Chapter Twenty

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"Aw, c'mon!" She spun round brandishing the stained, bent arrow. Percy jumped back and clouds of yellow puffed around his feet. The floor was almost submerged in the stuff! He crossed his eyes at the tip as it extended - albeit shaky - towards his face. He pushed it gently away with the tip of his sword and stared at her grimy face; her exhausted posture; her sweaty hair; her twisted, mauled arm...

"Artemis! What the Hades happened to your arm?" He brushed his dark fringe that had flopped over his face and observed with his piercing green eyes - they had suddenly turned very sharp indeed. Artemis stepped backwards, her feet crunching on the remains of what had been Percy's favourite canoe and gestured towards the (now useless) hunk of meat, nerves and skin that had once been her arm.

"Oh, this? Don't worry Percy. Quit fussing bro," she had begun to feel a little woozy, "I'm dandy. I'm alright. I'm perfectly oh-oh-kaaay..." Artemis fell to the floor, clutching her broken arm, as a stabbing pain shot through it. Cautiously, Percy walked over to her (swinging his sword around, just in case) and stated the obvious,

"Err... no, you're not."

Curled up in the foetal position did not do Artemis' reply any favours.

"M'fine." She muffled a wince with her shirt. Percy shrugged

"In which case..." he caught her waist and pulled her up until she was upright, "...this won't hurt a bit."

It did.

It hurt. A lot. Artemis grimaced and clamped her teeth together. Slowly and surely they managed to get outside and into the sun. The wind whistled through Artemis' hair and the dust that had clung to it with such force just simply drifted listlessly away. Good riddance: Artemis thought dully. Luckily no-one was around to witness their painfull hobble to the infirmary. Artemis' legs weren't in any pain, but her arm was throbbing and was on fire so she kept on doubling up. Percy mostly just let her regain her composure and ignored it. Being big brother meant many responsibilities, undoubtedly he'd remember this for later and use it against her.

Artemis just sighed when it came to the third time they had to stop. She was aware that the rate of the probability that a camper would notice her was rapidly increasing. Therefore she squared her shoulders - ouch - and started to march off to the infirmary: she could hear the trees beginning to titter. They arrived not long after that and Artemis' gratification was abundant for there being a capable nurse present. They scurried over and began to assess the damage. Percy started to explain the situation, which was funny 'coz Artemis had told him none of it. Maybe he's 'seen it all' she thought to herself sleepily. The last thing she remembered was Percy carrying her off to an empty hammock.


Hey, realised I really needed to update when a certain INDIVIDUAL - ie. My Special.Bezzie - found my Wattpad account. Whoo for friends! :-P

Chocolate cookies to you all.

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