Chapter 4

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A swarm of girls, as Kaname liked to think of them, were quickly lining up in front of the night classes dorm, black uniforms blowing this way and that in the harsh winter wind. He moved in front of the others, preparing for the onslaught of useless prattle the girls were sure to inflict, before fixing a fake, warm smile on his face. He heard the sound of a whistle piercing through the crisp winter’s air, and saw a brunette plant herself firmly in front of the crowd, her arms spread wide in an attempt to stop the stampede of girls.

“Stop right there!” She cried “you know the rules. You are not to touch the night class in anyway, nor are you to approach them. The night class and the day class are to remain separate!” Most of the girls rolled their eyes, fixing their attention on their future “pray,” the poor students of the night class.

The gates began to creak open and the onslaught of day class students rushed forwards, trampling the brunette who stood obstinately in their path. Kaname saw a flash of white jump over the wall, landing right next to the place where the brunette had disappeared. A few moments later the crowd drew back and he saw Zero, white uniform and all, fixing a glare on the surrounding girls and supporting the brunette.

“Yuki you okay” Kaname heard Zero whisper to her, the brunette nodded and Kaname felt a surge of jealousy when he saw how close the two were, a surge he quickly suppressed. He took a moment to bury his annoyance before making his way out of the gates, barely concealing his irritation when dozens of girls rushed at him, making adoring faces and doing whatever they could to try and get his attention.  He stopped by where Yuki stood and gave her an adoring smile, noticing that Zero was watching him he bent over slightly and grabbed her hand, brushing his lips lightly across it.

“You really should be more careful Yuki, the headmaster and I would both be very upset if anything happened to you.” Kaname gave a smile before walking on, ignoring the dreamy look that Yuki was giving and focusing instead on the image of Zero’s face, the face he was making last night. As if knowing that he was being thought of the teen magically appeared next to Kaname, feigning ignorance to the dirty looks the other night class students were shooting him from behind.  

The rest of the night passed like normal, except for the eyes that he felt burning into his back. He stood up suddenly making the entire class jump to their feet, a puzzled look on their faces. He ignored them and glanced back at Zero, the source of the burning, and gestured for him to leave the room. He watched as he left and then gave a very stern look to the class, warning them that if they disturbed or questioned him they would be punished. Satisfied that he was understood he walked out, waiting for the doors to shut behind him before grabbing Zero’s wrist and pulling him into a rather dark and deserted hallway.

Before Zero could say anything he felt Kaname’s lips on top of his and felt his back being pushed onto the wall as Kaname pushed himself closer to him. He felt the other nibble on his lower lip, begging for permission to be allowed access, access that he willingly gave. Kaname smiled to himself when he heard Zero give a startled gasp as he explored the inside of his mouth. He pushed gently on his tongue, moving it this way or that to accommodate his desires. He felt one of Zero’s hands grasp onto the area between his shoulder blades and pull him closer as the other one knotted itself into his hair.

Slowly, but deliberately, Kaname moved his hands down Zeros uniform jacket and up under his shirt, tracing the delicate skin he found beneath with light touches of his fingers and the back of his nails. He felt the muscles on Zeros body twitch in response to his actions, and saw the teen throw his head back in pleasure, his breath coming in shallow, ragged gasps. He kissed him a couple of times on the jaw and traced a line up and down his neck before slowly detangling himself and backing away a few feet.

“Next time you decide to do nothing but stare at me you should make sure its somewhere where we don't have to stop halfway” Kaname smirked before turning his back on the disheveled teen and making his way back to the classroom.

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