welled up in his eyes.

“Do NOT speak of him in such a manner ever again, do you understand me?”

“Yes my lord,” Hanabusa said staring at the ground.

“Good” Kaname retorted looking at the blond in distaste, “now tell me everything that you know.”


The silver haired teen opened his eyes slowly, black dots swimming in and out of his vision. He felt a sticky blotch on his forehead and reached up to touch it only to find that he was restrained. He jerked his hands forwards and heard the chains rattle and felt the metal biting into his wrist. A door slammed in the distance and he jerked his head up, a dark feeling worming its way into the pit of his stomach.

“Hello Zero, long time no see.” The deep voice resonated off the walls creating an eerie echo effect. Zero blinked, that voice seemed familiar. He screwed his eyes tighter, looking into the shadows that surrounded him. A light formed to his right and he saw a darkly clad man step into the ring of light, in his hands he held a tray containing various instruments, which he guessed to be evil in nature.

“What do you want?” Zero asked, following the man’s movements with his eyes. He saw him pick up something before coming closer.

“Oh nothing much” he said placing a cold object on his chest, “I just want you to tell me everything you know about the pureblood Kaname Kuran.” Zero blinked unsure he had heard him right.

“Kaname,” he repeated thinking back to the last time he had seen the boy. “Kaname is he all right? If you did anything to him I'm gonna…” he hissed in pain when he felt the man apply more pressure to his chest, causing some blood to trickle out.

“I’ll be asking the questions here” he said dragging the object down his chest, causing the boy to scream in pain as his was cut, not dangerously deep but enough to draw blood. “Now I shall repeat my question, what do you know about Kuran?”

Zero spat at his feet and the man grinned, a malevolent satisfaction burning in his eyes. He walked back to the tray and picked up a long rod before walking over to what Zero could now see was a small fire. He placed it in the flames and waited a moment before picking it back up and walking towards the boy. He lifted the rod and brought it close to Zero’s face, letting him examine it. It was about the size of a cattle brand and towards the tip it formed a rose shaped pattern with a simple X in the middle.

“Last chance” the man said “what do you know about Kuran?”

“I’ll die before I tell you” Zero hissed looking him defiantly in the eye.

The man grinned and pushed the brand into the skin directly above Zero’s left hip, towards his belly button, Zero screamed in pain, his head thrashing side to side and his hands balled up into fists. The man grinned “that can be arranged.”


HEYYYYYYY XD I'm going to upload a brand new story that i recomend you read and comment otherwise I'll take it off because I'll assume you dont like it. Anyyyways I hope to update this soon

<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 you my fans kisses *mwah*

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