Chapter 26

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        I was sitting in Spanish willing for it to go longer. Just as I willed it to, the bell rang and I saw Alex get up and walk towards me. I started to walk away. I feel Alex grab my arm and drag me to the janitor's closet. He ducked inside. "Alex, let me go." I snapped at him. "What happened between us? We used to be best friends and now you won't even talk to me." he said. "Because you dated that blond slut." "Because you ran off to Washington with your brother." he pointed out. "because I wanted to get away from Austin and Y-" she cut off. "Because of me? Go ahead you can say it." he said. Because I was scared of my feelings for you. Then, I came back and you blew up at me and kicked me out of your house." I said. "Because you were holding hands with Robert." "Because I found out you were dating Sarah." I fired right back at him. "I was so hurt when you left and I thought she would make me feel better about you leaving and then you came back. I was hurt to see you with Robert." he said.  "You pretty much shoved me into Robert's arms with kicking me out of your house. I didn't have my dad, where else was I supposed to stay?" I asked him. "I was stupid and I'm sorry. Will you forgive me?" he asked. "Sorry isn't enough, Alex. You hurt me and cost me a friend, too." I told him, my hand on the doorknob. He placed his hand on mine. "Please, at least keep an open mind about us. Will you?" he asked I silently nodded my head and he let go of my hand. I walked out.

             I get home and I go on twitter. I see so many interactions and see a tweet from Austin. 'Everybody, go follow one of my cool friends @TaylorSwagEvans and I might follow you!"' the tweet said. I gained 300 followers because of him, which I have 301 followers. My first follower was Viki. I see a DM from @vikiflamini (that's Viki's real twitter, so go follow her if you have twitter!) 'Did Alex apologize to you?' she Dmed me. 'Yes he did.' I DMed back. "What did you say?' 'I would think about being friends with him.' I DMed back. 'What's happened to you, Taylor? Where is the nice Taylor who would always have room in her life for friends, even if they made a few mistakes. Remember that one time I stole the guy you liked while you were asking him out?' she DMed me and I feel super guilty. I remembered. I was mad at her for about a day and I instantly forgave her when she apologized. All those years Alex ditched me for Austin, I was never mad at him. 'You're right, Viki as always. I just have always kept my guard up around him because I'm afraid to let myslef fall in love with him.' I DMed back to her. I told her I had to go. I shut my laptop and looked at my phone. My hands automatically dial Alex's number.

            "Hello?" I hear on the other end. "Hey, Alex, it's me Taylor." I told him. "I know. I never deleted your number out of my phone. Have you thought about what we talked about earlier." he asked. "Yes, I did and I'm sorry. I haven't been a very good friend. I was afraid of my feelings and I was afraid to fall in love with you." I told him. "I figured that's what it was." he said. "So Taylor Evans, will you go on a date with me on Saturday?" he aksed me with a really cute British accent. "Of course, Mr Constancio." I said with an equally good British accent. We laughed. "You make me feel old even though I'm only a year older than you." he said. "Why, Mr Constancio 18 is ancient." I teased. He laughed. "Well Miss Evans, 17 isn't a spry chicken either." he said teasingly. I hear a knock on my door. "I'll talk to you later Alex, I have to go." I said and hung up. "Who is it?" I asked. My dad walks in. "Hey, sweetie." he said. "What's up?" I asked him. "Um, I was wondering, I am going away for the weekend will you be okay if I leave you at home alone?" he asked. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Where are you going?" I asked him. "I am going to the  Grammy's." he said. "Can I come with you?" I asked. I've always wanted to go to the Grammy's. "Um, sure why not. You can bring a few friends too, because I'll have a lot of interviews over the weekend and I don't want you to get bored alone in a hotel room by yourself." he said. "I want you to bring a certain friend with you." my dad says. "Who?" I asked. "Alex Constancio." he said with a twinkle in his eye. "You were eavesdropping, weren't you?" I asked shoving him slightly. He laughed. "Guilty as charged. When you're with him, you're happier. I want him to always come around if he makes you so happy." my dad said. "Okay, I'll invite Alex, Viki and Andrew with me." I told my dad. "Okay." he said giving me a hug. I loved my dad's hugs, because they were protection when I was scared, strong when I was weak, he would always hug me when I was sad, scared, injured, or just needed someone to talk to. My dad is my mom and dad, because my mom died a year ago. He's always home to greet me from school, fix me a snack when I'm hungry or dinner. I smiled as he left my room. I grabbed my phone and dialed Viki first, who put me on speaker because Andrew and Alex were in the room. They all freaked out and said they would come. "Viki, you and I are going to have to go shopping for dresses!" I said with excitement. "And we're ging to have to help Alex and Andrew pick out outfits for it, too." I told her and I could hear Andrew and Alex groaning which made me smile.

               I got off the phone wth them and watched the T.V. I dropped the TV remote and burst into tears. "A Texas teen was hit by a car today while walking to his car outside of Walmart. He diied instantly. It was Robert Villanueva, 18, of La Vernia, Texas" the reporter said. I was so shocked to hear this. I cried myself to sleep knowing I never got to make things right with Robert. I woke with puffy eyes and I felt like crap. I got dressed for school and walked out to my car and drove to school. I was listening th Let Her Go by Passenger and just the mood of the song is sad and it made me even sadder about Robert. I walked into school and all the kids were talking about it. They would look at me and whisper, about what I don't know. I walked to my locker, I see a note is attached to it. It reads 'You already had one boy at our school killed, stay away from the others so it doesn't happen to them, too.' I was shocked. People actually think Robert dying is my fault? How can they be so immature? 

                 Sarah came up to me. "Stay away from Alex. You already practically killed Robert and I don't want anything to happen to my sweet Alex." she said. "Please, you're kidding me, right?" I said. "Does it look like I'm joking?" she said very annoyed with me. "You have no power over me, Sarah." I told her. "I told you not to." Sarah said. "Like I'm going to listen to you." I told her. She was starting to get on my nerves. "You're gonna regret this." she said walking away. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah sure I was."



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