Chapter Eighteen

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Despite their ultra-quick jog they were still late. Annabeth didn't look too best pleased with them because of it. Artemis made a mental note to not annoy her anymore than she'd already done, she'd heard the stories about Annabeth already from Jon, and from what she could gather, it wasn't the greatest idea in the world to get on her bad side. Next to her it seemed that Jon had reached the same conclusion and he sat down quietly on the grass. Artemis copied him and started to try to pay attention. Attention wasn't really her forte. Actually, what Annabeth was trying - 'trying' being the operative word - to tell her was quite interesting. Artemis was almost paying attention when something caught her eye. There was something hidden amongst the trees. Something quite familiar...

"O Zeu kai alloi theoi! Artemis! Pay attention. I know you find it hard to concentrate, we all do, but you need to know this stuff." Artemis snapped out of it, glancing only once more in the direction of the trees but it was gone. Slightly worried she tried to concentrate for the rest of their time with Annabeth.

It went on for ages, but on the plus side Artemis did learn a lot. Jon obviously already knew a lot of it but he would ask a question every so often and look up from the circles he was drawing on the floor to listen. Artemis didn't know if this was for her benefit in case she missed anything but she was quite glad Jon was there: Annabeth was staring at her intently the entire time. Every time Artemis cocked her head, or let her eyes dart around the vicinity, Annabeth would appear to zoom in on this and narrow her eyes. It was really disconcerting. However, the class explained a lot - but the 'determined' stuff still confused her.

"But you are determined," Jon told her in surprise.

"Err... how do you know if you are or not?"

"Determined is where a god or godddess claims you as their own. You get a little symbol above your head." He explained, demonstrating with his hands as he did so.

"Nope. Never happened to me." She lay back in the grass. He seemed at a loss for words before eventually speaking, "but, how do you know who your father is?" He appeared genuinely confused.

"Err... it's pretty obvious I think." Artemis pointed to his damp tee.

"Yeah, guess so." He ruffled his hair and his eyes flitted across her face anxiously, "look, Arty, I gotta go. Teaching some of the youngers how to become one with a sword. See you at dinner." He got up and raced off.

"See ya," Artemis called to his retreating shadow, holding her hand up in farewell. She got up herself, stretched out her arms, pulled at her tee-shirt, and started towards her cabin; she needed to think.


Hey. Really sorry for the late update. I will get better at this! :)

Hope you enjoyed and wish me luck for my english retake.

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:) x

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