Chapter 11: "I...I Tried To Tell You." - Dean Ambrose ♥

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The Next Morning.....

Dean's POV:

I woke up the next morning, not believing what I had done. I looked over and saw a sleeping Seth next to me. I smiled slightly and kissed his forehead. I had to admit. I was hopelessly in love with him. I couldn't help myself but I knew I couldn't be with him. I got up and climbed out of bed. I tiptoed around the room, trying to be as quiet as possible.

I grabbed all my clothes and rushed to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked very scruffy. My hair was everywhere and I just looked dead. I washed my face and tidied my hair the best I could. I grabbed my phone and called Cesaro.


"Dean, where the fuck are you? You didn't come home yesterday."

"Urrr...I got a little busy last night."

"Ohhhh, I see." he laughed.

"Anyways, I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Okay bye."



Randy's POV:

"Anyways, what I'm planning to do is accidentally bump into him. Gives me an excuse for us to talk." I said to my friend as we walked down the corridor. I saw my friend gasp, looking somewhere so I turned, my eyes widening.

"Isn't he that butler?" he said as I saw him come out of Seth's room.

"Yeah." I said.


"Okay, go forward." I said to the man with the CCTV footage.

I looked and saw the butler in my coat. 

"Oh my god. That's my coat. He's with Seth. Is he pretending to be me?" I gasped.

"I am terribly sorry about this sir."


Dean's POV:

"So, what we need to do is-"

"Ummm....excuse me. Dean and yourself are needed." someone told Vince and I.

I felt my heart drop. I knew I was in trouble now. Everything was over.

We arrived at Randy's hotel room where I saw him and some other guy.

"There he is. Is it normal for you to steal other people's clothes?" Randy asked.

"No I-"

"Shh, don't." he said.

"But I didn't steal-"

"You are very lucky Mr Orton decided not to press charges." the person next to Randy said to me. "I suggest you say as little as possible."

"We have it all on video." Randy said.

"Was everything returned?"

"Yes, of course-" I stopped when I saw Seth and Roman both enter the room. My heart was pounding out of my chest. I am in for it now. 

"Oh I'm very sorry to interrupt you on your busy morning but I thought you should know what was going on as soon as possible." Randy said, practically running to Seth as Seth looked at me.

"What is going on?" Seth asked.

"The man you thought was a guest on this floor was actually the butler on this floor. Aren't you Dean?" Randy said.

I literally wanted to burst into tears. I was so finished. I knew this was going to end badly.

"Wait, his name is Randy." Seth said.

"No, Seth, that's my name." Randy said. "He steals clothes, identities-"

"Wait, wait, wait, what is happening here? Wh-why are you dressed like that?" Seth asked me. "Randy? Is this true?"

"I...I tried to tell you. But it is. It's all true." I said, trying to hold my tears in.

Seth looked shocked, almost heartbroken and that was what got me the most. The fact that I hurt him.

"Oh my goodness. The press are gonna be all over this one." Roman sighed.

"There's no reason to involve the press." Vince said.

"So how are you gonna prevent him from speaking?" Roman asked him.

"This would never happen here." Vince said. "How did no-one notice this?"

Everyone looked at each other, still confused as to what was going on.

"Mr Ambrose, I'm afraid you no longer work here." Vince said, making my heart drop. "Please go to security and hand in your passes and I.D and you'll be escorted from the premises."

I nodded and turned to leave.

"Wait, is this really necessary?" I heard Seth ask.

Seth's POV:

I...I couldn't process what the hell was going on. I had to get out of this room.

"Seth wait." I heard Randy say. "I feel like this is partly my fault."

"It isn't. Spare yourself."

"Ate least let me buy you lunch. After all, we only got each other to get through this." he said, making me roll my eyes.

"Randy, the first lunch was a mistake. The second would be complete torture." I said. He had to know the truth because he was really pissing me off. I quickly left before he could say anything else.

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