Chapter 2

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Zero shot up in bed, his hand scratching at the mark that was burning on his neck. His eyes flared a dark shade of red and he slowly got up, his hand never stopping in the frantic motion that was slowly creating a line of crimson blood that trailed its way down his slender pale neck. He slowly opened the door and crept into the dark hallway, pausing for a moment in front of a large wood door, the sound of light breathing echoing in the otherwise silent hallway. His heart jumped into his throat as a board creaked underneath his foot; he snapped his attention back to the door. He took a moment to catch his breath, before slowly creeping around the corner.

A hand grabbed him from behind and slammed him into the wall, a voice whispering huskily into his ear. “Where do you think you’re going” Kaname whispered his breath cascading across the others neck sending shivers down his spine. Zero blushed, grateful for the darkness that hid him from the others sight.

“I was just going for a walk” Zero lied. Kaname looked at him a moment before grabbing him by the wrist and dragging him down the hall. “Kaname, wait, what are you doing!” his breath caught in his throat as Kaname opened the door he had passed earlier and threw him in. Zero stumbled and would have fallen if not for the slender white hand that caught him, the fingers brushing lightly against the skin of his chest, loose buttons falling silently to the ground as they were accidentally ripped away.

The door slammed behind him and he unconsciously jumped, his heart hammering in his chest. He felt his breath leave him in a gasp as he was shoved, hard, from behind and thrown onto the pure white bed. “You’re thirsty aren’t you” Kaname stated a look of betrayal flashing across his face. “I thought we agreed that from now on you would tell me about this. Do you want to kill someone!” Zeros face flashed with guilt which changed into a look of pure rage.

“You’re not my mom!” He yelled “stop acting like you care when all you really want is to make sure that Yuki doesn’t get hurt! You don't really care about me so stop pretending!” Silence descended upon the room and Zero looked down at his lap a guilty feeling welling up in his chest. He slid off the bed, his feet making no noise as they touched the thick white carpet. He made his way carefully around Kaname careful not to disturb the silence. His fingers had just brushed against the door knob when a slender arm wrapped across his stomach pulling him close.

“You think that I’m doing all this for Yuki?” Kaname whispered seductively into his ear. He waited a moment for his words to sink in before biting the silver haired teen on the ear careful not to disturb his piercings. He heard him breathing heavily, his hot breath blowing across the door frame. He smiled and trailed his lips down his neck drawing a strangled gasp from Zero as he threw his head back in pleasure.

“K-Kaname… what are you doing… stop” his strangled gasps filled the room and Kaname gave a malevolent smirk, his pale fingers tracing lines onto his heated chest.

“Go ahead Zero, make me bleed.”

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