Chapter 9

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A splash of cold water on his face immediately awoke him and he shook his head trying to get the water off his hair. Kaname just wait until I get you he thought and then he felt the burning pain on his hip and remembered that Kaname wasn’t there to wake him up anymore. In fact Kaname wasn’t there to do a lot of things anymore, he wouldn’t be able to kiss him, he wouldn’t be able to fall asleep and wake up in his arms, he wouldn’t be able to feel the jolt of electricity slide through his body as their skin rubbed together. The loneliness of it all was almost enough to make him cry, almost, because Zero was strong and he was not going to give that man what he wanted.

That man he thought and looked up to see a familiar face grinning down at him. “Hello my pet” the voice crooned, “did you have a nice sleep?” Zero stared at him refusing to answer and was rewarded with a harsh slap on the cheek. “What do you know Kiryu? Tell me!” he demanded glaring at the boy, his nostrils flaring and his face turning red with anger. Zero looked at him a moment and then bent his head down, refusing to answer. “Very well” the man said.

Zero heard his footsteps walk away and thought that he was leaving. A second later the footsteps returned, this time accompanied by a pair of heavier steps. Zero raised his head slightly to look at the newcomer and paled. He was a well built man, about five foot nine, and his arms were covered in scars of different lengths, upon his face a scar stretched from his right eyebrow, across his nose, and down to the left corner of his mouth. His eyes were a stone cold pale blue and he frowned as he took in the ragged bloody figure of the young man.

“You didn’t tell me that I would be interrogating a boy Michaelis” the man said staring down the man from earlier.

“I didn’t think that was important, besides, since when does age matter to you Eco?” That man, who Zero now knew as Michaelis, replied. Eco looked at the boy and a look of grief flashed through his eyes before he turned his attention back to Michaelis.

“What exactly do you want to know?”

“Everything he knows concerning a pureblood named Kaname Kuran.” Eco blinked slowly and then gave a deep hollow laugh.

“Kaname Kuran. You think this boy knows anything about that pureblood? That’s ridiculous, he doesn’t look any older than my own son.”

“This boy, as you referred to him, happens to be close to him, very close to him. In fact, odds are that right at this moment that pureblood is planning a way to get this boy out of here.” He was gesturing wildly at Zero as he spoke and upon finishing his statement his arms fell loosely to his sides. “I’ll be back in half an hour and if you aren’t making any progress than you will be the one to pay the price.”

With that he left and it was just Zero and his interrogator in the room. Eco took a deep breath and then turned towards a table that had various evil looking devices set upon it. Zero grimaced and put his head down, preparing his body for the pain that was sure to come. “He expects me to use this! To interrogate a child!” Eco’s voice was incredulous as he gazed upon the instruments and he turned to Zero with a frown upon his face.

“I forgive you” Zero said, knowing what was to come. Eco looked at him a moment, confused, and then he cast his eyes downward, tears brimming along their edges.

“They took my son.”

Zero nodded, he had expected as much. “Do what you feel is necessary, however I don't plan on giving anyone information about Kaname.” He heard the footsteps come closer and the light was gone, replaced instead by the feeling of the cloth that was now bound across his eyes.

“I’m so sorry,” the man said one last time, and with that the interrogation began.


Kaname stalked across the hard wood floor, his eyes taking in the various items scattered here and there across the dorm room. He couldn’t understand who could possibly want to take Zero, the one person on the planet who he could not bear to lose. He froze, was it possible, was this all an elaborate plan to get at him. If this was all his fault he was never going to forgive himself, no matter how much his violet eyed demon told him otherwise.

He continued his march, thinking over the events that had taken place not too long ago in the woods not so far away. He paused as he remembered something that the hunter had said, “headquarters,” so this was because of the hunter’s society? No that couldn’t be it, they wouldn’t dare harm a pureblood without proper cause. So then perhaps a rebel faction, a group that had broke from the hunter’s society and were now rogues, hunting down anything that had a hint of vampire blood in them, and starting at the top with the purebloods, knowing that if they fell the vampire society would go with them.

So why start with me I he thought. A moment later the answer came to him, his goal here was to bring humans and vampires together and that was not something that the rogues would want, if they could expose him for the monster they saw him as or dispose of him, then the whole idea would crumble and the world might never know the truth, or except the vampires for who they are.

Kaname sighed, he had a motive now he just had to track down the rebels and find their headquarters. I'm coming for you Zero he thought as he marched out the door to talk to the others, even if I have to rip the heads off the shoulders of every rebel hunter in existence, I promise I will find you, just wait for me a little longer.


heyyyy guys lolz sorry for the late upload.... I feel kinda dissapointed in myself but oh wells XD I hope you guys like the chapter and if you leave me a comment or a vote I'll dedicate to you :)


Love you all XD


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