Chapter 6

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A/N This chapter is the product of popular demand, rated R for hott BoyXBoy

Zero awoke abruptly, his eyes snapping open, as he felt a pain in his neck. His eyes moved drowsily to the right and then to the left, settling on the brunette on top of him. He felt the tongue sliding across his neck and felt the blood leaving his body and entering the others. He tried to push the brunette away but his strength failed him and his head fell back onto the pillow the ceiling swimming in and out of his vision.

His breath began to slow but he was too numb to care, embracing the darkness as it was embracing him. He felt something hot enter his mouth and he opened his eyes to see the brunette staring down at him panicked. It took him a moment to realize what was happening, and when he finally understood that he was being fed the brunettes blood he realized how hungry he was.

He pushed the hand out of his mouth and lunged for his neck, sinking his teeth in deep. He felt the brunette wince in pain and heard him take a sharp intake of breath but he was too hungry to pay much attention. He sat there, lapping up the blood, the life force, of the boy, and it was only when he heard his heart slow to a stop that he froze.

“Oh my god, Kaname? Kaname!” Zero called, gently shaking the boys shoulders. Kaname twitched in reply before slowly opening his eyes and giving a weak smile.

“I was trying to stop the pain…” he mumbled, his strength slowly returning. Zero gave him a puzzled look that the other found simply adorable. “Your blood” he continued in an attempt to make Zero understand, “it was contaminated. I practically drained you so that enough of my blood would get in you to fight yours off. Unfortunately the pain this will cause will be immense, but after that you shouldn’t have any more pain at all.” Zero blinked slowly as he processed this and then his eyes widened.

“But that means my blood is inside you, wont you be contaminated?” he asked worriedly. Kaname shook his head slowly, smiling at the worried expression on the others face.

“You don't need to worry about me, it’s taken care of.” Zero nodded his head and they sat there a moment in silence, a comfortable silence where you just relish in each other’s presence. Suddenly Zero grabbed Kaname's hand and squeezed, his teeth gritting in pain. “Zero?” Kaname asked worriedly. Zero shook his head before the pain slammed into him with twice the force, causing him to whimper in pain. Kaname stared at him with grief, not knowing what he could do to ease Zero’s suffering, he heard the boy make another whimper and he quickly captured his lips, hoping to distract him.

Zero quickly responded, another wave of pain hit him and he bit down, hard, on Kaname's lip. Kaname winced but kept kissing him, hoping to be able to distract him long enough for most of the pain to pass. Slowly the pain built and Zero became more and more focused on it, his breath coming in shallow wheezes. Kaname blushed as he thought up ways he could distract the boy, and he slowly unbuttoned the his shirt.

“Kaname what’re you….” He broke off with a moan as Kaname flicked his tongue across his chest. Kaname grinned, both at the reaction and the fact that Zero’s mind was taken off the pain. He trailed his lips lower, nibbling here and kissing there, anything that would keep his mind off the pain. He felt the body beneath him convulse as Zero was shaken by another intense wave of pain, and he felt to hands tangle themselves in his hair. He felt tears well up in his eyes as his hair was being pulled from the roots, but he continued with his ministrations, glad to be of help to the other.

He slowly unbuttoned the boys pants and kissed the inside of his thigh, earning an intense moan of pleasure as Zero almost completely forgot his pain in the heat of the moment. He moved up to kiss Zero’s neck, grinding against the bulge in the others pants that mirrored his own. He felt Zero’s hot breath against his neck as the boy panted in pleasure, his pain completely forgotten.

“Kaname what are you doing?” he panted his eyes glazed.

“Do you want me to stop?” Kaname asked with a grin, knowing what the boys response would be. He slowly moved back to his previous position, sliding the boys boxers down inch by inch to reveal his erected manhood. He looked up at the boy to make sure that he wasn’t in any pain, before taking him in his mouth. He felt Zero buck his hips forwards, and he used one of his hands to hold the boy down to keep himself from gagging. He heard the boy suck in shallow ragged breaths as he continued and he stopped before the boy could finish.

Zero looked down at him with a confused face, his cheeks burning and his eyes glazed with passion. Kaname stared back at him and then moved up to capture his lips, his hands moving down to remove his own pants. Zero’s hand on his made him freeze, but Zero simply moved them out of the way and proceeded to undress Kaname himself, taking his own time in doing it. Kaname moaned when Zero wrapped his hand around his shaft and lightly pulled, teasing him.

Kaname growled and grabbed Zero by the shoulders, flipping him onto his stomach. Zero’s eyes widened as he took in the implications of this position and he squirmed, freezing when he felt Kaname’s lips by his ear.

“Are you ready?” he whispered, not wanting to make Zero do anything he didn’t want to. Zero thought for a moment and then nodded, clutching the bed sheets. Kaname tilted his face towards him, kissing him as he slowly entered. He heard the boy cry out in pain, and froze.

“Kaname” he panted his face flushed “St-stop, you don't fit.” Kaname almost broke out into laughter at the sheer innocence and adorableness of that comment, but instead he waited for Zero to adjust to his size before pushing himself in the rest of the way. He shivered as he felt the muscles pulsing around him and waited for Zero’s permission to start moving. With a backwards shove in his direction Zero gave that permission, groaning in ecstasy as he felt Kaname pull out before thrusting back into him. He repeated the action, penetrating deeper each time, and earning moans and pants of ecstasy as he hit Zero’s prostate.

He shivered as he released into Zero, who too released, his muscles tightening around Kaname. He collapsed onto his side and pulled Zero into his arms, kissing him in the hollow of his jaw. “Is the pain gone now?” He asked referring to the pain from earlier.

Zero nodded and then his eyes widened, “is that what this was all about?” he demanded his face showing a hint of the betrayal he was feeling. Kaname shook his head.

“Of course not” he said “I was just making sure that you were okay.” Zero nodded and felt his eyes growing heavier. He felt Kaname give him one last kiss before he succumbed to the greatest sleep he had in years. “I love you” Kaname whispered, he saw Zero give a faint smile and wondered if he heard him, and then he too drifted off to sleep.

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