Chapter 8: "I...I Feel Some Sort Of Connection Towards Him." - Dean Ambrose ♥

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The Next Day.....

Dean's POV:

The whole hotel staff were in the staff room for our meeting. Mr McMahon was there but he wasn't the one leading the meeting. Suddenly my eyes widened when I saw Seth secretary approach the room. I quickly hid behind AJ as Roman motioned for Vince. Finn noticed and stood next to AJ so I wouldn't be seen. 

"What are they saying?" I whispered.

"No idea." said AJ.

"Thank you very much. That will be all."

I was glad the meeting was over so I could quickly get outta there. Just as I walked past Mr McMahon, I felt him grab my wrist and pull me somewhere else. AJ, Finn and Chris all looked at me worriedly as I felt like I was about to cry. I was in for it now. I was pulled all the way to his office. 

I was so dead.  

"Are you truly interested in management?" he asked, making me look at him shocked as I felt my heart beat back to its normal rate.

"Yes, indeed I am Sir."

"Then I suggest you go to the Met tonight. Please, until you're manager. Then you can make your own. Make sure your share is discovered." he said, handing me an envelope.

Mr McMahon left, leaving me shocked. Then I jumped when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and saw AJ, Finn and Chris.

"What happened?" asked Finn.

"You can still be a manager, right?" Chris asked.


"That's what I'm talking about."

"But, I know Seth will be there."

"Then you have to go."


"No, you're going. Tell me, how do you feel around him?" AJ asked.

"I...I feel some sort of connection towards him but I don't know."

"You have to go Dean. You could be manager." Finn said.

We stayed silent for a few moments.

"But....I don't have anything to wear!"

"Now that's what I'm talking about." said Chris.

"And as manager, your first order of business is to get us big fat raises!!" AJ said as we all cheered like teenage girls.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" we all chanted as we started dancing around like children.


The guys and I were so excited. We went to a bunch of different stores to find the perfect suit for me to wear. I finally found one I thought would look great. It was a grey jacket and trousers with a white shirt and red tie. 

I was also fortunate enough to be able to borrow AJ's pure silver chain to wear around my neck. I was officially ready for tomorrow. But, was I ready officially ready to see Seth?

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