Chapter 7

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Screams broke the night air and Kaname awoke with a jolt, his eyes immediately searching for his silver haired love. He caught a glimpse of him and watched as he darted out the door, heading for the school grounds. He jumped from the bed and pulled on some pants, throwing his jacket on him as he burst from the room, intent on following Zero, his love.

He caught up to him as he exited the gates and spun him around. “What's going on!?” he demanded his eyes scanning the grounds for sights of the threat. Zero shrugged and looked about, another scream penetrated the night air and he dashed for it, intent on solving this mystery. He dashed into the trees, Kaname hot on his heels, and was surprised to find the clearing, where he emerged, empty.

He felt a bullet graze his cheek and spun around, eyes scanning the surrounding darkness. Kaname glared at the spot where the shot had originated from, furious that someone had dared to attack HIS man. He growled and began to head in the direction he suspected the threat was coming from but a hand on his shoulder stopped him.

“No,” said Zero a hint of sorrow coating his eyes, “they’re here for me not anyone else.” Kaname shook his head and moved his body in front of his, wrapping his arms around the boys waist.

“I’m not going to let anybody take you Zero.” Zero shook his head and entangled his hands in the dark hair, his arms tightening their grip around his neck.

“I know” he whispered. They stood there a moment, listening for any sounds from the shadowy woods. He felt a burning hot pain in his back and fell to his knees with a scream of pain, pulling Zero with him. He saw concern in Zeros eyes and felt his hands worriedly brushing the hair from his face.

“Kaname, Kaname!” Zero cried shaking the boys shoulder lightly. Kaname blinked drowsily and looked at Zero.

“M’fine,” he said slurring his speech. He touched Zero’s cheek tenderly and rubbed his thumb over the wet track under his eye, where a tear had just fallen.

“All my fault, it’s all my fault” Zero cried.

Kaname pressed a finger to Zero’s lips and shook his head “no It’s never going to be your fault,” he whispered.

Zero grabbed Kaname's hand and pressed it to his cheek, his other hand supporting the brunettes head. A noise from behind startled him and he swung his head around, his eyes searching the land for any hint of a threat. His breath caught in his throat when a hunter walked out, gun in hand.

“Come now Zero, I had to shoot a pureblood because of you, this isn’t going to go over well at headquarters. Just follow me quietly,” the hunter said. Zero shook his head and buried his face in Kaname’s shoulder, tears welling up in his eyes. Kaname grabbed Zero’s arms and held on as tight as he could.

“It’s going to be okay Zero, just don't let go.”

Zero nodded and listened to the sounds of the hunter behind him. A scream tore his throat as a bullet tore through his shoulder blade. He felt arms wrap around his waist and felt the being behind him pull, dragging him away. He felt Kaname’s grip on him tighten and felt his hands slipping down his arms to grab his hands.

The hunter picked him up, slinging him onto his shoulders, and he felt his hand slip away from Kaname’s. He reached for him, his arm outstretched, as the hunter walked back into the shadows with him.

“Kaname!” he cried “Kaname!” Kaname reached for him, his vision swimming. He got to his knees, attempting to stand, when another bullet grazed his arm and he collapsed to the ground unconscious. The last thing he saw was Zero reaching for him and screaming his name before he faded into the shadows. Zero was gone.

 A/N Sorry it took me so long to update, was kinda busy. Anyways I wrote this in a rather... off.... mood so I would appreciate it if you commented when you read and tell me if you like it, what you think about it, and any sort of suggestions.


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