Chapter 4: "It's Hard Making Friends." - Seth Rollins ♥

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The Park

Dean's POV:

I was literally shitting my pants. I was so worried I was gonna get exposed. Why the hell did I agree to put the suit on?? I need to get new friends. 

"So, do you like dogs??" Seth asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, I find them adorable." I said we we walked together. "Your dog is really cute."

"Thanks. His name's Kevin."

"Isn't that the name of your former arch rival??" I asked, slightly confused. 

"Yeah well, I named him way before the whole drama with Kevin Owens." 

I nodded. Maybe Seth wasn't how I thought he was. He's obviously an animal lover and he doesn't really seem like a huge jerk. He was nice and he was definitely hot.

"So, how long have you been staying in the hotel??" he asked. 

"Urrrrr....." I had to make up some sort of lie. "Only a few days. I'll probably check out soon. Maybe in a couple of days."

He nodded as he smiled to himself. 

"Whatcha smiling about??" I asked.

"Oh, nothing." he said, still smiling. " a good mood as all."

I nodded. I had to admit, he had a cute smile. And for someone super rich and famous, he wasn't one of those self absorbed guys. I really wished I could tell him the truth about me but something was stopping me. What if he doesn't wanna hang out after I tell him?? What if he puts me in jail for impersonating an actor?? I had to keep this act up. At least until he checks out in a few days. Maybe after today, he'll forget about me.

"Ohhh, there's a doughnut stall. Want one??" Seth asked me.

"Ummm....sure." I thought it would be rude to say no. 

We went over to the stall and when the man saw us, I'm pretty sure he had a heart attack.

"Oh my god. Mr Rollins. Wow." he said, rubbing his eyes and looking again.

I couldn't help but smile. Sometimes, people's reactions were too funny.

"Can we have a bag of doughnuts please??"

"Sure thing."

I got my wallet out of my pocket to get my cash out. 

"What are you doing??" Seth asked.

"I'm getting some cash out. I can't let you pay."

"Randy, it's okay. I'll pay for it." It felt weird having Seth call me Randy and not my real name.

"Actually, it's on the house. Only for you, Mr Rollins." the man said.

"No, that's not right. I'm still a person. I'm not taking it for free." Seth said.

I smiled as I watched him pay. Any normal person would've jumped on having free stuff but I guess Seth wasn't having any of it.

We walked further down the park, eating doughnuts. Every time we walked past people, their eyes would widen. I guess everyone in America knew Seth. Who wouldn't?? Suddenly, Kevin stopped walking. 

"Awww, are you tired Kevin??" Seth asked as he picked him up. 

"It's cute seeing you and your dog. I never really thought of politicians being such softies." I said. 

"It's true. Some politicians are ruthless. They'll do anything to make you look bad. I just wanna do everything fairly, you know?? Some politicians want to become president for the power. They want America to be their slave. I'm not like that. I want to be like one of the people. That's why I'm here with no security. Just me, you and my dog. It's not everyday you see a president walking down the street. I just wanna see what it's like living a normal live."

"Didn't you live a normal life as a child??"

"Yeah, I guess. I did have friends. I went to school like all kids. When I turned 16, I got interested in politics. I saw what kind of country America had become and I wanted to change that. I wanted people to think that when they hear America, they think of freedom, equality."

"Now I know who I'm voting for." I said, making us both chuckle.

"No. If you were gonna vote for someone, don't change your decision. I don't wanna affect your choice."

"No, I actually didn't know who I would vote for. I know now."

I looked at Kevin in Seth's arms and noticed he had fallen asleep.

"I think we better head back." Seth said. "I was hoping maybe we could hang out again. I had fun today. Being a politician and all, it's hard making friends."

"Urrrr....." I didn't know what to do. How long could I pretend that I was Randy Orton, the famous actor?? Seth would find out sooner or later but I felt like I wanted to spend more time with him. "Sure. I'll come."


Randy Orton's Hotel Room

"What have I done??!!" I said. "I'm in huge trouble."

"What do you mean?? Seth Rollins invited you to hang out tomorrow." Chris said.

"Yeah because he thinks I'm Randy Orton. What am I going to do??"

"Go to his room tomorrow." AJ said.

"No way. Randy Orton is gonna come tomorrow. I am not going. I'll just send him instead of me."

"But Dean-"

"No, I'm not gonna keep lying. I'm gonna regret this so bad."

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