Chapter 5

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Kaname turned the door knob gently, slipping into the dimly lit room. He closed the door silently behind him and crept over to the bed. He looked down at the silver haired boy, half buried in the silk sheets, and smiled. The boy shifted under the covers and Kaname ducked, worried that he may have awoken, he waited a moment for the boy to become still before bending over and placing a gentle kiss on his forehead. He stared a moment longer before walking back to the door, his hand gently grasping the handle.

“Kaname?” a voice whispered and he looked up to see Zero gently sitting up in bed and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He walked back over to him and sat on the edge of the bed, taking in the adorable sight. “What are you doing in here?” he finished the end of the sentence with a yawn, his eyes becoming heavy. Kaname smiled and rubbed the side of his cheek with his thumb.

“It’s okay go back to sleep” he whispered getting back on his feet and preparing to leave. He felt a hand grab his wrist and his eyes widened in surprise.

“You can stay” Zero whispered his ears turning red. Kaname's eyes widened in surprise and he gave a gentle smile.

“Are you sure” he asked. Zero nodded and Kaname watched as he slowly slid over in his bed, making room for him. Kaname slowly slid into the bed, feeling the warmth from the body that had just left it, his heart pounding with the excitement he was trying to conceal. He felt Zero moving next to him and he rolled over, kissing his forehead. “Goodnight” he whispered. Zero yawned in response and hooked his arms around Kaname's neck, burying in his face in the hollow of his neck.

Kaname shivered as he felt Zero’s hot breath blowing across his chest and he felt the boy draw closer in response to him. Slowly Kaname slid his hands down Zero’s chest, reaching under his shirt to tease the muscles that lay below. He felt the clenching and twitching of muscles as his body reacted to him and he gave a malevolent smirk before beginning to pull off the teen’s shirt, baring the flesh that lay beneath.

Zero shivered and managed to pull himself even closer, Kaname raised an eyebrow in response. “It’s cold” Zero whined, sleep beginning to elude him. Kaname grinned and rolled over to straddle the boys hips.

“Allow me to warm you up then” he replied before claiming his lips. Zero moaned as Kaname invaded his mouth, exploring everything he could find. He pulled away gasping for air and felt Kaname's lips tracing their way down his jaw and across his neck. The air escaped him in a strangled gasp as Kaname nipped and teased down his chest, his heart pounding.

Time seemed to freeze, Zero’s hand shot up to his neck, covering his mark, and he bit down on his lip to suppress his scream. Kaname noticed the change and immediately looked up at him, panic tainting his eyes, along with something darker.  “Zero! Zero are you okay?” Kaname asked worriedly, grabbing Zero’s face and cradling it in his hands. Zero looked at him, his eyes brimming with tears, his hand scratching at the mark.

“It hurts” he whispered, pain evident in his strained voice. “Make it stop Kaname, please, it hurts, make it stop.” Kaname cradled him in his arms, slowly stroking his hair, a pained look in his eyes.

“I can’t make it stop Zero, I’m sorry.” His voice cracked and he felt tears well up, but he had to be strong, for Zero. The boys scream tore at his heart and he held him closer, whispering to him, trying to soothe him, to ease his pain. His screams turned into loud sobs as the pain subsided and he buried himself further into Kaname's arms, trying to erase the pain.

Kaname kept petting him, holding him as close as he could and whispering to him. He felt the boys chest heaving and knew that the worse was over, for now. He cursed the woman that had laid such a burden on him, but she was dead now and there was nothing he could do. Slowly Zero stilled, his breathing becoming soft and even. Kaname carefully settled him into the bed, making sure that he was completely covered before he laid himself down, cradling Zero in his arms throughout the night.

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