Chapter Twelve

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Standing on the boardwalk she looked out across the lake; it stared back, a big, blue nothingness. Not even the slightest ripple moved across its surface. It was like a blank page. Artemis knew not how long she stood there but something finally moved. A bulge on the lake's surface was gliding towards her, getting closer and closer. Artemis felt a flicker of terror and squeezed her eyes shut. Surely that thing, whatever it was, would hit the post and she would keel over into the water.

But nothing happened.

She opened her eyes and they were immediately blinded by her hair as the wind suddenly struck up. The wind was blowing hard, the gusts circling her. It enveloped her and began to drag her away. Not to the edge where the lake beckoned, but towards the complex. Artemis fought it and called for help. No-one came. The sky had become dark and foreboding, the trees alive and jeering. She brushed past the fire Hestia normally tended but it only grew bigger and hotter. Stones battered her face and arms, Artemis knocked these away as best she could but still sustained a black eye and a cut lip which throbbed painfully. Her left eye began to close as it swelled and she could feel something warm trickle down from a gash on her head. Her hands were bloody, her legs scratched by thorns, her clothes were torn and stained.

"Okay! I give up!" She yelled at the wind but it didn't let up. A tree next to her caught alight as a bolt of lightning rushed past. Hermes' cabin wasn't far from it. One single cinder blew off the tree and landed at the foot of the cabin.

Artemis didn't think, she grabbed hold of the nearest solid object - an overflowing bin - wrinkled her nose and started to pull out of the wind. It seemed to relent and she was out. By this time the entire cabin was ablaze and the one next to it was catching too. Artemis took a breathe and bolted inside expecting to see campers. It was empty.

The wind hammered against the door; the flames grew taller and Artemis burnt the back of her hand. Cursing she tried the window's handle - locked. Beads of sweat stood out on her forehead as she weighed up her options. A beam of wood fell to the floor with a splintering crash and she had a brainwave. Using it to get a leg-up, she jumped and caught hold of the shelf above. Hooking her arm to stable herself, she climbed onto it and looked up. Up here it was harder to breathe and Artemis knew she didn't have long. She sprang, catching hold of the skylight and used her fist to punch through the glass. It shattered around her. The hole looked large enough and - hardly able to breathe - she started to pull herself up. She couldn't. Weakened by the smoke and her earlier exploits, her strength had begun to fail. She began to cry: none of it was fair. None of it. Hand stinging painfully as the slivers of glass embedded in her flesh irritated her skin, she felt around the edge of the skylight. She found something fairly sturdy to hang onto and using this hoisted herself up and into fresh air.

The cabin creaked beneath her. Recognising she had only seconds left, she used her remaining energy to leap from the roof. And just in the nick of time too! The cabin collapsed in a heap beside her and that's when Artemis noticed every cabin was on fire except one: Poseidon's.

Inside was a figure.

Artemis began to run, perhaps she could save Percy before it caught as well. However she'd underestimated the damage to her smoke weakened body. She tripped and sprawled across the sandy basketball court. To her left was the spigot. If she managed to reach it she would have enough energy to save him. Mustering all her strength she focused on the feeling behind her gut. But all it could manage was a dribble. The last thing she heard was a mother's voice screaming, "no, she's mine!"


Dun-dun-duuuunnnn. Dramatic moment, much? Comment, share and vote if you enjoyed, love you all!! :) x

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