Chapter 22

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               Standing right in front of his car was Marshall Bruce Mathers (Eminem). "I got your message, Taylor and Kathy told me you moved out and moved here. I am so sorry. The way I left was so uncalled for. I was a terrible father." he said. He opened his arms, but I stayed beside Robert. "How do I know you're sincere. I had to move to Washington with Steven after I was hospitalized for a week just because you left me alone to fend for myself." I said trying not to look hurt. "You had the Constancio's." "I did, but I don't anymore." I said as a tear escaped my eye. Robert put hs arm around me. "What happened?" My dad asked with concern. "It doesn't matter. Everybody I love deserted me." I said and I could tell that hurt him. 'Good.' I thought, 'Now he knows how I felt.' "I'm sorry." he said. He looked at Robert and asked if he could speak with me alone. Robert looked at me and I nodded. Robert gave my shoulder one last squeeze and headed inside. 

              "I was actually surprised you called me." Dad said. "You still are my dad I just wanted you to know I almost died." I said sarcastically. "What?" "Yeah you know the normal got into a car accident and almost died. Steven came from Washington to make sure I was okay. I ended up living with him for a year and cam back because my friend missed me and tricked me into coming back. It doesn't help that the guy I thought loved me has a new girlfriend and kicked me out of his house, but my life is perfect and it's all your damn fault." I said. He just stood there with his mouth opened in shock. "I didn't know." "That's because you left." I said. "Because my manager said to." Because your music is obviously more important that your flesh and blood. It's nice to know I wasn't your biggest priority." I told him. "I'm really sorry. Can we start over? Be my daughter again?" he asked. "I will, but it won't be like before. No hugs, kisses on the forehead, no goodnight, sweeties, nothing like that." I said. He nodded. I go get my things out of Robert's room. I hugged him. "So you got everything straightened out with your dad?" I nodded. "I'm gonna miss you, Taylor." he said. "I'll see you at school tomorrow you dope." I playfully punched him. "I know, but tomorrow is so far away." he said. I laughed and got in my dad's car. We drove back to the house that was all too familiar to me. I walked back into the all to familiar room of mine. The pictures of me and Alex were still sitting on my shelf. I picked one up and threw it on the ground. I pick up another and the glas shattered in my hands. I cried and dropped it. Blood was pouring out my hand and I slid to the ground and cried. My dad came in. "What's wrong, Taylor? I heard cying-" he stopped as he saw the pictures. His gaze landed on my bloody hand an he bent down. "Why did you do this?" he said motioning to my pictures and my hand. "We're going to the hospital first to get you stitched up and then we're going to have a talk." he said leading me to the car.

               I had to get a ton of stitches and have to where a cast, too. We got back home and I told him everything. "Why didn't you tell me you were being bullied. I could have done something." he said. "That's the point, dad. I was trying to deal with it myself." I said. He gave me a sympathetic look. "Sometimes telling an adult is the right thing, Taylor even if you don't think so." he said. "I know. I was trying to not get you involved." I said. "I want to be involced in your life, good and bad. I'm going to be here for you now and forever." he said. I smiled. There might be a light at the end of this tunnel after all. We sat and talked for almost an hour. "I think it's high time you were in bed, little missy. You have school tomorrow." he said. I hugged him and kissed his cheek. He hugged me back and kissed my forehead. "I'm glad you're back, dad." I said to him. I could feel him smile. "Me too, sweetie." he said and I headed upstairs to my old room and I looked around. All the memories flooded back. The day we moved here when I was three to the times Alex and I would have pillow fights here to me and Viki talking about cute boys at our school. I realized how much things have changed, but this is a new age time for a new me. No more crying over Alex, he doesn't deserve it, no more letting Austin get in my head, time to start facing everything I'm afraid of. I knew tomorrow was going to be a different day.







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