Chapter 17

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While everyone was out, I decided to take this time to talk to Andrew. He sits in the corner and stares out the window. He never looks at me and I don't know why. "What's wrong, Andrew?" I asked him. "It's all my fault." was all he said, but it was enough. I got what he was upset about. "You didn't cause this, Andrew, it's not your fault. I made my choice. If anyone's to blame it's me." I told him, but he kept shaking his head. " I told you to get out." he said placing his head in his hands. "You didn't physically push me out the door. I went on my own." I told him. "I don't blame you, Andrew. I don't blame anybody. You shouldn't blame yourself either." I told him. He came to give me a hug. "I want you to come and move back in with us when you get out of the hospital." he said. "I wouldn't have it any other way." I said. 

          Steven and Adam got back and Adam had a stuffed bear in his hands. "This is for you, Taylor." he said giving it to me and climbing on the bed. He gave me a hug. "How are you feeling today?" Steven asks. "I'm feeling better. I'm still really sore." I said. Alex and Mrs. Constancio walked in. "Taylor, how are you?" Mrs. Constancio asks me. "I'm still sore." I said as the doctor came in. "Good news, Miss Evans, you can go home today." he said. I was happy to hear this. I wanted to get out of here. Viki walked in the room from the bathroom. "Viki, I can go home now." I told her. The boys left and Mrs. Constancio and Viki helped me get back into my street clothes and gathered my stuff. We all walked out and Steven drove me to the Constancio's house. 

           I go upstairs to my room to put my stuff away. I start to go back downstairs, but Steven and the Constancio's are taking. "Taylor is coming with me. I can't afford for her to be this far. Since I'm her legal guardian, I have rights. She will be moving to Washington with me." Steven said. I was in tears, but then I stopped. If I was in Washington, this bullying from Austin would stop, but I wouldn't be near Viki or Alex. "No, she can't leave! What am I supposed to do?" I heard Viki say. "You can either come with us or stay here with the Constancio's. It doesn't matter to me." Steven said. I walk down the stairs. "Do I get a say, Steven?" I asked him. "Yes, of course you do. What do you want?" he asked. Everyone looked at me. "I want to come with you to Washington." I said. Alex's face was sad. Adam ran up to me and cried. "It's better this way, guys. I feel like a bother here. I'm always causing problems for you." I said. Mrs Constancio says "You do what is right for you." I thought about that. "I've made my desicion. I'm still going." I said.  "We will leave in 3 days." Steven said. I walk to my room. 

            Alex comes in. "This is about Austin, Robert, and Zach isn't it? You don't need to go. We can deal with them. I don't want you to go." Alex said. I placed my hand on the side of his face. "It's more than just Austin and the others. It's everything. Me being here is bad for you. It's just better this way. You'll be okay." Alex shakes his head. "I need you here. Stay here with me please?" he begged. I kissed his lips. "I just can't." I said crying. He leans his head against my head. "I don't want you to go." Alex whispered. "I don't want to either, but I can't stay here." I said. Tears were froming in Alex's eyes. "I will wait for you, then." he said. "I wasn't going to ask you to do that." I said. "I don't care. I love you and I'll wait 15 years if I have to,to be with you. I don't love anyone else." he said. "I don't want you to do that. It might be a long time before we see each other again. I don't want you to shut your heart away from love just because of me. You will meet another girl who makes you feel like your on cloud 9 and it may not be me." I told him. He shook his head. "I won't love anyone else." he said and with that he left the room.

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