Chapter 3

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Zero turned abruptly a confused look sprawled across his face. “Make you bleed?” he repeated questioningly. Kaname nodded slowly, clearly unperturbed by his reaction. Silence descended upon the room and a moment later Kaname slowly unbuttoned his shirt bearing his chest and the pale flesh of his neck. Zeros already flushed face took on an even darker shade as he took in the sight before him; a moment later he realized what Kaname was offering.

“You want me to drink from you? Again!” In his mind the offer was tempting and he really wanted nothing more than to jump him then and there, but the thoughts of what had happened just yesterday kept him from doing so. Kaname smirked as if knowing what the teen was thinking.

“Don't worry about me” he said, feeling rather touched at the care the other was taking, not that he would admit it.

“But Kaname…. I just fed from you yesterday…”

Kaname rolled his eyes “yes and I’ve had a whole day to recuperate, do you want to go kill someone? Again…” Zero looked down at the ground, guilt beginning to emerge on his usually detached face.  Kaname felt something inside him melt and felt an unusual surge of grief as he thought of the pain he had just inflicted; but it was either this or let Zero go on a crazy killing spree that he would never forgive himself for.

Suddenly he felt himself being shoved, hard, onto the bed, Zero jumping onto him and immediately lunging for his neck. Kaname winced slightly as he felt the teeth bite through his skin recklessly, causing little abrasions and making the holes wider then they should have been. His pain quickly turned to pleasure, though, as he felt the teen gently lapping at his neck. He saw Zero’s eyes flash from violet to a passionate shade of red and was about to push him away when Zero grabbed his hands and bound them over his head with one of his own.

“You told me to make you bleed” he whispered seductively in his ear before trailing his lips down the others chest and nipping at the pale flesh above his abdomen. Kaname shivered in delight and squirmed, trying to break free of the others grasp, Zero grinned at the others reaction and moved up slowly, biting him on the ear. “This is what you had in mind… isn’t it” he asked innocently before capturing the others lips with his own.

Kaname gasped in surprise, which only amused his captor, his eyes widening as he looked into Zeros red ones. When they parted for air Kaname turned his head to the side, attempting to hide his blush, and the swell of tears that were building up, after all this time Zeros actions were due to his feeding, not to any special attraction he may feel to the other.

“Zero stop. This isn’t you….” He swallowed the bulge in his throat before continuing. “You’re going to regret doing this later.” His voice cracked slightly on the last part and he felt the weight on top of him shift. A gentle hand placed itself under his chin and tilted his face till he was looking straight at the teen. He saw that the red was fading from the others eyes and felt a faint surge of misery flow through his body. He felt a tear about to escape and blinked frantically in attempts to prevent it, but all to no avail. He closed his eyes miserably as he thought of all the humiliation the other was sure to inflict and gasped in surprise as he something soft make its way up his cheek, stopping the tear in its tracks.

He opened his eyes slowly to see Zero with his lips pressed against his cheek, he blinked in surprise and watched as the teen slowly lifted his head, licking his lips slow and deliberately.

“Honestly Kaname, after all this time, I never thought you were one to cry.” Zero huffed, sitting himself in a more comfortable position. Kaname stared at him, a blank expression on his face, as he tried to piece everything together.

A knock on the door made both of them jump and Kaname quickly shoved Zero off his lap and under the covers as he hurried to the door. He stood there for a moment, waiting for the blood in his cheeks to settle, before he opened the door.

“Yes. What do you want Hanabusa?” he asked impatiently as he addressed the blond standing outside his door.

“I’m sorry to disturb you Lord Kaname, but I heard voices coming from your room and I wanted to make sure everything was okay.”

“Yes, yes, everything’s fine, go to bed and disturb me no more.” He shut the door promptly and let out a sigh before turning back to the bed. He had barely made it halfway there before his world spun and he began to fall sideways, Zero catching him, just barely, before he hit the ground. The last thing he remembered was the feel of Zeros arms as he carried him to bed and tucked him in.

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