Chapter 1: "Everything Has To Be Perfect." - Dean Ambrose ♥

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Dean's POV:

I woke up, ready for a brand new day. There was really nothing special about it. Go to work, come home, eat and sleep. That's basically my normal day. I got out of bed and got ready for the day. I live in New York. I work as a butler for the Empire Hotel. I don't wanna work as a butler for the rest of my life though. My dream is to one day manage my own hotel. No matter what, I'm never letting go of that dream.

"Hey Dean. Getting ready for work??" my roommate, Cesaro asked.

"Yeah. You ask me that everyday. What's the point?? The answer's always going to be yes." I chuckled.

"I know. Just a good way to start the conversation. Like now." he smirked.


I went into the kitchen and made some breakfast for both of us. 

"What time do you start today??" I asked.

"I start work quite late today." he said.

We both ate breakfast until it was time for me to leave.

"I better get going. I'll see you later." I said as I grabbed my things.



20 minutes later.....

I arrived to work just in time. I then met Finn, AJ and Chris.

"Hey Dean. Ready for another day??" Finn asked.


"Hey, did you give in your application for the managerial position yet??" Chris asked.

"Yeah but I didn't get a response." I said.

"When you do, make sure you hire us." AJ said, making me chuckle.

"I don't know. Will there be enough space for you guys??" I teased.

"Hey, we're your best friends. We will be the first people to be hired." Finn said.

"I know. I'm just kidding around." I laughed. 

"Come on. We'll be late for the staff meeting." Chris said. 


"Okay, listen up everyone. I have a very important announcement to make." said the owner of the hotel, Vince McMahon. "Tomorrow, we have a very special guest who will be staying here for a few days."

"Who is it??" asked Nikki Bella, who was one of the girls who worked at the front desk.

"Seth Rollins." he said, making everyone murmur.

"Like, as in, the politician, Seth Rollins. The super hot one??" Naomi asked. She was apart of the catering team.

"Yes, the politician and I won't say he's hot but you can call him that." Vince said, making us laugh. Vince wasn't one of those really strict and mean bosses. He acted like he was one of us. He was a great manager and he was the kind of manager I wanted to be some day.

"Now, I want everything to be perfect for tomorrow. I want the place to be flawless. I want the service to be impeccable. After all, he may be our future president and when people find out he stayed here, it will boost our respect and reputation." he said. "I want the catering team to make their food so good, they'll keep begging for more. I want the cleaning team to make sure this place is spotless and I want the rooms to be as comfortable as possible. Understand??"

"Yes Sir." we all said. 

"Good." he said. He then put his hand in the middle. After every staff meeting, we would all put our hands in the middle. 

"TEAM EMPIRE!!" we all said, raising our hands.


20 minutes later.....

"Finn, pass the air freshener." I asked. 

Finn, Chris, AJ and I were all in the suite Seth Rollins would stay in tomorrow. Vince gave us a huge responsibility to get his room ready. He really trusted us and I wasn't going to break his trust.

 He really trusted us and I wasn't going to break his trust

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I know the room is absolutely huge. It's a two floor room but we provide only the best for our politician guests. 

"Imagine being a politician. The money. The fame. The money." AJ said as he plopped onto the bed.

"AJ!! Get up!! You can't just sit there. You're gonna get us in huge trouble." I said, pulling him off the bed.

"Sorry. My bad." he said as I sorted the sheets out. "Why are you in freak mode??"

"Why are you even asking that?? You heard what Vince said. Everything has to be perfect. Even though he's the best manager you could possibly have, one complaint from Seth Rollins could get us all fired."

"Oh yeah. I didn't think about that." AJ said.

"Just imagine it Dean. Imagine being a politician. Imagine being the president." Chris said. 

"I mean, it does sound cool but I'm not gonna dream about something that will never happen to me." I said. 

"I mean, you could end up becoming Seth's boyfriend or something." Finn said. 

"Again, I'm not gonna dream about something that will never happen."

"Suit yourself." AJ said. 

After getting the room ready, me and the boys all left. I was left wondering how tomorrow would go. Would there be chaos or will there be more?? 

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