Chapter Nine

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Artemis was sat on the boardwalk, the photo drying in the sun beside her. This time there were no naiads, and the water was as still as ice.

"Can I join you?" Artemis nodded and Annabeth sat cross-legged beside her as Artemis' legs dangled over the edge.

"It's hard, huh?" She asked.

"Yeah. Different country, different climate, different people. I'd blame it on jet lag but I landed way before I arrived here at Camp Halfblood."

"You flew here?!" Annabeth seemed incredulous, shocked even.

"Yeah... why? Is that a problem?"

"No," Annabeth readjusted herself and spoke cautiously, "but Percy... Percy doesn't like flying even the shortest of journeys."

"Oh, great. I am a freak." Artemis turned her head away and stared out across the lake. Annabeth was silent. She picked up the limp polaroid and examined it.

"No-one here's a freak, Artemis. We all have similarities and differences but our choices determine who we really are." Annabeth was studying the boy's face, her eyes tracing his scar, her grey eyes were solemn as they flickered over the photo's occupants. Artemis began to ponder about the relationships she'd had with them, and whether Percy fit in anywhere. She didn't ask though, she was perfectly content with the silence and the expressionless lake.

Annabeth left after a while and Artemis was grateful for it. She wanted to be alone.

"But not completely alone," she said to the sky, "hint, hint. Oh forget it!" Frustrated she looked for something to throw into the lake. She noticed Annabeth had taken the photo and this bothered her, why it should was a mystery, but it did. Something tumbled down her wrist, it was the watch her stepfather had given her. It's glass face blinked in the sunlight, temporarily blinding her, it had a satin ribbon that you tied around your wrist and it was this that had come undone. She knew she shouldn't but she did anyway. It floated for the barest of seconds and then sank without a trace. Artemis watched it go, then stood up, stretched her arms and started walking back to her cabin. There was something she needed.


As soon as I can get onto the pc I am going to upload the cover for this story and any other pics I feel appropriate. Hopefully tomorrow, fingers crossed!

I'll upload the next couple of chapters on the pc as well as they lead up to a really long chapter and it's easier to write on the pc. So sorry now for how long it may take.

Loads of hugs and kisses for reading this far! Please leave criticisms, ideas, anything you wanna say. Comment, share, vote. Please... :) x

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