Chapter 6: "The Man I Met Yesterday Made My Day." - Seth Rollins ♥

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The Next Day.....

Seth's POV:

I was really excited for today. I was going to see Randy again. I really enjoyed spending time with him yesterday. For a movie star though, he was really quiet and very introverted.

"You seem to be very smiley today." Roman smirked.

"Yeah. I'm meeting my special friend from yesterday." I smiled.

"Ahh, I see. Just make sure you ready for 5 o'clock. You have a press conference."


"I hope you have fun. I'm gonna go and get the stuff for the conference ready. I'll see you at 5."

"Okay, see you later." I said as Roman left.

"Well, looks like it's just you and me buddy." I said as I pet Kevin.


Half an Hour Later.....

There was a knock at the door, making my heart leap as I jumped out of my seat. I quickly rushed to the door with a huge smile on my face but it soon faded when I saw someone else standing there.

"Seth!! Wow, I can't believe you invited me here." this random man said before making his way inside.

"Um....who are you?" I asked, confused with what was going on.

"I'm Randy. Randy Orton. You must've heard about me. I am huge in Hollywood." he said as he sat down.

"But I-"

"I'm very looking forward to our day together. I haven't really told anyone but I always did find you very attractive."

"Oh, well, I'm very flattered but I was expecting someone el-"

"Yeah, you know. You are one of the most powerful men in the world. Imagine the two of us using that power to create something amazing or better yet, making me more famous in Hollywood."

The door knocked and I rushed over to it, hoping the real Randy Orton would be there and not a random person. I opened it and saw the owner of the hotel, Vince McMahon. 

"Hey Seth. Is everything going okay?" he asked.


Vince walked inside with a butler behind him. I couldn't see his face as it was covered by him holding a tray with a few bottles and glasses.

Dean's POV:

As soon as I heard Seth say 'ummm', I knew he had seen the real Randy and must've been confused out of his mind. I tried as hard as I possibly could to keep my face hidden from Seth. If he saw my face, I'd be finished for sure. I just couldn't risk it.

I quickly rushed into the kitchen of Seth's hotel room, acting like everything that was going on was none of my business.

"Dean." I heard Vince whisper to me. "Go and serve them their drinks."

I gulped but nodded, taking the tray and heading towards the table where both Seth and Randy were sitting. Randy seemed to be too busy talking about himself and Seth looked absolutely bored out of his mind.

'I'm sorry Seth but it's for the best, for both of us. Once you find out who I really am, you'll dump me somewhere anyways so why not speed up the process?'

Thankfully, Seth wasn't looking in my direction as I poured the drink into the glasses, meaning my face had been exposed. As soon as I finished pouring, I rushed back into the kitchen. 

"Well done Dean. Everything has been done really well."

"Thank you sir."

After a few moments, I heard Seth talking to Vince.

"Vince, who is that."

"Randy Orton."

"Vince, this is not Randy."

"Yes he is."

"This isn't the man I met yesterday. The man I met yesterday made my day. He was sweet and caring and he was quite shy but I liked that about him. This guy here is not Randy." Seth said, making a small smile appear on my face as my heart fluttered. "He's got blond hair, really handsome. Please find him." he said before leaving as Randy called him.

"Dean, you can leave now." Vince said so I nodded and left the room as quickly as I could.

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