Chapter 10

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Zero shuddered as he heard the blade being sharpened, it’d been nearly ten minutes since the interrogation “began” but so far all Eco had done was sit there and sharpen his blade. That sound is really unnerving Zero thought, I wish he would just get to the actual interrogation part, this would be so much easier if I could see. The sound stopped and he heard a chair scrape against the stone floor as it was pushed back. Zero held his breath as the footsteps approached him, preparing himself for the torture he was sure would follow.

“Are you sure you don't want to just tell me now” Eco asked, his voice shaking with a hint of remorse.

Zero shook his head, “even if I wanted to I could never betray Kaname that way.” Eco nodded as if expecting this and placed the cold blades side onto his chest. Zero heard him take a deep shaking breath before he spoke.

“What do you know about Kuran?” Zero shook his head, refusing to answer and hissed in pain as the blade sliced across his chest. “I repeat, Kuran, Kaname Kuran. What do you know about him?” Zero lowered his head, breathing shallow and even as he prepared himself. The blade sliced twice more upon his chest before falling to the ground, the man that had held it backing away shakily.

“I can’t do this. He’s only just a boy, a child, no matter what he knows, this isn’t right.” Another pair of footsteps entered the room and Zero slowly lifted his head towards the direction the noise was coming from.

“Eco, have you made any progress?”

“No, and I don't plan on attempting to any longer. He’s just a boy Michaelis; I refuse to keep doing this.”

“Then it’s your own boy who will pay the price” Michaelis hissed. He heard the footsteps approaching him and the blindfold was taken off his face with a speed that left him cringing at the sudden dim light in the room. “You should thank the man Zero, he just sacrificed his child to save you.”

Zero looked at Eco who had collapsed, shaking, to the ground, his breath coming in uneven sobs. Zero swallowed the lump that was growing in his throat and glared at Michaelis, every fiber of his being burning with hatred for this man who dared to act like this but call him the monster. “Why is it that you want to know about Kaname?”

Michaelis smirked, “why to kill him, of course.” Zero gritted his teeth in anger. So this is what its come down to he thought, Kaname or an innocent man’s son.

“If you’re so intent on killing him then why don't you just wait for him to come and rescue me? Why all this trouble?” Zero asked hoping to obtain enough information to blackmail Michaelis into setting the man and his child free.

“Because you’re a monster too, Zero, it’s like that old saying, two birds one stone.” Zero frowned, there had to be more to this than he was being told.

“Fine, I’ll give you the information that you’re looking for, but not until Eco and his child are set free.” Yes I’ll give you information Zero thought it just won’t be what you want.

“Very well than Zero, however, just to make sure that you’re not lying to us, I won’t free them until after Kaname is captured, dead or alive.” 


Kaname slipped through the shadows surrounding the forest, his feet falling lightly onto the forest floor. He looked behind him and saw Akatsuki, Ruka, and Aido following, careful to keep enough distance between them that they could easily break away and become harder targets. He returned his attention to the mission at hand, rescuing Zero, after all why else would Michaelis have called and told him where he was keeping him.

“My lord I'm sure I don't have to tell you but this is probably a trap.”

“Yes Aido, I know. But the most important thing right now is to rescue Zero before this situation gets out of hand.” Aido said nothing to this but his eyes showed a hint of doubt as he questioned the sanity of his lord. Let them question me he thought I'm coming for you Zero, just hold on a little longer. I promise this time I won’t let go.

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